Exposing the fraud against children of abuse, Dr. Gardner advanced the Parental Alienation Syndrome in American Family Courts. He viewed sex education of children as a fundamental and innate duty of parents, now under attack by many courts. As an advocate for 9/11 Truth, Richard exposed the link between government brainwashing activity and parental alienation. He was publicly and savagely attacked for these professional insights. Suffering from advancing symptoms of type I Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and no longer capable of standing the pain, Gardner took his own life on May 25, 2003, using a kitchen knife to stab himself multiple times in the chest and neck, so we are told. A deeper story is that he was targeted by CIA assassins for his work in exposing childhood brainwashing, which is largely sex based.
The key requirement of Nazi Mind Control is sexual repression at childhood. The historically all-important parental duty of sex education is suppressed or demonized in order to keep children unnaturally ignorant and "programmable."
Gardner's main contribution was to draw attention to parental alienation processes, that is, how one parent may misuse the powers of socialization to turn a child against a once loved parent. Gardner's labeling of alienation processes as a "syndrome" remains controversial among psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists.Parental alienation syndrome has been extensively criticized by some scientists and jurists, who describe it as inadmissible in child custody hearings based on both science and law.
The issues he raised, by their nature, stirred considerable controversy. Because of this, he felt compelled to publish a rebuttal before he died. Noteworthy scholars such as Bruce Sales have cast serious doubt upon the workings of the family courts in the United States and elsewhere. Furthermore, scandals in New York City and San Diego have blown open a small window into the world of custody evaluation and revealed what may be a massive corruption scam. Gardner has been criticized for his atypical views on sexuality and pedophilia. His views have been compared to The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a political, civil rights and educational organization that advocates sex between adult males and male children. It has been stated that Gardner’s theory of human sexuality, sees "adult-child sexual contact as benign and beneficial to the reproduction of the species."
Richard Gardner, as a denial of such infamant assertions, explained Misperceptions versus facts about Richard A. Gardner, and was published in The American Journal of Family Therapy October 2002: « I believe that pedophilia is a bad thing for society. I do believe, however, that pedophilia, like all other forms of atypical sexuality is part of the human repertoire and that all humans are born with the potential to develop any of the forms of atypical sexuality (which are referred to as paraphilias by DSM-IV). My acknowledgment that a form of behavior is part of the human potential is not an endorsement of that behavior. Rape, murder, sexual sadism, and sexual harassment are all part of the human potential. This does not mean I sanction these abominations. ».
"As a political advocate, Gardner lobbied to abolish mandated reporting of child abuse, to abolish immunity for reporters of child abuse, and for the creation of federally funded programs to assist individuals claiming to be falsely accused." Hyper abuse hysteria is the deliberate attempt to destroy the parental duty of sex education so as to advance wrongful custody or brainwashing activities, most of which are covert.
His work in exposing "childhood sex abuse" allegations with a disturbing trend toward childhood brainwashing and parental alienation are found in these reports and lectures:
(1) June 11 "The Parental Alienation Syndrome"
The Ninth Annual Herschfeld Lecture
St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center
Paterson, New Jersey
(2) Oct. 30 "The Parental Alienation Syndrome"
New Jersey Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
Nutley, New Jersey
(3) Jan. 13 "Differentiating Between Bona Fide and Fabricated
Sex-Abuse Allegations in Children"
New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education
Jamestown, New Jersey
(4) Oct. 31 Full-Day Series of Presentations on the Differentiation
Between Fabricated and Bona Fide Sex Abuse
Allegations of Children
Victims of Child Abuse Laws (VOCAL)
Tampa, Florida
(5) Nov. 4 "Child Sex Abuse Allegations: Actual and Fabricated"
"Mental Health Association of Essex County
East Orange, New Jersey
(6) Feb. 5 Full-Day Lecture Series on Psychotherapy of Child Sex
Abuse and Other Forms of Childhood Psychopathology
Charter Hospital
Jacksonville, Florida
(7) Feb. 26 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation,
Child Sex Abuse, and Child Psychotherapy
Kings View Psychiatric Center
Reedley, California
(8) Feb. 27 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse and
Child Therapy
Clinical Training, Inc.
Los Angeles, California
(9) March 4 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse and
Child Psychotherapy
Psychological Associates
Raleigh, North Carolina
(10) March 11 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation,
Child Sex Abuse, Psychotherapy of Child Sex Abuse,
and Family Therapy
Brookhaven Psychiatric Pavilion
Dallas, Texas
(11) March 25 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse and
Child Psychotherapy
Clinical Training, Inc.
Chicago, Illinois
(12) April 16 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation
and Sex Abuse
State University of California at Fullerton
Fullerton, California
(13) June 28 Full-Day Series of Presentations on the Psychiatric
and Legal Aspects of Child Custody Litigation
and Child Sex Abuse (A joint legal and psychiatric
Forbes Regional Health Center
Monroeville, Pennsylvania
(14) Sept. 30 "The Parental Alienation Syndrome and the
Differentiation Between Fabricated and Genuine
Child Sex Abuse"
American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
New York, New York
(15) March 11 "Is the Allegation of Sexual Abuse Fabricated or
The Illinois Trial Lawyers Association
Chicago, Illinois
(16) May 17 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse, Divorce,
and Attention-Deficit Disorder
Parkland Hospital
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
(17) June 9 Full-Day Lecture Series on child Custody Litigation
and Child Sex Abuse
Division of Child Psychiatry
Oregon Health Sciences University
Portland, Oregon
(18) June 16 Full-Day Series of Presentations on Parental Alienation
Syndrome, Child Custody Litigation, and Child Sex
The Interdisciplinary Committee on Child Custody
Denver, Colorado
(19) Nov. 17 The Parental Alienation Syndrome and Differentiating
Between Fabricated and Bona Fide Sex Abuse
State Board of Arizona
Phoenix, Arizona
(20) Feb. 17 Full-Day Lecture Series on Custody Litigation and
Child Sex Abuse
Baptist Medical Center
Jacksonville, Florida
(21) June 22 One Week (half-days) Lecture Series on Child and
Adolescent Psychotherapy
Albert Einstein Colllege of Medicine
Eleventh Cape Cod Institute
Eastham, Massachusetts
(22) Oct. 4 "True and False Allegations on Child Sex Abuse"
Department of Child Psychiatry
Queens Children's Psychiatric Center
New York, New York
(23) Dec. 1 "Differentiating Between Fabricated and Bona Fide
Sex Abuse Allegations"
"Psychotherapy of Child Sex Abuse"
Department of Psychology
Adelphi University
Garden City, New York
(24) March 1 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody and Sex
Abuse Litigation
Raising a Healthy Child, Inc.
Tallahassee, Florida
(25) March 21 "Differentiating Between True and False Sex-Abuse
"Attention Deficit Disorder: Fact or Fantasy?"
SHP/Health Shield
Poughkeepsie, New York
(26) April 19 Half-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse
Half-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Green Oaks Psychiatric Hospital
Dallas, Texas
(27) Sept. 25 "Differentiating Between True and False Child Sex
New York Society of Forensic Sciences
Lehman College
Bronx, New York
(28) Oct. 3 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Child Sex Abuse
D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital
Brewton, Alabama
(29) Oct. 11 "Differentiating Between True and False Child Sex-
Abuse Accusations"
Department of Psychiatry
Manhattan Psychiatric Center
Wards Island, New York
(30) March 20 "The Parental Alienation Syndrome"
"Child Custody Litigation"
National Council on Children's Rights
Arlington, Virginia
(31) April 3 Full-Day Series of Presentations on Child Custody
Litigation and Child Sex Abuse
Creative Educational Enterprises
Nemacolin Woodlands
Farmington, Pennsylvania
(32) April 8 "Guidelines for Deciding Child Custody Disputes"
"Differentiating Between True and False Child Sex-
Abuse Accusations"
Superior Court Judges Orientation Seminar
Princeton, New Jersey
(33) May 1 "Differentiating Between True and False Accusations of
Child Sex Abuse"
"The Parental Alienation Syndrome" (Keynote Speech)
Ninth Annual Conference
New York State Council on Divorce Mediation
Suffern, New York
(34) Aug. 3-7 Five Half-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody, Sex
Abuse, Psychotherapeutic Games, The Antisocial
Child, and Family Therapy
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Cape Cod Institute
Eastham, Massachusetts
(35) Aug. 29 Half-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation
National Council for Men and Children
Detroit, Michigan
(36) Oct. 14 "Differentiating Between True and False Sex-
Accusations in Child Custody Disputes"
Department of Child Psychiatry
St. Vincent's Hospital
New York, New York
(37) Nov. 5 Keynote Presentations
Half-Day Lecture Series on the Parental Alienation
Half-Day Lecture Series on Differentiating
Between True and False Sex-Abuse Accusations
Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the American
Association of Matrimonial Lawyers
Chicago, Illinois
(38) Feb. 5 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Desert Hills Center for Youth and Families
Tucson, Arizona
(39) Feb. 27 "Psychological Evaluation of the Allegedly Abused
"Psychotherapy of Child Sexual Abuse"
Dept. of Psychology
Adelphi University
Garden City, New York
(40) April 2 Half-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Half-Day Lecture Series on Sexual Abuse in Children
and Adults
Methodist Richard Young Hospital
Omaha, Nebraska
(41) April 15 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation
and Child Sexual Abuse (to mental health
University of Kansas Medical Center
Hays, Kansas
(42) April 16 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation
and Child Sexual Abuse (to law enforcement and
legal professionals)
University of Kansas Medical Center
Hays, Kansas
(43) April 19 Full-Day Lecture Series in the Treatment of Children,
Adolescents, and Families
Independence, Ohio
(44) April 20 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse
Columbus, Ohio
(45) May 1 "Revising the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment
Act: Our Best Hope for Dealing with Sex-Abuse
Hysteria in the U.S."
National Council for Children's Rights
Seventh National Conference
Bethesda, MD
(46) May 6-7 Two-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Sexually Abused Children
Lancaster County Committee on Child Abuse
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
(47) May 12 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Baptist Health Care Center
Beaumont, Texas
(48) May 22 "The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Families in Which
Sexual Abuse Has Been Fabricated"
The Association of Trial Lawyers of America
National College of Advocacy
Las Vegas, Nevada
(49) July 25 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child
Psychotherapeutic Techniques
Department of Psychology
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Teaneck, New Jersey
(50) Aug. 20 Full-Day Lecture Series on Differentiating
Between True and False Sex-Abuse Accusations
University of Lund
Lund, Sweden
(51) Sept. 17 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Family Service of Beaver/Butler County
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
(52) Oct. 1 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapy
and Sex Abuse
The Family Service League of Suffolk County
West Islip, New York
(53) Oct. 16 Child Sex Abuse and Hysteria:
1890s (Austria)/1990s (U.S.)
1993 Sigmund Freud Laureate Lecture
The Society of Medical Psychoanalysts
New York, New York
(54) Oct. 28-29 Two-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Orlando, Florida
(55) Nov. 11-12 Two-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Worcester, Massachusetts
(56) Nov. 19 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Custody Litigation
Department of Psychiatry,
School of Medicine
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
(57) Feb. 17 One-Hour Presentation
"Child Sexual Abuse: Distinguishing Fact
from Fiction"
The Carrier Clinic
Belle Mead, NJ
(58) Mar 10-11 Two-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Child Sex Abuse and Differentiating
Between True and False Accusations
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Mentor, Ohio
(59) April 8 Full-Day Series of Presentations:"Contemporary Issues
in the Treatment of Child Sex Abuse"
Dept. of School Psychology
Bucknell University
Lewisburg, PA
(60) April 9 One-Hour Presentation: "Sex-Abuse Hysteria in the
United States"
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Washington, D.C.
(61) April 13 Half-Day Presentation on Child Sexual Abuse
Annual Meeting, Children's Rights Council
Washington, D.C.
(62) Apr. 28-29 Two-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Child Sex Abuse and Differentiating
Between True and False Accusations
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Mentor, Ohio
(63) May 14 Full-Day of Presentations on The Parental Alienation
Syndrome and Differentiation Between True and False
Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse
Forensic Psychological Services
Tempe (near Phoenix) Arizona
(64) May 26 Full-Day Series of Presentations on Assessment and
Treatment of Child Sex Abuse
Psychologists Association of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta - Canada
(65) June 3 Full-Day Series of Presentations on Child-Custody
Litigation and Child Sexual Abuse
Tenth Family Law Institute
State Bar of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
(66) June 24 Full-Day Series of Presentations on True and False
Accusations of Child Sex Abuse
Utah Psychological Association
Utah Chapter, National Association of Social Workers
Salt Lake City, Utah
(67) Aug. 15-19 Five Half-Day Presentation Series on Child Sexual
Abuse Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Cape Cod Summer Institute
Eastham, Massachusetts
(68) Sept. 12-13 Two-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse and
Psychotherapeutic Techniques
Garrison House Seminars
Front Royal, Virginia
(69) Sept. 23 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
School of Continuing Education
Marywood College
Scranton, Pennsylvania
(70) Oct. 5-6 One-and-a-Half-Days of Presentations on Child Sexual
University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway
(71) Oct. 27 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Detroit, Michigan
(72) Nov. 11 "Child Sex Abuse and Suggestibility"
The 1994 Litigation/Claims Management Conference
Eagle International Associates
New York, New York
(73) Nov. 17 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(74) Feb. 11 Full-Day Presentation Series on Child Custody
Litigation and Child Sex Abuse
Idaho Psychiatric Association
Boise, Idaho
(75) March 24 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sex Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Charlotte, North Carolina
(76) April 1 "Differentiating Between True and False Sex-Abuse
Accusations in Child-Custody Disputes"
Keynote Presentation
Council for Children's Rights
Washington, D.C.
(77) June 8 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
St. Louis, Missouri
(78) June 9 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Sexual Abuse
Sponsored by David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
Continuing Education Seminars
Kansas City, Missouri
(79) Oct. 12 "Sex-Abuse Hysteria in the United States: The False
Sex-Abuse Accusation"
Eagle Associates
London, England
(80) Feb. 20 "The Embedment in the Brain Circuitry Phenomenon"
The American Society of Psychoanalytic Physicians
New York, New York
(81) Mar. 14 "Differentiating Between True and False Sex-Abuse
Accusations in Child-Custody Disputes"
Grand Rounds Presentation
New York Medical College
Valhalla, New York
(82) June 19 "Sex-Abuse Hysteria in the United States: How It
Arose and What We Can Do About It"
The Presbyterian Hospital
New York, New York
(83) Sept. 13 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Childhood Sexual Abuse
The Child Protection Team and the
Wyoming Chapter of the National Association of Social
Laramie, Wyoming
(84) Oct. 3 "Sex Abuse Hysteria: Fact or Fantasy?"
The Eighth Annual Linda M. Weissman Memorial
The Pennsylvania Hospital
Philadelphia, PA
(85) Oct. 11 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Montana Chapter of the National Association of Social
West Yellowstone, Montana
(86) Nov. 18 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Psychotherapy of
Common Childhood Disorders
David R. Lima, ACSW, Inc.
New Orleans, LA
(87) Feb. 18 "Repression, Dissociation, and Sexual Abuse
Accusations: Is Your Patient's Sex-Abuse Allegation
Fact or Fantasy?"
Society of Medical Psychoanalysts
New York, New York
(88) April 30 "Sex Abuse Hysteria in North America and Western
Europe: Will the Hysteria Spread to Russia?"
Department of Psychology
University of St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, Russia
(89) May 9 "Is Truth in Jeopardy?
True and False Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse"
Full Day Program Presented Jointly with
Stephen J. Ceci, Ph.D.
Sponsored by the Ohio Bar Association
Columbus, OH
(90) June 6 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Lima Associates
Boston, Massachusetts
(91) Oct. 23 Half-Day Lecture on the Parental Alienation Syndrome
Half-Day Lecture on the Differentation Between True
and False Sex-Abuse Accusations in Child Custody
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland
(92) Oct. 24 Half-Day Lecture on Differentiating Between the
Parental Alienation Syndrome and Bona-Fide Abuse
Children's Rights Council
Washington, D.C.
(93) Dec. 11 Half-Day Lecture on Differentiating Between True and
False Sex-Abuse Accusations
Charter Behavioral Health Systems of New Jersey
Summit, New Jersey
(94) Feb. 20 Full-Day Lecture Series on Child Psychotherapeutic
Department of Psychology
University of Loyola, Maryland Campus
Columbia, MD
(95) March 1-5 Four Full-Day Lectures on Child Psychotherapeutic
Techniques and Forensic Child Psychiatry
Israel Institute for Systemic Studies and Family and
Personal Change
Herzylia, Israel
(96) May 14 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Parental Alienation
Syndrome and Differentiating Between True and
False Child Sex Abuse
Lima Associates
Springfield, New Jersey
(97) May 20 Children of Divorce
South Carolina Association of Marriage and Family
Charleston, South Carolina
(98) May 21 Psychotherapy with Children of Divorce
South Carolina Association of Marriage and
Family Counselors
Charleston, South Carolina
(99) June 5 The Parental Alienation Syndrome
Department of Psychiatry,
Mt. Sinai Hospital
New York, New York
(100) June 24 The Parental Alienation Syndrome
Open University
The Netherlands
(101) June 29-
July 3 Five Half-Day Lecture Series on the Diagnosis
and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Cape Cod Summer Institute
Eastham, Massachusetts
(102) Aug. 23-24 Two-Day Lecture Series:
1) Psychotherapeutic Techniques with Children and
2) The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Diagnosis and
Lima Associates
Indianopolis, Indiana
(103) Aug. 26-27 Two-Day Lecture Series:
1) Psychotherapeutic Techniques with Children and
2) The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Diagnosis and
Lima Associates
Cleveland, Ohio
(104) Sept. 26 1) PAS and Sex Abuse Accusations: Update
2) Misperceptions Versus Facts About Richard A.
Children's Rights Council
Old Town Alexandria, Virginia
(105) Oct. 4-5 Two-Day Lecture Series:
1) Psychotherapeutic Techniques with Children and
2) The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Diagnosis and
Lima Associates
Atlanta, Georgia
(106) Oct. 7-8 Two-Day Lecture Series:
1) Psychotherapeutic Techniques with Children and
2) The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Diagnosis and
Lima Associates
Nashville, Tennessee
(107) Oct. 16 Psychotherapy with Children of Divorce Carrier Clinic
Belle Mead, NJ
(108) Oct. 30 Half-Day Lecture on The Parental Alienation
Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment
The American Academy of Forensic Examiners
New York, New York
(109) Nov. 12 Full-Day Lecture Series on the Parental Alienation
Syndrome, Child Sexual Abuse, and
Psychotherapeutic Techniques
Waukesha Memorial Hospital
Waukesha, WI
(110) Feb. 17 The Parental Alienation Syndrome
Long Island Jewish Medical Center
New Hyde Park, New York
(111) June 15-
16 Two-Day Lecture Series on Psychotherapeutic
Techniques with Children and Adolescents
and The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Diagnosis and
Lima Associates
Minneapolis, Minnesota
(112) Sept. 5-6 1) "The Parental Alienation Syndrome"
2) "Differentiating Between True and False Sex Abuse Allegations in Child Custody Disputes"
Pathways Treatment Center
Whitefish, Montana
(113) Sept. 10 "The Causes of the Denial of the Word
Syndrome in The Parental Alienation Syndrome"
Kensington Institute
London, England
(114) Oct. 19-20 1) "The Parental Alienation Syndrome: Past, Present
and Future
2) "How the Denial of the Parental Alienation
Syndrome Harms Women
International Conference on the Parental Alienation
Syndrome (PAS)
Frankfurt/Main Germany
(115) Jan. 30 The Parental Alienation Syndrome
Grand Rounds Presentation
The Montefiore Hospital Medical Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY

The End of America: Movie
9/11 Visibility Website
The Exceptional Patriot: Dr. David Ray Griffin
The Exceptional Patriot: Naomi Wolf
The Exceptional Patriot: Charlie Sheen
The Exceptional Patriot: Ed Asner
The Exceptional Patriot: Jesse Ventura
The Exceptional Patriot: Richard Gage
The Exceptional Patriot: Dr. Richard Gardener
The Exceptional Patriot: Kenny Johannemann
Primitive Evil Resurrected in Bedford, Pennsylvania
The Brainwashing of Children in America
Zeitgeist: Addendum---The true source of Terrorism and Slavery

Top Lists
Gardner was a paedophile.
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ReplyDeleteThis dude was a horrible, horrible man. So awesome that he stabbed himself 7 times in the throat and heart. He must have finally realized how many children he threw under the bus. It's so awesome that he killed himself. This makes me so happy. Ahhhh.
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