Few Americans had any idea of its import. As they were seduced into the new materialist emporium, they were being photographed, scanned and coordinated with data that placed their most private personal possessions, their own facial features, credit card information and financial "identity," with the beast at the top of government. Now this personal data is linked to a massive database at NSA and is continually fed by online personal data-mining sources like Facebook, fully linked to and financed by the CIA. Of course, "terrorism" comes along, conveniently, to make all of this intrusion into your personal life "necessary." The full seduction of buying cheap belies the fact that you have sold your own soul.
Walmart is uniquely positioned to aid government in creating massive amounts of fiat dollars. How? It will serve to repress American prices through Chinese slave labor. Repress American manufacturers out of business. And repress any idea of a dollar with real value.
Gone are the Ma and Pa arenas where all politics is local. Basic trust is replaced by programmed fear. Deep programming of usury devices and omnipresent surveillance are the new chains of absolute slavery. The buying frenzy briefly worked to lull and distract America away from the fact that the "anti-American extremist terrorists" were really globalist Mind Controllers and bankers at the top of our own government. This invisible elite fully loved and adored Hitler, for the Mind Control methods he resurrected from an ancient crypt. For the mind-controlled, nothing is more bizarre than the obvious truth.
By violating you at childhood, the roots of terrorism have been deeply programmed into you to fully serve secret government and the invisible death cult at the Bohemian Grove. The death cult is invisible because it is all-powerful. It deeply programs your political belief system. Such an obvious statement of fact will confound the mind-controlled. This is an inverted government which fully controls the theatre that envelopes you, where all power is covert, so the brainwashed will be totally ignorant of the brainwashers and their methods. For the brainwashed, the absolute power over their life does not exist! They are brainwashed to believe that they are free. You must become the exceptional patriot to understand this.
Your children are being driven into the absolute top-down tyranny of dumbed-down, globalist conformity but you will know it as a materialist joy. Groupthink blindness of historic proportion is fully seductive. It's an enormous Mind Control scam based on ancient usury devices first perfected by the Chinese. Now the scam has come full circle just like a bad cattle round-up. Your children will be corralled into deeper and deeper conformity until any opposition to obvious slavery will be impossible. What can be the harm, says the mind-controlled masses?
The harm comes when this trap of the Machiavellian manipulator is sprung.
Groupthink conformity builds intellectual blindness into a slave population, what our Founding Fathers rightly feared would be the end of America. Today we know part of the result. The destruction of the parental duty in regard to sex, drugs and usury has been an unmitigated disaster. The American public's dependence upon a few top-down corporations which feed their addictions will ultimately serve the master slave-maker when such corporations reveal their true face. American industry has been sold-off to communist slave labor camps in China. Americans are fully neurotic by design, under the full influence of sex, drugs and usury devices. The subconscious control over the American individual is now so powerful that the happy-faced slave is the true face of America and perhaps the only job he will be able to get. Gone are the individualists, intellectuals and cranky Americans who demanded individual rights and clarity at the top of their own government. There is no longer any clarity to what being an American really means.
Clarity and constitutionality are fully muddled and obscured by top-down Mind Control. After all, the intense glare of a Sun King mythic system has transfixed most Americans, fully blinding them to how their own government and economy was supposed to work. They no longer know what slavery means. They are now emotionally tethered to their television sets and credit reports, cowering in perpetual fear by invisible control devices. Gone are the networks of industrial Americans who could view reality and solve any problem. Further still from the American consciousness is any idea of national unity behind basic human rights. Children are to be fully suspended into this consumerist goo of totalitarian deception.
Nazi Mind Control has worked so well in America, that sex, drugs and usury devices are now more real to the average American than the most fundamental truths known to our Founding Fathers. Today, only the exceptional patriot will understand this. The age of totalitarian corporate Mind Control has fully blended with government to resurrect an ancient power system of top-down fascist authority, all of it based on a core deception programmed at childhood, a transfer of authority from the parent to the beast. The seduction of Walmart materialism worked so well for the Mind Controlling elite that the very fabric of America has fully converted to a blue and white spandex of endless, banal conformity, all made in China by slave labor no less.
What was the true intent of this transformation? Like all American Mind Control, the conversion of the American mind into a top-down power system is key to destroying the Constitution of the United States. This is also key to building a mass slave culture. Most devices to that end will be highly seductive even as genuine quality and innovation vanishes. These devices will be trumpeted by the media mesmerists who build all the top-down cults of deception. Orwell and Huxley knew this massive scam of the elite would not come about by force but by full seduction. They start by keeping children ignorant about sex, drugs and usury, the secret government gateways into absolute slavery. Sexual repression programmed at childhood over one or two generations makes these children highly vulnerable to sex magic tricks and superstition devices employed by Nazified bureaucrats. The elite achieve enormous political power and population control results employing these Nazi methods.
The Nixon/Kissinger cabal of the "silent majority" coordinated the deal with the Chinese that America's core industrial might will be transferred to them with the promise of serving the goals of a very silent death-cult elite at the Bohemian Grove. For the death cult, population control and a one-child policy in China was more important than American industrial supremacy, so was infiltrating LSD into the peace movement, the splitting of SIV into three distinct forms of HIV and horror programming of demons into American children. The full enslavement of Americans through Mind Control would further serve their endless power scheme as well as domestic population control agendas. Gathering full data on Americans while they were seduced by smug materialism would provide the secret government with endless sources of personal control, manipulation and destruction. As Huxley predicted, such destruction of individual merit, truth and justice will be viewed as a good thing.
Wal-Mart is the Chinese outlet of the world.
ReplyDeleteThey sell poisonous products along side all their Chinese rubber tires, gas products, and and other poisonous materials they sell in their stores.
Last time I heard anything about Wal-Mart they were telling people what President to vote for.
There are no really good store to shop at but I refuse to shop at corrupt Wal-Mart.
Oh! People of America select a person who wants to help America and the world for little of nothing. A Creator fearing man or women, not a secularist but a true Creator fearing man that is thinking about his eternity after death and not this short life here on earth. Send the Satan fearing Congress home for good. The dividers and conquers of the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve. For if you do not they are going to take you to HELL with them. Usury is the slave driver of the world, and all that use usury is HELL bound.
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ReplyDeleteI wonder if all this is still going on today. This has to be bad for business if everyone knows about this. buy p90x
ReplyDelete"A transfer of authority from the parent to the beast." This sounds like Communism. Economics of course rules our world in this planet. The wealthy is not the wealthiest in ethics nor intelligence but in effective manipulation of the world around them. Walmart is into schools now. They have sponsored charter or magnet schools where apparently they decide on the curriculum. Their alternative to higher pay for their employees was to recently construct an art museum. You know, that old lady Walton with all of her bangles and beads and tons of makeup Tammy Baker style, does no appear to me as someone who is interested in art or knows anything about it. As far as competition, China developed its present technology with the help of the United States. Of course, they had the British before that to help them but not under Communism. Even if it was under Communism, the British have never made such a song and dance about it as Americans have. Britain has always traded with Cuba. It seems that they were not intimidated by Communism as Americans were. Capitalism and free enterprise have always been the "word" in America except that Walmart was not in schools as you say with a "mind control" based or set on slavery and on what the children can produce for them and for others in the future.
ReplyDelete"A transfer of authority from the parent to the beast." This sounds like Communism. Economics of course rules our world in this planet. The wealthy is not the wealthiest in ethics nor intelligence but in effective manipulation of the world around them. Walmart is into schools now. They have sponsored charter or magnet schools where apparently they decide on the curriculum. Their alternative to higher pay for their employees was to recently construct an art museum. You know, that old lady Walton with all of her bangles and beads and tons of makeup Tammy Baker style, does no appear to me as someone who is interested in art or knows anything about it. As far as competition, China developed its present technology with the help of the United States. Of course, they had the British before that to help them but not under Communism. Even if it was under Communism, the British have never made such a song and dance about it as Americans have. Britain has always traded with Cuba. It seems that they were not intimidated by Communism as Americans were. Capitalism and free enterprise have always been the "word" in America except that Walmart was not in schools as you say with a "mind control" based or set on slavery and on what the children can produce for them and for others in the future.