911 The Real Matrix: Absolute Mind Control is not Irreversible
As our society morphs into an absolute federal police state with more and more absolute controls, you will begin to understand that this was all planned by an extra-constitutional conspiracy, the real matrix of Mind Control. It has been horribly used against you as a patriot. You utterly fell for it, you and millions of others. The who and why of 9/11 was thoroughly pressed by our government and media before what actually happened was ever considered in any depth. Elements within our government can now launch false wars and totalitarian deception simply by manipulating a few key elements of theatre as "perfected" by actual Nazi Mind Control. What happened on 9/11 is thoroughly repressed by false emotions of who and why. This Mind Control agenda has a very long CIA paper trail tracing back to the 1947 National Security Act at the Bohemian Grove death cult. Bohemian Grove members also developed the Atomic bomb and you would be highly negligent to trivialize or ignore their work in Mind Control. Do your own research, learn the truth and get involved with saving our nation from the worst traitors in U.S. history!
President Ford set a precedent by pardoning Nixon. If it were to be "too traumatic" for the American people to try Nixon in a real court of law, such "trauma" becomes a reason specific Pentagon PsyOps operations are launched. As powerful emotional blackmail, Pentagon missions are advanced precisely because exposure of said missions will be "too traumatic" for the American people. This is PsyOps, using your deeply held belief system against you. Such operations are chosen for their inherent disbelievability, their potential for traumatizing a thoroughly mind-controlled American people and, of course, to serve the military industrial complex.
Before you dismiss 9/11 as not being a false-flag attack consider this: suppose your government fully believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and was intent on using them in an American city killing millions. Your government also beieved that only a sizable demonstration of power would wake up the American people to this threat. Would a false-flag attack then make more and more sense as a controlled "lesser evil" to the Machiavellian personalities in the White House?
CIA whistleblowers have come out to say that Mind Control has been used on the "terrorists" to convince them they planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks. Why must they be so brainwashed? Only a real court of law can get to the facts.
In the post-Orwellian age of totalitarian deception, we do not expect you to believe this or any other website. The exceptional patriot must do his or her own research and realize that the American people have been brainwashed into a mythic system where Popularity=Truth. Once government dominates all that is popular, it can fully manipulate this idea of "truth." The real truth in a mind-controlled society will become the most unpopular subject for the emotional mind. The rational mind, however, can defeat this brainwashing. Remember, the secret government has brainwashed Americans to deeply believe its agents are "parental" so that government is empowered as the Machiavellian manipulator, invisible to your rational mind.
Understand that your Mockingbird media is a totalitarian deception. To defy this deception, one must ascend the cliffs of Niagara falls. Truly, the raging currents of the banal fully repress the truth. Even as your media is set-up to present "political discussions," such is an illusion as the most significant discussions are never allowed through a sickening peer-pressure of top-down, political cyborgs. You will know these cyborgs when they come for your children: they have a total disregard for the Constitution. Remember, the real power system is elite vs. non-elite and all other "politics" is pure deception. The agenda is fully set by an extra-constitutional elite. As Valerie Plame, a long-time CIA asset, and countless others get major book deals sexing-up the CIA, they are all advancing deceptive "political argument." Even those who put down the CIA as a monumental failure are setting you up for deception. The CIA according to its own perverse value system is no failure! The real issue is that our own highly duplicitous federal government carried out the 9/11 atrocities, and we are meant to be fully manipulated away from this fact by highly contrived "political arguments" which serve only distraction and deception. Ask yourself, who set up Mockingbird, did he then achieve near-universal political power, for himself and for his son? George Bush's Mockingbird media will never tell you this truth! They are mere cyborgs.
Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, Francesco Cossiga has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy's most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Isreal's Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies. There are now hundreds of intelligence operatives speaking out about "false flag" terror attacks through Operation Gladio. The American public is so thoroughly mind-controlled by mass media Mockingbird operations, that they are functionally political basket cases.
Apart from running or hiding from these political control devices, I delve deeply into them exposing them. You can do the same. The lack of confusion on 911 is a dead giveaway that this was a massive programming event. The FBI acted within 15 minutes of the attack to seize critical evidence that would prove a federal conspiracy, simultaneously advanced incredible "evidence" of a bin Laden connection and acted as the parent figure. Everyone in intelligence knows about parallel operations designed to mimic known terror groups or foreign operations, yet even the FBI did not present this very common form of deception as a possibility. Instead, the FBI immediately laid out "evidence" of a direct bin Ladin connection hours after the attack with military precision. Yet the careful and deliberate circumvention of real courts is a dead giveaway of pure political theatre. Powerful conformist psychology has been deliberately applied to us from birth to accept this top-down conspiracy. This conformist psychology comes from government and not real parents.
The Mind Control Matrix is an elaborate scheme of groupthink intimately involving you and me. Even as much of this psychology is sophisticated and complex, the basics are not difficult to understand. This 911 Mind Control Matrix is a sophisticated conspiracy to undermine and destroy the Constitution of the United States. It is the true Monster Plot where a coup is advanced through a totalitarian deception and theatre of the absurd. Most of this deception will be advanced by "marionettes" who are never made aware of the real plot and the real elitist conspirators. But the elite are united in their quest to demoralize and manipulate the American population as they intend to manipulate this population as militant blind conformists for world domination and eugenics.
The 911 attacks are based upon trauma effects on the human mind perfected by Mengele in Nazi death camps. Trauma and terror are critical for total brainwashing. Mengele determined that hysteria and trauma will break children from their parents and make them slaves for the elite. Therefore the deliberate, covert use of hysteria-building devices is developed as a very sophisticated "science." These trauma effects have now been fully normalized against the vast majority of Americans even though they clearly originate from ancient slave-making arts. Trauma is now routinely advanced as a cover for vast government crimes. The elite have set up false courts and false science which traffic millions of non-elite children toward the Pentagon. This "science" of learned ignorance and programmed bureaucrats over parents also programs children for political bigotry, population control and militancy. These devices for making slaves have been employed for thousands of years and are now completely obvious.
Until we begin to use the correct language to describe trauma-based programming of children, parents and the culture as a whole, this abuse of power will only get worse. Emotional contagion will be spread upon us to drive us like cattle and they will do so as "parent" figures and "sun gods" which cannot be questioned in real courts. The most fundamental structure of this monumental fraud is a tetrahedron power structure where anyone can study the three pillars of the Illuminati's plan for absolute World Domination: they will first employ Shock and Awe and then impose Sex, Drugs and Usury Mind Control devices. The sex, drugs and usury devices require ignorance programmed into children in these three areas. The CIA has a very long paper trail of establishing these Mind Control devices against U.S. citizens by destroying and manipulating the critical knowledge that would protect children. These devices of slavery have been implemented since 1947 and are now fully "normalized." You must study these devices for what they are: powerful subconscious slave-making devices which come direct from Nazi Germany.
The 911 attacks were a classic trauma-based mass Mind Control event. This event does not serve terrorism, it serves wrongful government. To understand this, you must ask yourself: how were Americans programmed on 911? Who did this programming serve? This programming for war is being extensively documented as a Mind Control conspiracy, since the media was fully complicit in building a steady and consistent drumbeat for war during the 911 events. What will be even more disturbing to you is the synchronicity of symbolism, imagery and powerfully imbedded archetypes which were triggered in you on 9/11. These powerful archetypes were programmed into to you since birth. To understand this, you must begin to understand real psychology and the enormous amount of Alpha-level programming which you have endured your entire life. You will begin to understand that our Congress' concerns about comic books in the 1950s was not so peculiar. This was the time in our history where our federal government was beginning to understand the power of Alpha-level Mind Control. They then secretly advanced this powerful witchcraft against us through massive repetition in all media. Televisions were deliberately set to the most hypnotic flicker rates, your media "parents" were fully programmed into you as such.
On 9/11, the media issued "facts" that they could not possibly have known. The FBI issued "facts" that were completely bogus on their face. They omitted the most obvious fact of all: the CIA has actively pursued such grandiose psychic attacks for decades! In fact, this overwhelmingly important fact was bowled over by trauma-based imagery. The CIA's Northwoods plans for totalitarian deception using your own mind against you were highly advanced for decades. Now they had a president willing to employ these horrific methods. This is no accident. The trauma-event served to clear the minds of millions of Americans in classic Mind Control trauma programming. Americans then became incapable of asking the most obvious and rational questions. The media then operated as a mass programmer of the nation's collective subconscious mind on a religious-patriotic level of mind where issues of authority are programmed. Millions of Americans were programmed to advance emotion-based war-logic and not reason-based justice or constitutional clarity. This trauma-based "fog of war" has been actively perfected by the CIA for decades. This is so obvious, that most Americans will simply turn away from this fact completely demoralized or in full denial as political conformists to absolute treason. These Americans are not patriots! It's time to wake up!
Like this website, I have believed for a long time that a type of mental influencing occurs through psychic, psychological and possibly psychotronic means. My understanding came from a feeling in which the responses of people and my gut reactions were not matching. There is a type of energy that comes up around a zone of influence; there is also a type of energy inside a person when you yourself feel someone messing with your buttons. Learning increasingly become sensitive and alert to this is a firm way of fighting the issues of mind control and a policed state. You need to be sensitive enough to this sort of thing to walk into a room and start feeling out the people there immediately, you need to sense people when you are writing to them over the internet, you need to sense it when you are having a relationship with someone anywhere. I do not pretend to have maximized my abilities on this, I have a lot to learn, but I also sense enough to know this is a major way to push back the types of things that happened around 9/11, including the heightened aftermath of increased "Homeland Security" and the NSA invasions of our privacy. I believe the more psychic people are, the more emotionally, spiritually and intellectually developed they become. There is a threshold point where some people gain a certain level of ability and become corrupt, misusing their psychic knowledge, but those who continue on the path become increasingly more profound and intolerant of violence and wasteful uses of human life and time on the planet. The more evolved people become, the more they will not want to play the stupid games like what went down around 9/11.
(cont) The people who are behind that may be smart in certain ways, but there are others truly more intelligent and profound than that - they just need to figure out a way to mobilize their efforts against the behind the door antics which have misplaced the power in certain ways. You have to figure out their resources first and foremost, and cut that off. You have to find the numerous ways they are getting paid and supported, and I am afraid we have to consider off-planet resources as a possibility. You have to figure out a way to take power back from the NSA in terms of their invading our emails and using other surveillance-related arenas. If we cannot do this quickly enough through the court system, I strongly suggest we turn off the internet - period. Just turn it off. That will cut off a tremendous amount of their power and espionage activities and may stop an upcoming disaster. We can go back to a pre-internet world - we lived that way for a very long time and we can certainly do it again. Another thing we need to be extremely cautious about is protecting any place in the world that is a resource for water; I think this is a significant source of negative control and corruption.j I am sensing an energy around water in our country with this police state material. I don't feel comfortable with who has an eye on controlling or do something negative to our main water supplies. I am picking up an energy around Lake Mead, for example. It's more than just desert-safe protection of water reserves; it goes beyond that. I am also sensing a possible upcoming disaster of some kind; it feels very quick and violent and on a large scale level, and I think we need to focus on this as a possibility. I am sensing outages and people trying to put back together small facilities on meager supplies and resources. It's an after-disaster image I am picking up. Our attentions may be drawn to other things even though we mean well, it could be we need to prioritize. I think the main thing we have to do is selectively pick the most immediate issues and a put a very high level of focus on that. None of us wants to become the bad guys. There is a fear that like in Orwell's book, we will be given the apparent option of destroying our enemies to the point we lose our souls. The main characters were tricked into admitting and believing they would do anything including really terrible things to people in their country to get rid of Big Brother. It was a double-edged choice in which neither choice took them out of hell. We cannot go there, but we also have to realize that we are dealing with something tricky and you have to know where they influence and where they come in (and again how they are paid). The main thing is to cut off their source and lines of power before this goes on much longer. Don't keep feeding them financially or otherwise, and if they have found a type of self-sufficient distance from main money and power sources, you need to identify that, but also be clear on those arenas where they may still need us to stay up and running (ie, taxes, deflected government funding and so on).
Other images which have come up are an abused Bush, Jr. - years of abuse. His bad behavior in politics may not have been just corrupt politician in a line of corruption in the government. One way I notice abuse in people is through energy of possible trauma around their heads. I noticed this when recently I was doing healing energy work on people's bodies. When i came to their heads, with some people I would pick up possible abuse and trauma more than with other people. It was a type of energy signal. I pick this up around Bush, Jr. and what comes up around this is one reason he said what he said, did what he while President. On another note, another image that came up a long time ago was something about Condoleezza Rice having someone come into her area, maybe her office while at work, and have a gun to her head, so that there was some kind of threat to do this or that, or it would be her life. Another image which came up also a long time ago was of Rumfeld around his barn beating up on people, that he was personally abusive. What I will explain around the Rice image is that it could have something to do with etheric presences in which people are moving around etherically rather in direct personal contact. I pick up foreshadowing of events in which etheric things are going on but may not mirror themselves in physical reality exactly the same way. The things I pick up precognitively may have an etheric element to it which accurately portrays a trend or emotional system being played out but may wind up manifesting physically differently. But it can also manifest exactly as I see it precognitively. Whether Rice has ever been intimidated like that or not, I suggest psychically looking into it as one possibility for some of her behaviors and approaches in government before, during and after 9/11. What I am saying here is that although I am not seeking excuses for bad political behavior in the Bush administration, my psychic sense is picking up on some possible intimidations and abuses which may have had something to do with what was going on behind the scenes over 9/11 and other things. I also pick up that Obama's wife may be being messed with; I sense possible energy of abuse and interference around her. I also sense that Obama is not personally getting the same kind of energy of interference. He has his own issues, but she is getting it in a different way than he is getting it.
(cont.) My past experience with my psychic impressions is that I am often right but that everything like this needs to be given a balanced "what if" look over. I don't honestly believe that we can cut off the internet, satellite or widespread networks just like that to thwart a possible disaster, but I think grassroots organizations need to be thinking about ways of communicating with each other and conducting business separately from the now mainstream - off the grid, so to speak. In addition, they need to be thinking about creating separate lab stations to check out things like water, soil and air quality and also humans for contaminations, mind control technology and abuses. They need to have these labs also out of loop of wired control and surveillance. It seems difficult to get around HEPA when HEPA seems to be something to protect us, but it seems to be hooked into major insurance, surveillane and anti-real help controls. You get hooked into somethng the minute you walk into or work in any facility connected with or under the review of HEPA. We want safeguards for people's health and safety without fail, but HEPA has I believe become part of the problem. These are an assemblage of things which came up as possibilities in my psychic or intuitive feelings or visions over the past few weeks or more. Reading up on 9/11 with more depth and clarity than ever before has spurred more of this kind of intuition. This webpage is excellent. I will add that although the author mentions buzzwords that politicians and media use, the words "Orwellian" and "Machiavellian" may also carry emotional tones which set people off. Although well meaning and often correct, I would encourage the author to watch his tone to make sure he himself is not using a type of charismatic emotional sway on his readers. I will continue to go through Robertscourt material and give it careful review, but I do add this as one possible concern with the author and his website. The author's tone in and of itself may also be hypnotic and emotionally persuasive, in other words. I have found myself wondering if he still has some hypnotic aspects in his life being passed along into this writings, even though he himself knows the pitfalls or that it is or has been around him. He may still be dealing with this issue himself so it shows up as a tone and word choice feeling in his writing. I definitely think he is worth listening to, however. I take his website as one possible serious resource on a number of topics in our country. I do not discount him whatsoever because of these concerns.
One other thing that comes up around this author and his website is a possibility that he is saying one thing, doing another. My first blogs, on another webpage, caused some people to come into my space etherically. Two things stand out today as to what happened. One is that I felt the people were sniffing or pushing for donations to this website. The other thing is that a group of men seemed to come around sexually (as in group rape). Again, this happened psychically - on the etheric. I am very sensitive to things that come around etherically because I have experienced before in other contexts. Another possibility around this author and his website is that he listens to old 1930s or 1940s Nazi military music. It has a hypnotic quality. If it is not himself listening to this and having a type of hypnotic sway in his aura and on this website, it is something around him or connected with him in some way. What is confusing about all this that he seems to give out a good amount of pro-American material in the sense of saving "old" America against an invaded America. I bought into this on one hand at first, but had these other possibilities (that he is not really pro-America) come up from the very beginning. In other words, the suspicion that he might have a hidden agenda came up through the energy in the words and the energy of both one man and several man in association with this website and blogs came up from the beginning - but I am now choosing to speak out on it more fully although I have hinted or given small indications of concerns in other blogs both on this webpage and the webpage on Monarch attacks of children. On that webpage, I am wordy and there are a number of blogs over an extended period, but one reason for this is that I had continued psychic impressions regarding the material on this website in one way or another. Usually people do not carry on blogs like that over an extended period, and I do not usually do that on websites - but there was something going on behind the scenes regarding both the information of this website and the author himself - as well as anyone connected to him. Is he a Nazi pretending to be something else? I do not know. Are there others around him who are psychically awake, watching these blogs, and who come around the blog writers for donations on one hand, and if that does not come in, and if the blogs do not suit their purposes, do they psychically attack the person or otherwise come around and mess with the energy in some way? I don't know, but it comes up as a possibility. Is the anti-Israel Mossad link this website makes to 9/11 a type of anti-Jew Nazi thing? I do not know, but it comes as a possibility. This includes any other alternative news "democracy" types who point fingers at Israel. On one hand, don't get me wrong, I sense something funky around the Israel Mossad thing - it comes up as a possibility they may in fact have had something to do with 9/11. On the other hand, I wonder if it is a Nazi thing to denigrate Israel. So....the point is...we all have to be careful and on our toes...do not trust or be manipulated. Because I do have enough concern that this website may not be what it seems to be, I am not going to make donations although I had considered it. I have had enough warning bells to suggest something may be off here to hold off. In addition, although originally some of the energy around this website and my blogs felt like "family", I had those other concerns mentioned above from the beginning and in the past few days, I have decided there are enough concerns about duplicity here that I am considering it "family" anymore. One other etheric level concern that has come up, for example, is that these people themselves may be holding mock trials both on people in their local area and kidnapping these people and killing them or abusing them. If it is not in association with this author directly, it may be related to someone around him, someone he knows.
(cont.)If he is not doing it, someone he knows may be doing it. I think police who are legitimate in the area should be on the alert that mock trials may be happening with concomitant kidnappings and possible abuse, torture or killings. I think some bad things have happened in association with mock trials in the area. In addition, they may be doing this sort of thing on the etheric with people like me when they don't like the blogs. This may or may not be a precursor to a manifested event - it may be a type of energy suggesting a possiblity of the future. Please do not let "etheric", "Precursor" and "Psychic" words bother you if you are a legitimate police officer or FBI agent and if that is not your thing. Most people have been modernized and understand that the psychic thing carries weight, but it may turn off others. I have enough personal experience with psychic material to know without a shadow of a doubt I am often exactly right, so if I am telling you there is some very likely violent material happening - even recently - around mock trials in the area (ie, Bedford) people should pay attention and look into this as a serious possible criminal element in the area. It does feel that perhaps some of it has gone on since childhood or young malehood in that some of these men may have a network that goes back quite a few years. I mentioned a little of this on the other webpage. If there have been a few to a string of murders or missing people in the area in the past several weeks to years - things that seem to have a certain profile - I would ask the police to consider this type of thing seriously. It is my strong belief that although some police and FBI agents may be into some occultish, mind control and subversive things, not all of them are. The reason I feel this way, for one thing, are the numbers of police officers who were killed in 9/11; if they were part of the conspiracy, they would not have been there trying to help save lives and risking their own. In addition, there were a number of FBI agents who came forward, and at least a few CIA, who came forward with warnings and other information on 9/11. They were trying to do their jobs and trying to relay information that was helpful to the safety and protection of the United States. We cannot assume all police officers and FBI agents are bad or dirty. As far as the CIA, I am very uncertain about that organization, as are most Americans. It's like that organization should be completely disbanded and all CIA agents who have participated in torture and killings, as well as manipulation of drugs in other countries, turned in and put through due process. Even if the CIA has been somehow grossly lied about as to its bad behaviors, the reputation has been lost, and there is no gain for the USA to have such an organization in its midst. The organization should be disbanded. Back to this concern with this website, everything I have said is a possibility only; I do not know for a fact there is anything wrong or two-faced about this website's main author or anyone connected to him. If I worked with the police, I would be one of those people who would often say "this comes up as a possibility - check it out" and then it would be the responsibility of higher ended detectives and police people to take over.
(cont.)My concern is that everyone of us in the United States cannot rely on others to think for us nor we can assume that people will do their jobs to the full effectiveness of their abilities or ethics. We expect the police to be in earnest in wanting to stop criminals from hurting people, but we are often told they don't, that they themselves are often suspicious. I do not want to have a full blown lack of trust of the police; I want to believe there are a number of police officers who want to follow leads on criminal activity seriously, especially when it may involve murders or torture. In addition, as a side note to all this, I am one of those people who does not vote for the right of secret service or military personnel to torture anyone, not even our most hostile enemies. I do not believe in torture, period. In addition, at one point I believed in the death penalty for our most negative criminals and have since changed my mind and do not support the death penalty. The reason for this is all the suspicious activity in our country regarding people taking the law into their own hands and acting like judge, jury and maximum punisher. Innocent people are very likely being abused in this system. In addition, I have shifted because I realize that if we start seeing any one person as trashable, we lose something. It opens the door to an across the board trashing of people. Once you open the door to thinking about killing someone through the death penalty, it creates the possibility that you will see other people as expendable, too. I think we need to have a national ethical system of "value life" even if that life has done some extremely negative things. Killing them through a death sentence may seem better than feeding and housing them in a prison for life, but once we devalue life in one area, we devalue it in other areas.
(cont.) So, in short, I think the United States needs to regroup and restabilize within itself a strong life-valuing orientation. We have to incorporate that on all levels of our lives and our institutions. Abu Ghraib is a major example of a non-life valuing approach the rest of Americans do not want in our midst. That kind of thing was apparently very widespread, indicative of a disease not only in the military complex, but in our society. There should be no torture whatsoever in any of our policies, anywhere, not in this country nor in other locations around the world. We should not have torture sold out to other areas of the world, either. This kind of thing needs to be rooted out completely; no one in our country or abroad should be receiving payment for torture services on the behalf of the United States. No one should be on the United States payroll for torture services. If these means a complete top down revision of military, CIA and private sector leaders, then so be it. All American people who have complied with torture in the name of the United States should be found out, rounded up and put through serious, legitimate and disciplined legal procedures to the supreme degree of the law. No one should get off the hook. Torture is not acceptable. Period.
Again, back to this website, much of the material seems to be excellent and well-researched. There seems to be a lot of useful information and it promoted thinking and questioning on my part. I have often said in the blogs the webpage or website is excellent and that it has my blessings. However, I am one of those people who works the energy ongoingly. I tell others "watch the energy as you go along" and I apply this to my own situation. Things come up, we have second thoughts, we have tickling, itching suspicions come up -even ones that seem small at first are at the back of your mind or awareness - that later come up as maybe more serious than was given attention to at first. It's always OK to change your mind or decide your first suspicions might have been warranted. Ambivalence or pendulum swinging may be part of the decision-making process or the process of putting two and two together. It's not necessarily a sign of lack of character or weakness. Being able to admit uncertainty is a sign of inner strength. I have had uncertainty around this website, and still have it. I don't have the answers, but I have honestly shared my concerns and what comes up as a possibility. I want people to be careful, is my main concern, especially anyone who might be vulnerable. There is a lot of material here which seems like it might be worth considering - but use caution. People are two-faced for the strangest reasons. Sometimes it's a matter of setting a trap. Sometimes it's about money. Sometimes it's a serious anti-government thing even when the wording is housed "save the country." Just use caution, as I am sure many of you do. Thank you. End of blogs.
REFUSE THE MARK! CHEAP SHIELDING TIPS These are all cheap and been helpful for me. 1)Cover thru nose to hypothalamus access with metal shoe horn and decorate with copper ground wire. Best held on with rubber band that fits you. 2)V2K is hampered while wearing a cap by using copper mesh wrapped in tin foil. This should cover both TMJ areas and back of skull to restrict cerebellum entry. This should reach just above trap muscles.* 3) Place an aluminum cookie sheet on top of couch or chair behind your head to hamper cerebellum entry. Also perps hate rocking chairs. 4)If driving, place a CD holder for car visors on all visors with reflective side of CD's out and holder flipped toward sky. This hampers reading of forehead(PET scan)and blinds perps. 5)Cover forehead or back of skull with a strip of t-shirt that has 3 in. diameter buttons decorated in copper ground wire and magnets then wrapped in tin foil. Can be covered with strip of silk. 6)Add a surge protector to tv and cable box plug-ins for easy turn off when not in use. This should reduce ELF wave transmissions. 7)To eliminate ions in area burn a candles or run an ionizer. 8)Car heat deflector is useful to put behind car seat and head to hamper cerebellum entry. 9)A case of aluminum can soft drinks is a good shield for wherever. 10)Wearing gloves and not moving hands messes up their tactile ques and breaks down part of this hynosis. 11) When attacked clapse hands behind your head covering cerebellum and bend elbows to cover TMJ areas and lean forward and look down. Practice this because they will try to block memory. Tilting head on a forty-five degree angle throws off forehead scan. Refuse the mark! *Bronze mesh is cheaper and 90% copper. May the Lord Jesus Christ shield and protect us all. "Because you have kept my order to be patient, I will also keep you safe from the time of trouble which is coming upon the whole world, to test all the people on the earth." Rev. 3:10 (TEV)
*The supercomputers are dependent on mm laser entry into left cerebellum lobe and trying to overide your left cerebrum and left neocortex transmissions(right-side body controls). This left cerebellum laser sends the forwarding information to the nervous system and thought voice with various options for your control.The lasers which enter thru the top right of skull to right cerebrum and right neocortex are thus the main controller of higher thought processing. Therefore locking you in the creative and dreamy side of the mind. While the logical and reasoning side is limited and the computer sends the artificial cognitive model(thought voice and options). In short, the laser to left cerebellum must be blocked by silk, vcr tape, tin foil, buttons, magnets, copper,copper screen or all. Perps usually stiffen neck on entry to prevent side to side movement. If no blockers are available, the tilting of head to the right messes up all laser entries and controls of right neocortex. By leaning on hand or tilting head this will disrupt download. The other primary key is the access to the hypothalamus which creates all likes and dislikes and therefore controlling effort and quitting points. This is how they control your use of tv remote, buying decisions, driving decisions and work efforts. The nose must be covered and top of skull with metal, tin foil, silk or vcr tape or something to block access to this vital organ. I have effectively restricted these areas before and the perps have gone to nano laser and acupuncture points. You must then cover eyebrows and ears with something or just grow hair over these areas. Hair restricts thermal infrared imaging and the areas appear cool relative to rest of body therefore making it hard to locate precise acupuncture points. For lung and stomach points I wear a leather jacket or shield with an aluminum cookie sheet or copper platter. I truly pity the ten or twelve year old child who has never had a thought of their own or a break from this thought control. This is the biggest reason for the coming Judgment.
80% of Americans get their "News" from a controlled media. Operation Mockingbird has been developed as the fourth branch of government. President Eisenhower tried to warn us about this "spiritual attack" in 1959. Now as a federal whistleblower, I expose Mind Control in America and how it works. I graduated with the "elite" mind programmers at Harvard. Mind Control programs developed by the CIA are now used by Child Services. Children touched by "Child Services" grow into darkness. American youth are alienated, radicalized and disillusioned for good reason. I expose some of our government's most secret and horrific crimes against children. For this, my dear family was stolen, brainwashed and lost in a web of government fraud and corruption. Keeping children ignorant about sex, drugs and usury make them highly vulnerable to Government and Corporate Mind Control. We petition the Supreme Court and Congress to prepare Articles of Treason against our real enemies. For my dear daughter and family, I am always fighting for you!
This is a superb posting - I'd actually like to transcribe it to a podcast or something.
ReplyDeleteIt’s very supportive for me and become a complete blast with their efforts I impressed with the presentation of your belief.
ReplyDeleteLike this website, I have believed for a long time that a type of mental influencing occurs through psychic, psychological and possibly psychotronic means. My understanding came from a feeling in which the responses of people and my gut reactions were not matching. There is a type of energy that comes up around a zone of influence; there is also a type of energy inside a person when you yourself feel someone messing with your buttons. Learning increasingly become sensitive and alert to this is a firm way of fighting the issues of mind control and a policed state. You need to be sensitive enough to this sort of thing to walk into a room and start feeling out the people there immediately, you need to sense people when you are writing to them over the internet, you need to sense it when you are having a relationship with someone anywhere. I do not pretend to have maximized my abilities on this, I have a lot to learn, but I also sense enough to know this is a major way to push back the types of things that happened around 9/11, including the heightened aftermath of increased "Homeland Security" and the NSA invasions of our privacy. I believe the more psychic people are, the more emotionally, spiritually and intellectually developed they become. There is a threshold point where some people gain a certain level of ability and become corrupt, misusing their psychic knowledge, but those who continue on the path become increasingly more profound and intolerant of violence and wasteful uses of human life and time on the planet. The more evolved people become, the more they will not want to play the stupid games like what went down around 9/11.
ReplyDelete(cont) The people who are behind that may be smart in certain ways, but there are others truly more intelligent and profound than that - they just need to figure out a way to mobilize their efforts against the behind the door antics which have misplaced the power in certain ways. You have to figure out their resources first and foremost, and cut that off. You have to find the numerous ways they are getting paid and supported, and I am afraid we have to consider off-planet resources as a possibility. You have to figure out a way to take power back from the NSA in terms of their invading our emails and using other surveillance-related arenas. If we cannot do this quickly enough through the court system, I strongly suggest we turn off the internet - period. Just turn it off. That will cut off a tremendous amount of their power and espionage activities and may stop an upcoming disaster. We can go back to a pre-internet world - we lived that way for a very long time and we can certainly do it again. Another thing we need to be extremely cautious about is protecting any place in the world that is a resource for water; I think this is a significant source of negative control and corruption.j I am sensing an energy around water in our country with this police state material. I don't feel comfortable with who has an eye on controlling or do something negative to our main water supplies. I am picking up an energy around Lake Mead, for example. It's more than just desert-safe protection of water reserves; it goes beyond that. I am also sensing a possible upcoming disaster of some kind; it feels very quick and violent and on a large scale level, and I think we need to focus on this as a possibility. I am sensing outages and people trying to put back together small facilities on meager supplies and resources. It's an after-disaster image I am picking up. Our attentions may be drawn to other things even though we mean well, it could be we need to prioritize. I think the main thing we have to do is selectively pick the most immediate issues and a put a very high level of focus on that. None of us wants to become the bad guys. There is a fear that like in Orwell's book, we will be given the apparent option of destroying our enemies to the point we lose our souls. The main characters were tricked into admitting and believing they would do anything including really terrible things to people in their country to get rid of Big Brother. It was a double-edged choice in which neither choice took them out of hell. We cannot go there, but we also have to realize that we are dealing with something tricky and you have to know where they influence and where they come in (and again how they are paid). The main thing is to cut off their source and lines of power before this goes on much longer. Don't keep feeding them financially or otherwise, and if they have found a type of self-sufficient distance from main money and power sources, you need to identify that, but also be clear on those arenas where they may still need us to stay up and running (ie, taxes, deflected government funding and so on).
ReplyDeleteOther images which have come up are an abused Bush, Jr. - years of abuse. His bad behavior in politics may not have been just corrupt politician in a line of corruption in the government. One way I notice abuse in people is through energy of possible trauma around their heads. I noticed this when recently I was doing healing energy work on people's bodies. When i came to their heads, with some people I would pick up possible abuse and trauma more than with other people. It was a type of energy signal. I pick this up around Bush, Jr. and what comes up around this is one reason he said what he said, did what he while President. On another note, another image that came up a long time ago was something about Condoleezza Rice having someone come into her area, maybe her office while at work, and have a gun to her head, so that there was some kind of threat to do this or that, or it would be her life. Another image which came up also a long time ago was of Rumfeld around his barn beating up on people, that he was personally abusive. What I will explain around the Rice image is that it could have something to do with etheric presences in which people are moving around etherically rather in direct personal contact. I pick up foreshadowing of events in which etheric things are going on but may not mirror themselves in physical reality exactly the same way. The things I pick up precognitively may have an etheric element to it which accurately portrays a trend or emotional system being played out but may wind up manifesting physically differently. But it can also manifest exactly as I see it precognitively. Whether Rice has ever been intimidated like that or not, I suggest psychically looking into it as one possibility for some of her behaviors and approaches in government before, during and after 9/11. What I am saying here is that although I am not seeking excuses for bad political behavior in the Bush administration, my psychic sense is picking up on some possible intimidations and abuses which may have had something to do with what was going on behind the scenes over 9/11 and other things. I also pick up that Obama's wife may be being messed with; I sense possible energy of abuse and interference around her. I also sense that Obama is not personally getting the same kind of energy of interference. He has his own issues, but she is getting it in a different way than he is getting it.
ReplyDelete(cont.) My past experience with my psychic impressions is that I am often right but that everything like this needs to be given a balanced "what if" look over. I don't honestly believe that we can cut off the internet, satellite or widespread networks just like that to thwart a possible disaster, but I think grassroots organizations need to be thinking about ways of communicating with each other and conducting business separately from the now mainstream - off the grid, so to speak. In addition, they need to be thinking about creating separate lab stations to check out things like water, soil and air quality and also humans for contaminations, mind control technology and abuses. They need to have these labs also out of loop of wired control and surveillance. It seems difficult to get around HEPA when HEPA seems to be something to protect us, but it seems to be hooked into major insurance, surveillane and anti-real help controls. You get hooked into somethng the minute you walk into or work in any facility connected with or under the review of HEPA. We want safeguards for people's health and safety without fail, but HEPA has I believe become part of the problem. These are an assemblage of things which came up as possibilities in my psychic or intuitive feelings or visions over the past few weeks or more. Reading up on 9/11 with more depth and clarity than ever before has spurred more of this kind of intuition. This webpage is excellent. I will add that although the author mentions buzzwords that politicians and media use, the words "Orwellian" and "Machiavellian" may also carry emotional tones which set people off. Although well meaning and often correct, I would encourage the author to watch his tone to make sure he himself is not using a type of charismatic emotional sway on his readers. I will continue to go through Robertscourt material and give it careful review, but I do add this as one possible concern with the author and his website. The author's tone in and of itself may also be hypnotic and emotionally persuasive, in other words. I have found myself wondering if he still has some hypnotic aspects in his life being passed along into this writings, even though he himself knows the pitfalls or that it is or has been around him. He may still be dealing with this issue himself so it shows up as a tone and word choice feeling in his writing. I definitely think he is worth listening to, however. I take his website as one possible serious resource on a number of topics in our country. I do not discount him whatsoever because of these concerns.
ReplyDeleteOne other thing that comes up around this author and his website is a possibility that he is saying one thing, doing another. My first blogs, on another webpage, caused some people to come into my space etherically. Two things stand out today as to what happened. One is that I felt the people were sniffing or pushing for donations to this website. The other thing is that a group of men seemed to come around sexually (as in group rape). Again, this happened psychically - on the etheric. I am very sensitive to things that come around etherically because I have experienced before in other contexts. Another possibility around this author and his website is that he listens to old 1930s or 1940s Nazi military music. It has a hypnotic quality. If it is not himself listening to this and having a type of hypnotic sway in his aura and on this website, it is something around him or connected with him in some way. What is confusing about all this that he seems to give out a good amount of pro-American material in the sense of saving "old" America against an invaded America. I bought into this on one hand at first, but had these other possibilities (that he is not really pro-America) come up from the very beginning. In other words, the suspicion that he might have a hidden agenda came up through the energy in the words and the energy of both one man and several man in association with this website and blogs came up from the beginning - but I am now choosing to speak out on it more fully although I have hinted or given small indications of concerns in other blogs both on this webpage and the webpage on Monarch attacks of children. On that webpage, I am wordy and there are a number of blogs over an extended period, but one reason for this is that I had continued psychic impressions regarding the material on this website in one way or another. Usually people do not carry on blogs like that over an extended period, and I do not usually do that on websites - but there was something going on behind the scenes regarding both the information of this website and the author himself - as well as anyone connected to him. Is he a Nazi pretending to be something else? I do not know. Are there others around him who are psychically awake, watching these blogs, and who come around the blog writers for donations on one hand, and if that does not come in, and if the blogs do not suit their purposes, do they psychically attack the person or otherwise come around and mess with the energy in some way? I don't know, but it comes up as a possibility. Is the anti-Israel Mossad link this website makes to 9/11 a type of anti-Jew Nazi thing? I do not know, but it comes as a possibility. This includes any other alternative news "democracy" types who point fingers at Israel. On one hand, don't get me wrong, I sense something funky around the Israel Mossad thing - it comes up as a possibility they may in fact have had something to do with 9/11. On the other hand, I wonder if it is a Nazi thing to denigrate Israel. So....the point is...we all have to be careful and on our toes...do not trust or be manipulated. Because I do have enough concern that this website may not be what it seems to be, I am not going to make donations although I had considered it. I have had enough warning bells to suggest something may be off here to hold off. In addition, although originally some of the energy around this website and my blogs felt like "family", I had those other concerns mentioned above from the beginning and in the past few days, I have decided there are enough concerns about duplicity here that I am considering it "family" anymore. One other etheric level concern that has come up, for example, is that these people themselves may be holding mock trials both on people in their local area and kidnapping these people and killing them or abusing them. If it is not in association with this author directly, it may be related to someone around him, someone he knows.
ReplyDelete(cont.)If he is not doing it, someone he knows may be doing it. I think police who are legitimate in the area should be on the alert that mock trials may be happening with concomitant kidnappings and possible abuse, torture or killings. I think some bad things have happened in association with mock trials in the area. In addition, they may be doing this sort of thing on the etheric with people like me when they don't like the blogs. This may or may not be a precursor to a manifested event - it may be a type of energy suggesting a possiblity of the future. Please do not let "etheric", "Precursor" and "Psychic" words bother you if you are a legitimate police officer or FBI agent and if that is not your thing. Most people have been modernized and understand that the psychic thing carries weight, but it may turn off others. I have enough personal experience with psychic material to know without a shadow of a doubt I am often exactly right, so if I am telling you there is some very likely violent material happening - even recently - around mock trials in the area (ie, Bedford) people should pay attention and look into this as a serious possible criminal element in the area. It does feel that perhaps some of it has gone on since childhood or young malehood in that some of these men may have a network that goes back quite a few years. I mentioned a little of this on the other webpage. If there have been a few to a string of murders or missing people in the area in the past several weeks to years - things that seem to have a certain profile - I would ask the police to consider this type of thing seriously. It is my strong belief that although some police and FBI agents may be into some occultish, mind control and subversive things, not all of them are. The reason I feel this way, for one thing, are the numbers of police officers who were killed in 9/11; if they were part of the conspiracy, they would not have been there trying to help save lives and risking their own. In addition, there were a number of FBI agents who came forward, and at least a few CIA, who came forward with warnings and other information on 9/11. They were trying to do their jobs and trying to relay information that was helpful to the safety and protection of the United States. We cannot assume all police officers and FBI agents are bad or dirty. As far as the CIA, I am very uncertain about that organization, as are most Americans. It's like that organization should be completely disbanded and all CIA agents who have participated in torture and killings, as well as manipulation of drugs in other countries, turned in and put through due process. Even if the CIA has been somehow grossly lied about as to its bad behaviors, the reputation has been lost, and there is no gain for the USA to have such an organization in its midst. The organization should be disbanded. Back to this concern with this website, everything I have said is a possibility only; I do not know for a fact there is anything wrong or two-faced about this website's main author or anyone connected to him. If I worked with the police, I would be one of those people who would often say "this comes up as a possibility - check it out" and then it would be the responsibility of higher ended detectives and police people to take over.
ReplyDelete(cont.)My concern is that everyone of us in the United States cannot rely on others to think for us nor we can assume that people will do their jobs to the full effectiveness of their abilities or ethics. We expect the police to be in earnest in wanting to stop criminals from hurting people, but we are often told they don't, that they themselves are often suspicious. I do not want to have a full blown lack of trust of the police; I want to believe there are a number of police officers who want to follow leads on criminal activity seriously, especially when it may involve murders or torture. In addition, as a side note to all this, I am one of those people who does not vote for the right of secret service or military personnel to torture anyone, not even our most hostile enemies. I do not believe in torture, period. In addition, at one point I believed in the death penalty for our most negative criminals and have since changed my mind and do not support the death penalty. The reason for this is all the suspicious activity in our country regarding people taking the law into their own hands and acting like judge, jury and maximum punisher. Innocent people are very likely being abused in this system. In addition, I have shifted because I realize that if we start seeing any one person as trashable, we lose something. It opens the door to an across the board trashing of people. Once you open the door to thinking about killing someone through the death penalty, it creates the possibility that you will see other people as expendable, too. I think we need to have a national ethical system of "value life" even if that life has done some extremely negative things. Killing them through a death sentence may seem better than feeding and housing them in a prison for life, but once we devalue life in one area, we devalue it in other areas.
ReplyDelete(cont.) So, in short, I think the United States needs to regroup and restabilize within itself a strong life-valuing orientation. We have to incorporate that on all levels of our lives and our institutions. Abu Ghraib is a major example of a non-life valuing approach the rest of Americans do not want in our midst. That kind of thing was apparently very widespread, indicative of a disease not only in the military complex, but in our society. There should be no torture whatsoever in any of our policies, anywhere, not in this country nor in other locations around the world. We should not have torture sold out to other areas of the world, either. This kind of thing needs to be rooted out completely; no one in our country or abroad should be receiving payment for torture services on the behalf of the United States. No one should be on the United States payroll for torture services. If these means a complete top down revision of military, CIA and private sector leaders, then so be it. All American people who have complied with torture in the name of the United States should be found out, rounded up and put through serious, legitimate and disciplined legal procedures to the supreme degree of the law. No one should get off the hook. Torture is not acceptable. Period.
ReplyDeleteAgain, back to this website, much of the material seems to be excellent and well-researched. There seems to be a lot of useful information and it promoted thinking and questioning on my part. I have often said in the blogs the webpage or website is excellent and that it has my blessings. However, I am one of those people who works the energy ongoingly. I tell others "watch the energy as you go along" and I apply this to my own situation. Things come up, we have second thoughts, we have tickling, itching suspicions come up -even ones that seem small at first are at the back of your mind or awareness - that later come up as maybe more serious than was given attention to at first. It's always OK to change your mind or decide your first suspicions might have been warranted. Ambivalence or pendulum swinging may be part of the decision-making process or the process of putting two and two together. It's not necessarily a sign of lack of character or weakness. Being able to admit uncertainty is a sign of inner strength. I have had uncertainty around this website, and still have it. I don't have the answers, but I have honestly shared my concerns and what comes up as a possibility. I want people to be careful, is my main concern, especially anyone who might be vulnerable. There is a lot of material here which seems like it might be worth considering - but use caution. People are two-faced for the strangest reasons. Sometimes it's a matter of setting a trap. Sometimes it's about money. Sometimes it's a serious anti-government thing even when the wording is housed "save the country." Just use caution, as I am sure many of you do. Thank you. End of blogs.
ReplyDeleteThese are all cheap and been helpful for me.
1)Cover thru nose to hypothalamus access with metal shoe horn and decorate with copper ground wire. Best held on with rubber band that fits you.
2)V2K is hampered while wearing a cap by using copper mesh wrapped in tin foil. This should cover both TMJ areas and back of skull to restrict cerebellum entry. This should reach just above trap muscles.*
3) Place an aluminum cookie sheet on top of couch or chair behind your head to hamper cerebellum entry. Also perps hate rocking chairs.
4)If driving, place a CD holder for car visors on all visors with reflective side of CD's out and holder flipped toward sky. This hampers reading of forehead(PET scan)and blinds perps.
5)Cover forehead or back of skull with a strip of t-shirt that has 3 in. diameter buttons decorated in copper ground wire and magnets then wrapped in tin foil. Can be covered with strip of silk.
6)Add a surge protector to tv and cable box plug-ins for easy turn off when not in use. This should reduce ELF wave transmissions.
7)To eliminate ions in area burn a candles or run an ionizer.
8)Car heat deflector is useful to put behind car seat and head to hamper cerebellum entry.
9)A case of aluminum can soft drinks is a good shield for wherever.
10)Wearing gloves and not moving hands messes up their tactile ques and breaks down part of this hynosis.
11) When attacked clapse hands behind your head covering cerebellum and bend elbows to cover TMJ areas and lean forward and look down. Practice this because they will try to block memory. Tilting head on a forty-five degree angle throws off forehead scan. Refuse the mark!
*Bronze mesh is cheaper and 90% copper.
May the Lord Jesus Christ shield and protect us all.
"Because you have kept my order to be patient, I will also keep you safe from the time of trouble which is coming upon the whole world, to test all the people on the earth." Rev. 3:10 (TEV)
*The supercomputers are dependent on mm laser entry into left cerebellum lobe and trying to overide your left cerebrum and left neocortex transmissions(right-side body controls). This left cerebellum laser sends the forwarding information to the nervous system and thought voice with various options for your control.The lasers which enter thru the top right of skull to right cerebrum and right neocortex are thus the main controller of higher thought processing. Therefore locking you in the creative and dreamy side of the mind. While the logical and reasoning side is limited and the computer sends the artificial cognitive model(thought voice and options). In short, the laser to left cerebellum must be blocked by silk, vcr tape, tin foil, buttons, magnets, copper,copper screen or all. Perps usually stiffen neck on entry to prevent side to side movement. If no blockers are available, the tilting of head to the right messes up all laser entries and controls of right neocortex. By leaning on hand or tilting head this will disrupt download. The other primary key is the access to the hypothalamus which creates all likes and dislikes and therefore controlling effort and quitting points. This is how they control your use of tv remote, buying decisions, driving decisions and work efforts. The nose must be covered and top of skull with metal, tin foil, silk or vcr tape or something to block access to this vital organ. I have effectively restricted these areas before and the perps have gone to nano laser and acupuncture points. You must then cover eyebrows and ears with something or just grow hair over these areas. Hair restricts thermal infrared imaging and the areas appear cool relative to rest of body therefore making it hard to locate precise acupuncture points. For lung and stomach points I wear a leather jacket or shield with an aluminum cookie sheet or copper platter.
ReplyDeleteI truly pity the ten or twelve year old child who has never had a thought of their own or a break from this thought control. This is the biggest reason for the coming Judgment.