Destroyed: The Role of Nazi Eugenics in America, the Brainwashing of Children and Bureaucrats, the Ultimate Coup
"We will know our work is complete when everything the American people believe is a lie." --CIA Director, William Casey
"It's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it." --George Carlin
There is no greater taboo than the brainwashing of American children. Taboos are strong, irrational emotional responses that are not based upon reason. Eisenhower found Mind Control in both Europe and Asia just after World War II. This Mind Control was so powerful, that it would be negligent of any government to ignore it. Governments can program their own people with powerful taboos and myths fully manipulating them emotionally. Taboos and Myths can be programmed to hide the real power sources of these governments. Questioning the real facts about 9/11 is the ultimate taboo, as such will begin a Pandora's Box exposing the hidden world of our real government. Such is logical to assume that our own government would then employ an American version of Nazi Mind Control against us, much of it coming from actual Nazis brought to America for this very purpose. Just like the highway system, submarines, drugs and the rocket program, Mind Control was brought to the U.S. along with over 600 Nazi Mind Control agents. Only the elite would understand this power system and would keep this knowledge away from us. No program of government is more secret or disturbing.
As this Mind Control becomes more powerful over generations, it gradually replaces the Constitution as the true power source of government. The Age of Reason is replaced by the Age of Mind Control.
Those are terrible quotations by the people you listed above. Astonishingly demented opinions. I may be wrong although I really don't see that the issues concerning freedom have much to do with the traditional Nazi party. You should pay a visit to the Huffington Post via the Internet and leave you expert opinion's I'm sure everyone would enjoy hearing your opinion's. I spend most of my on-line computer time there. And you do great blogs.
Tell the aliens on Gliese 581d about earths troubles by a special delivered text message that will be sent Aug.28 2009 at noon. They will receive it in about 20 years just in time to respond promptly to your request. Google here.
So, someone comes along and writes an article dropping real names of real programs addressing real-to-die-for issues kicking our butts here in America. And all the Anonymouses can say is tell it to someone else? Anonymouses, . . . you must be new. Begin to wake up from your mental fog. Best wishes.
I have suspicions much of the concerns here may be valid. I come from a pro-environment, energy healer perspective; when big business and churches destroy the small amount of the natural world to further what can only be money and ego, when it goes against common sense, actual need or real spirituality, I have to ask why. The answers seem to lead to those things in society which encourage conformity and lack of true education. People in touch with nature and natural laws feel injuries to the self and the natural world deeply. To feel deeply about such things is healthy. The repercussions of mind control seem to lead to a numbness of mind and spirit which defies common sense and self-preservation. This mind control may have centralized agendas, but I have to consider the possibility that people are following the crowd and not paying attention to what is real.
This article is repeating the theme of inadequate child training by natural parents in sex education. I see this them throughout this website. A liberal versus Republican theme also pervades. I am definitel liberal, but had a conservative sex education at home. It was not adequate. I will point out my father is a Republican: is there a connection? But he was also from rural Texas with a lot of fundamental Christianity. Is that the issue? But my mother was the one who sat down and talked to me - what are her excuses? 1950s upbringing? Small town conservatism growing up? Linking bad sex education to a political system of mind control is difficult unless you have facts. I think we need more examples and data. Perhaps these come in other places on the website or through links to other websites (ie, another webpage on this site shows that Obama has supported early public school child sex education).
I would suggest that one place parents could be open with children is in the topic of masturbation and real people's real world sexual urges as they manifest across gender and age groups. A talk about human sexuality would include the possibility the human sex drive may find itself attracted to many people in diverse ways and that culture defines how that sexuality is permitted to be expressed. The main idea is to have children who think and reflect honestly about their own sexuality and who can look at other people and acknowledge theirs. It would include having a wide frame of reference for identifying all kinds of sexuality in the world and how to identify when some of it is not self-promoting.
It would support teaching kids how to protect themselves and to recognize perpetrator mentalities. It would also include ideas that what goes in, comes out - ie, media and porn - and what we practice, we become. If we practice an obsessive/compulsive approach to sex, we will become that thing - and so will others. Having a sense of autonomy with reasoned sociocultural connectivity would also be important - to not follow the crowd, but to enjoy being with people using one's own intelligence and education as a guide. Learning to flow naturally with sex while having good feelings toward self and others would be part of any good child raising endeavors. Rules for sex behavior do not belong to any one church or political approach, and to look carefully at churches that seem to be linked with political groups. Sexual abuse is never OK. Kids have rights which include being able to say "hands off" if an adult comes around with sexual intentions. Early childhood training may have to include teaching kids to know that if an adult does that, it is not OK. Education would include telling kids to pay attention if they think other kids are being abused or molested. Kids may see things adults never see, and the educated child has good communication with a loving parent. In fact, good communication is a key element to any sex education of children in the home. Without this, the whole thing falls apart. It is up to parents to make this a top priority for the entire duration of life with that child. Kids need to know what is going on in the world and how to protect themselves, how to make informed choices, how to deal with the stuff of life as it hits them. Good communication between parent and child in these matters can greatly encourage a child's success, safety and sense of well-being and self-acceptance which can be a grounding force and source of sustenance for the entire lifetime of that individual. Children who are given the time and care in such matters will turn around and to that for their children and others in their life. Sex education that runs deep and true can open doorways for people in many ways because so much of human nature carries within it the charge of sexual impulse or drive. As this article indicates, it's in everything, it's everywhere. Children need to know that to be able to respond authentically and with wisdom to the world as it really is, not how a religious political institution tells us it should be. How that pulse is used or applied is a fundamental source of discussion with any child in his or her educational process.
In referencing the above topic of masturbation, I think it is a key issues that should be discussed openly without issues of judgment or shaming. It may take some people practice to talk about their own masturbation, much less discuss the topic in an educational manner with a child. These topics should include frank discussions of personal hygiene regarding anything sexual including masturbation. The education should include teaching a child how to be discerning when discussing masturbation or other sexual topics outside the home because much of the real world either has taboos or lecherous types triggered by such topics. It should include how to apply it in one's life, if one chooses to do it so that personal well-being is the primary goal; too much of anything can be bad, for example, or if it is impacting a relationship, common sense is needed. Frank discussions about homosexuality and sexual urges toward people who may be family should also be discussed, as this article suggests kids may have natural feelings of being in love with parents at first. Such things should be openly acknowledged and lovingly discussed, not manipulated or toyed with. People who really care about others do not abuse the system of information or twist the energy of its conveyance. They give it their best shot, hold nothing back as is appropriate, and come at the topic with a desire to give that person true opportunities for health, well-being, safety and informed decisions in life. Good teachers know what it is like to have good teachers. They aspire to teach their children sex education as comprehensively, meaningfully and compassionately as possible. They make up for the mistakes they themselves experienced from other teachers, and they admit their own mistakes as they move along. When they learn of a better way, they willingly and happily take it into their educational approach. They are responsive to new information and change, and pass that on to their children. Again, the main ingredient in sex education is good communication. Added to the above blogs for lack of room.
TACTICS FOR THINKING BY ROBERT MARZANO The framework for mind control thinking comes from this research done in Alexandria,Va. in the early 80's. The new world order and the new age movement sent this guy out to public schools with this training program. Look Familiar ! 1) Attention Control Process - Energy Control , Bracketing , ... 2) Deep Processing - Mental Pictures , Physical Sensations, Emotions, Thought voice... 3) Memory Framework .... see file . This information which was to help children but is now the torture framework used on us all. This just shows the twisted evil of the nwo. The backlash was immediate when this program hit the schools in 1987 and required an article written by Marzano in Dec.93' When Two Worldveiws Collide The failure to find any footage of this video tape seminar on the internet is a sign of a nwo cover-up. I have a copy of the VHS seminar presented to schools in 1987 and found an interesting quote from Mr. Marzano. This quote came during the Evaluation of Evidence Process discussion on accepting new information and unusual claims, "For example, their minister or religious leader is a person from whom they expect to hear new information and unusual claims. From that person then the individual would accept new information and accept unusual claims even if it jumped out at him or her. So what I would like you to do is something we suggest you do with students and that is before just jumping into this. Present the process to students...". This confirms what I already knew and that is they have mind controlled most of our ministers and religious leaders. Have you ever wondered why they never call the U.S. the "new Rome" or "Babylon"? Or why we have so many megachurches to control just one speaker. The rupert murdock owned Zonnerfein books which publishes Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Church" is a new age mind controlled guideline for this apostasy. This is the biggest reason for the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the very elect won't be deceived. The study of this information will help you understand their tactics and how to build your own countermeasures. The Christians back in the 80's knew and warned of the danger of this new age evil and no one listened. This info. I hope will help someone. "...The Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you
80% of Americans get their "News" from a controlled media. Operation Mockingbird has been developed as the fourth branch of government. President Eisenhower tried to warn us about this "spiritual attack" in 1959. Now as a federal whistleblower, I expose Mind Control in America and how it works. I graduated with the "elite" mind programmers at Harvard. Mind Control programs developed by the CIA are now used by Child Services. Children touched by "Child Services" grow into darkness. American youth are alienated, radicalized and disillusioned for good reason. I expose some of our government's most secret and horrific crimes against children. For this, my dear family was stolen, brainwashed and lost in a web of government fraud and corruption. Keeping children ignorant about sex, drugs and usury make them highly vulnerable to Government and Corporate Mind Control. We petition the Supreme Court and Congress to prepare Articles of Treason against our real enemies. For my dear daughter and family, I am always fighting for you!
Those are terrible quotations by the people you listed above.
ReplyDeleteAstonishingly demented opinions.
I may be wrong although I really don't see that the issues concerning freedom have much to do with the traditional Nazi party.
You should pay a visit to the Huffington Post via the Internet and leave you expert opinion's I'm sure everyone would enjoy hearing your opinion's. I spend most of my on-line computer time there.
And you do great blogs.
Tell the aliens on Gliese 581d about earths troubles by a special delivered text message that will be sent Aug.28 2009 at noon. They will receive it in about 20 years just in time to respond promptly to your request. Google here.
ReplyDeleteSo, someone comes along and writes an article dropping real names of real programs addressing real-to-die-for issues kicking our butts here in America. And all the Anonymouses can say is tell it to someone else? Anonymouses, . . . you must be new. Begin to wake up from your mental fog. Best wishes.
ReplyDeleteI have suspicions much of the concerns here may be valid. I come from a pro-environment, energy healer perspective; when big business and churches destroy the small amount of the natural world to further what can only be money and ego, when it goes against common sense, actual need or real spirituality, I have to ask why. The answers seem to lead to those things in society which encourage conformity and lack of true education. People in touch with nature and natural laws feel injuries to the self and the natural world deeply. To feel deeply about such things is healthy. The repercussions of mind control seem to lead to a numbness of mind and spirit which defies common sense and self-preservation. This mind control may have centralized agendas, but I have to consider the possibility that people are following the crowd and not paying attention to what is real.
DeleteThis article is repeating the theme of inadequate child training by natural parents in sex education. I see this them throughout this website. A liberal versus Republican theme also pervades. I am definitel liberal, but had a conservative sex education at home. It was not adequate. I will point out my father is a Republican: is there a connection? But he was also from rural Texas with a lot of fundamental Christianity. Is that the issue? But my mother was the one who sat down and talked to me - what are her excuses? 1950s upbringing? Small town conservatism growing up? Linking bad sex education to a political system of mind control is difficult unless you have facts. I think we need more examples and data. Perhaps these come in other places on the website or through links to other websites (ie, another webpage on this site shows that Obama has supported early public school child sex education).
DeleteI would suggest that one place parents could be open with children is in the topic of masturbation and real people's real world sexual urges as they manifest across gender and age groups. A talk about human sexuality would include the possibility the human sex drive may find itself attracted to many people in diverse ways and that culture defines how that sexuality is permitted to be expressed. The main idea is to have children who think and reflect honestly about their own sexuality and who can look at other people and acknowledge theirs. It would include having a wide frame of reference for identifying all kinds of sexuality in the world and how to identify when some of it is not self-promoting.
It would support teaching kids how to protect themselves and to recognize perpetrator mentalities. It would also include ideas that what goes in, comes out - ie, media and porn - and what we practice, we become. If we practice an obsessive/compulsive approach to sex, we will become that thing - and so will others. Having a sense of autonomy with reasoned sociocultural connectivity would also be important - to not follow the crowd, but to enjoy being with people using one's own intelligence and education as a guide. Learning to flow naturally with sex while having good feelings toward self and others would be part of any good child raising endeavors. Rules for sex behavior do not belong to any one church or political approach, and to look carefully at churches that seem to be linked with political groups. Sexual abuse is never OK. Kids have rights which include being able to say "hands off" if an adult comes around with sexual intentions. Early childhood training may have to include teaching kids to know that if an adult does that, it is not OK. Education would include telling kids to pay attention if they think other kids are being abused or molested. Kids may see things adults never see, and the educated child has good communication with a loving parent. In fact, good communication is a key element to any sex education of children in the home. Without this, the whole thing falls apart. It is up to parents to make this a top priority for the entire duration of life with that child. Kids need to know what is going on in the world and how to protect themselves, how to make informed choices, how to deal with the stuff of life as it hits them. Good communication between parent and child in these matters can greatly encourage a child's success, safety and sense of well-being and self-acceptance which can be a grounding force and source of sustenance for the entire lifetime of that individual. Children who are given the time and care in such matters will turn around and to that for their children and others in their life. Sex education that runs deep and true can open doorways for people in many ways because so much of human nature carries within it the charge of sexual impulse or drive. As this article indicates, it's in everything, it's everywhere. Children need to know that to be able to respond authentically and with wisdom to the world as it really is, not how a religious political institution tells us it should be. How that pulse is used or applied is a fundamental source of discussion with any child in his or her educational process.
ReplyDeleteIn referencing the above topic of masturbation, I think it is a key issues that should be discussed openly without issues of judgment or shaming. It may take some people practice to talk about their own masturbation, much less discuss the topic in an educational manner with a child. These topics should include frank discussions of personal hygiene regarding anything sexual including masturbation. The education should include teaching a child how to be discerning when discussing masturbation or other sexual topics outside the home because much of the real world either has taboos or lecherous types triggered by such topics. It should include how to apply it in one's life, if one chooses to do it so that personal well-being is the primary goal; too much of anything can be bad, for example, or if it is impacting a relationship, common sense is needed. Frank discussions about homosexuality and sexual urges toward people who may be family should also be discussed, as this article suggests kids may have natural feelings of being in love with parents at first. Such things should be openly acknowledged and lovingly discussed, not manipulated or toyed with. People who really care about others do not abuse the system of information or twist the energy of its conveyance. They give it their best shot, hold nothing back as is appropriate, and come at the topic with a desire to give that person true opportunities for health, well-being, safety and informed decisions in life. Good teachers know what it is like to have good teachers. They aspire to teach their children sex education as comprehensively, meaningfully and compassionately as possible. They make up for the mistakes they themselves experienced from other teachers, and they admit their own mistakes as they move along. When they learn of a better way, they willingly and happily take it into their educational approach. They are responsive to new information and change, and pass that on to their children. Again, the main ingredient in sex education is good communication. Added to the above blogs for lack of room.
ReplyDeleteThe framework for mind control thinking comes from this research done in Alexandria,Va. in the early 80's. The new world order and the new age movement sent this guy out to public schools with this training program.
Look Familiar !
1) Attention Control Process - Energy Control , Bracketing , ...
2) Deep Processing - Mental Pictures , Physical Sensations, Emotions, Thought voice...
3) Memory Framework .... see file .
This information which was to help children but is now the torture framework used on us all. This just shows the twisted evil of the nwo. The backlash was immediate when this program hit the schools in 1987 and required an article written by Marzano in Dec.93'
When Two Worldveiws Collide
The failure to find any footage of this video tape seminar on the internet is a sign of a nwo cover-up. I have a copy of the VHS seminar presented to schools in 1987 and found an interesting quote from Mr. Marzano. This quote came during the Evaluation of Evidence Process discussion on accepting new information and unusual claims,
"For example, their minister or religious leader is a person from whom they expect to hear new information and unusual claims. From that person then the individual would accept new information and accept unusual claims even if it jumped out at him or her. So what I would like you to do is something we suggest you do with students and that is before just jumping into this. Present the process to students...".
This confirms what I already knew and that is they have mind controlled most of our ministers and religious leaders. Have you ever wondered why they never call the U.S. the "new Rome" or "Babylon"? Or why we have so many megachurches to control just one speaker. The rupert murdock owned Zonnerfein books which publishes Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Church" is a new age mind controlled guideline for this apostasy. This is the biggest reason for the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the very elect won't be deceived.
The study of this information will help you understand their tactics and how to build your own countermeasures. The Christians back in the 80's knew and warned of the danger of this new age evil and no one listened. This info. I hope will help someone.
"...The Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you