If your children were abused or stolen in Bedford County under the Bush administration, you are neither crazy nor are you alone. There are direct links between this administration and Nazi Mind Control for which Bedford authorities suffer deeply. We have over 27,000 documents linking ritual abuse to U.S. and Canadian children through the total destruction of basic civil, parental and constitutional rights. Nazi Mind Control has been deliberately advanced in America in order to counter the mind's understanding of the Constitution of the United States. Our Constitution requires us to prosecute those who would brainwash our children into a delusional mythic system of government! Social workers and police have morphed into sexual repression bigots who are destroying the parental duty of sex education on a massive scale. This duty is known throughout history as absolutely critical for grounding children into reality, a reality which is now being fully over-powered by the government's media-based mythic system. This is a monumental fraud requiring billions of dollars in restitution.
We are working to address the horrible abuses to this Constitution. When they kidnapped my children and used Mind Control against my wife in Bedford, I was in a unique position to fully expose a massive Mind Control fraud in America. Top experts at Tulane University and Harvard are assisting me in this effort, but I need your help! We must discover the mechanisms of realism for de-programming an American jury from a terrible government mythic system which is imposing mass slavery through subconscious programming.
Bedford authorities and Mass Media owe you millions of dollars! Because they manipulate your children at the subconscious level, deliberately spread powerful emotional contagion which destroys the parental duty of protecting children from slave-makers, most Americans will find this subject difficult to believe. That is the whole point to Pentagon PSYOPS. Missions are carried out precisely because you would not believe it and they have changed the very sciences which would fully explain this slave-making. But what is not difficult to understand is that millions of children are being stolen and abused by your government. 25 million non-custodial parents are saying this is no accident. This is Satanic ritualistic abuse at the very heart of our government, it actually originates in Nazi Germany, and it's time to call a spade a spade.
Children are being driven by fear and superstition and families are being destroyed for protecting their children from this fear. Government now advances superstition over real science and real fact. Now primitive Inquisitions run by mind-controlled bureaucrats rule over the Constitution of the United States. Dr. David Ray Griffin gives a compelling argument on the mythic system now built around the 9/11 events. This mythic system comes at a terrible cost to American children. This government is attacking you with false-flag terror attacks and advancing a very ancient slavery system over the American people. This slavery system now includes broad ritualistic abuse of children secretly directed by a Satanic cult at the Bohemian Grove. These Satanists are very powerful men in high places, but this ritualistic abuse of children demands a full and complete investigation. They have been Nazifying your children for "endless war" all based upon lies and actual Nazi Mind Control which requires the destruction of millions of families. When parents wake up to this horrible truth, the damage awards given to children and parents will be enormous! We will take our nation back!
My family's Bedford, Pennsylvania case: The Nazification and Slavery of American Children.
When actual Nazi Mind Control is advanced everywhere in America, those who benefit the most are actual Nazis. That is precisely what we are finding at the highest levels of our government. Americans are largely unaware of the magnitude of these crimes or that actual Nazis were used to program and control our media and government. But such programming and control imposed since the 1947 "National Security Act" is obvious to those trained in Reverse Mind Control. If you view your television as an illegal drug that produces near-universal neurosis and criminal negligence, you will be surprised how accurate this becomes. The dominant media in the U.S. is fully themed and controlled by a Bohemian Grove death cult. The true realm of military PSYOPS is powerful attitude manipulation including ridicule, fear and disbelief, but the rational mind can actually defeat it. Imposed ignorance concerning PSYOPS is the true power of Mind Control. It literally uses your own deeply held belief system against you. 9/11 was an inside job requiring massive damages for a massive fraud. We are proving this to sophisticated American audiences 90% of whom become convinced within one hour of hard evidence! But this fraud deeply involves your own family in ways you will not want to accept or believe.
Celebrating Slavery in Bedford, Pennsylvania.
Complete ignorance of the traditional parental duty, the true science of psychology and child development is critical for this child trafficking. Hysteria caused by deliberately imposed learned ignorance about sex is then employed to over-ride the fact that these children were in no way abused until they were in the hands of government. The cycle of a basic Nazi sex scam becomes very powerful over generations. Instead of reversing this imposed ignorance of government, government uses this hysteria as an excuse to traffic in these children, turning them into Monarch slaves. Ritualistic abuse of children by government produces broad emotional contagion creating millions of mind-slaves and is a very primitive form of Satanic slavery. This basic Nazi sex scam was deliberately advanced by the Bohemian Grove sex and death cult through CAPTA and other programs to serve Pentagon recruiting goals, propaganda brainwashing and other devices of Mind Control. This basic Nazi scam requires the full destruction of basic constitutional rights in the most enlightened of parents, turning their children into media-programmed mind-slaves. Therefore, just as in Nazi Germany, those parents who know the most about Nazi Mind Control and its real threat to children have their children stolen in places like Bedford County. And a mind-controlled population doesn't even care, after all, these Nazi child traffickers are so "parental" and these many real parents are all so "demonic." The Nazi Mind Control through mass media actually works on a very broad scale.
Child thefts have increased dramatically in places like Bedford, Pennsylvania where the facts about child development and child empowerment are fully repressed. These children are stolen by powerful MKULTRA Mind Control techniques being applied to them and their parents. Critical to this theft is the circumvention of real courts, since real courts require the true context to methods being used by police and social workers. The true context is Nazi Mind Control and this fact is carefully kept away from real courts. No evidentiary process is necessary once Mind Control is used to over-power the rational mind.
View actual footage: The Top Republican Establishment Sacrifice Children through Rituals at the Bohemian Grove
Read about a basic Nazi Sex Scam used to destroy millions of U.S. Children and Families.

Since your media is controlled, it will never tell you about the ancient power system now being advanced over the American people. But this control is highly illegal and we are now demanding damage awards in the billions of dollars. Millions of American families have been destroyed by Nazi Mind Control simply because they stood up for their Constitution. When parents are bewildered by the Nazi Inquisitions now advanced by "Child Services," they are not crazy, they are fundamentally constitutional! Is your family one of them? If this sounds strange to you, maybe you have been brainwashed? This brainwashing is a serious crime and your own rational mind can begin to deprogram you. The truth of this crime of the elite requires your rational mind for an extended period, but this truth is profoundly important to understand!
As the secret federal government has conditioned you for "entertainment" and "news" in mass media, they are programming your subconscious mind with pro-government themes and even powerful psychic attacks. They are advancing slavery control devices under the guise of "parental authority," and this is a basic Nazi sex scam requiring the destruction of real parents. By fully controlling the themes and what is "newsworthy" in your "news," the government is actually Nazifying the collective unconscious mind of America. This Nazification has actually normalized massive child trafficking, parental alienation and false wars on a massive scale. Are you truly aware of all of these wars, or do you "trust" your "parental" media to give you these facts? This powerful programming builds "peer-pressure" or "groupthink" conformity and is now the basis of broad political programming which makes many, many government atrocities invisible to your rational mind. No matter how powerful this groupthink becomes, the facts still prevail over Mind Control. As the 9/11 events are advanced through mass media as a "sacred myth," this becomes powerful Nazi Mind Control which will utterly destroy your children!
The people who brought us the Manhattan Project and the atomic bomb have been mind-controlling the entire culture with a secret mind control project using top U.S. corporations. These corporations are among the wealthiest in the world and we intend to sue them for this massive fraud! We are going to sue these corporations for billions of dollars as this is the worst crime against the Constitution in U.S. history. Children are being brainwashed in America by their own government and this has been going on for quite a long time. We now have the power to deprogram and wake up an intelligent American jury to the whole, horrible truth! Hitler's Eugenics and Slavery movement began right here in Bedford, Pennsylvania at Bedford Springs in 1857. The Dred Scott decision occurred here and this slave-making government has only changed its methods and not its slave-making. Slave-making is advanced everywhere in our popular media as powerful subconscious programming.
If you doubt that government is the greatest threat to your children, simply turn on your television. Why so much sexing-up of government and "parental" government programming? Why so many psychic attacks demonizing the individual and none demonizing government? Why is real psychology and real science repressed precisely where it is most needed? Is this propaganda necessary to hide the fact that the Machiavellian manipulator is the true face of government?
Intelligent parents and lawyers will quickly understand that this is the most pressing and important issue regarding our children's future. As the "singularity" of mind and machine is just around the corner, your children will walk right into a major secret government scam which will destroy them. It will literally control their entire idea of "reality," becoming the Matrix of Death direct from a death cult. Only an immoral and retarded coward would ignore this issue! Through Tavistock, Freud told our own secret government how to carry out this coup over the mind on a near-universal scale. You must view the entire Mind Control operation advanced by the CIA since 1947 as highly suspect as a "spiritual attack" against the American family, just as Eisenhower warned us. The government's mythic system is so grossly unconstitutional, criminal and reckless that we must sue those individuals and corporations that advance this mythic system for billions of dollars in damages. It is all a pack of lies and these lies will kill your children! Those who ignore or trivialize this important issue are among the most immoral and retarded generation in world history.

Bureaucrats are now fully programmed to demonize the traditionally all-important parental duty of sex education and use sexual trauma against children and parents which brings to the surface deep programming of sex taboos, wrongful "parental authority" programming and other mass control devices. These are basic Nazi PSYOPS devices which only serve wrongful government. Real parents are being destroyed by the millions and their children end up as Monarch slaves. None of this is just coincidence. We can now prove this to an intelligent American jury. To understand this powerful Mind Control requires the exceptional patriot, as all others are now mind-controlled sheep. If you are not a sheep, read on. But be prepared for the real truth about evil incarnate.
Alpha-level Mind Control has been used against you your entire life manipulating your entire belief system, therefore it is totally "normalized" and functionally invisible to your rational mind. But Americans everywhere are waking up to the fact that the true context of this secret government operation affects all aspects of their lives. It will utterly control your children's very understanding of "reality." Full understanding of this powerful Mind Control will make you very powerful! Do your own research and learn the truth!
Understanding the deep programming of Americans over generations.
Hitler's Eugenics operations now underway in America.
911: The Real Matrix of Totalitarian Mind Control
The Bush Family Link to Nazi Eugenics, Mind Control
PSYOPS Expert explains what's really going on in America.
Mind Control: The Perverted "Science" now Controlling America.
How the Child Trafficking Industry Began.
The Naked Truth is coming to the U.S. Supreme Court as RobertsCourt.com is finding a link between millions of alienated children and CIA death cults. Actual Nazi Mind Control methods have been "normalized" in America through powerful subconscious programming and Mockingbird media manipulation. The evidence of a link between these death cults and our own children is literally all around you. Even rock music serves the Pentagon and has done so for decades. The "science" of Hitler now traffics over 3,000 children per week toward the Monarch Mind Control programming of the Pentagon. They therefore have repressed the true science of subconscious programming in America through massive "truth" spending in places like Harvard. Top experts in Europe are telling us this programming has nothing to do with "truth."
Nazi Mind Control is so normalized in America that these arrogant mind-controllers gave us 9/11 and 98% of Americans initially fell for this massive fraud. This is a mind-controlled population of historic blindness, just as Wells, Huxley and Orwell predicted! As these Americans feel "secure" in their groupthink mythic system, the polar opposite is the case. The elite achieved this coup over the mind mainly through the wholesale destruction of the parental duty, what Freud considered critical for establishing the reality principle in children. But this intellectual blindness will be used against you in ways that you will not see coming. This intellectual blindness has been imposed by a wrongful top-down death cult.
These secret programs have built the "war on terror" myth and are programming American children for absolute slavery and Nazification into the government's own mythic system. Parents are waking up to this horrific programming, as we advance the idea that our Constitution is still relevant. The 9/11 Truth Movement and Constitutional Law experts are uncovering massive fraud of the Skull and Bones elite and the Bohemian Grove death cult. Eugenics operations are being discovered which prove a massive Mind Control conspiracy destroying the American family on a massive scale. Those who ignore these obvious facts will risk the total destruction of their own children.

"You can't handle the truth, because we planned it that way!" Now they are stealing your nation blind and killing millions based on lies and actual Nazi Mind Control. Don't you think it's time to wake up to the whole truth? Your government fully themes your media with lies, omissions and psychic violence in order to Nazify this culture into a mythic system of "endless war." The real war is on you! Such a mythic system is designed to lull you into complacency like you are a sheep, while your government simultaneously commits horrible atrocities. This programming of propaganda destroys real parents in order to build the "parental government" mythic system. But such false parents are pure illusion. Your government views you as a population to be controlled, not as our Founding Fathers viewed you. Your entire belief system regarding sex and authority has been manipulated by secret government programs employing Nazi Mind Control since your birth! You therefore must step very far back from all the Mind Control which has been normalized and view the big picture: your media is secretly controlled to serve a very wrongful secret government. Once you understand the true scope and purpose of this Mind Control, you become powerful as the exceptional patriot.
The Monster Plot of 9/11 has been fully programmed for decades using your own mind against you. These programmers are criminals!
Audio: Media & Mind Control in America
by Steven Jacobson
(5.24MB) 22Min 52 Sec
(4.75MB) 20Min 45 Sec
A sexed-up and "parental" media that fully controls your idea of "reality" and does not investigate obvious atrocities, works secretly for the government and requires the brainwashing of millions of children into this government mythic system, isn't this a conspiracy against these children's rights? Are we really created equal when the elite protect their own children from active Mind Control and the non-elite are never even told about this Mind Control?Mind Control is the steady usurpation of your Constitution by the "elite" over generations. This usurpation builds a powerful ancient power system at the subconscious level. It will utterly destroy your children as they decorate their own bodies with the Skull and Bones of a death cult. Are you blind to the obvious? Have you been made blind? What holes? We Demand Answers!
It may appear utterly amazing to you, but children need to be empowered with parental sex education in a timely manner as intended by nature. This taboo is precisely the same as telling North Koreans that they must speak truth to their dictator. They will not believe you and will want to lynch you. The traditional role of parents is to protect children from the slave-maker, and this is profoundly important to understand today. Today's slave-makers function at the subconscious level through media like television, so they become invisible to your rational mind. This empowers them to build powerful taboos into the culture. Through Tavistock, Freud told our elite how to transfer "parental authority" from real parents to the government by demonizing the parental duty with powerful sex taboos. These taboos were developed by and for the Nazis and now apply to Americans everywhere. The elite have deliberately destroyed the all-important parental duty through omission, sex taboos and emotional contagion spread by mind-controlled bureaucrats and media. Your children, nonetheless, must be protected from this learned ignorance, so enlightened parents are routinely destroyed by these imposed taboos. Your children can become easily Nazified through mass media which is now fully seductive and normalized as a good thing coming from "parental authority."
As your government "parents" commit obvious treason, they sit for a prolonged period in a classroom so as to re-enforce their "parental" role. You then become too infantized by terror to blame your own parents for treason. Obvious treason becomes a dirty word for a mind-controlled child. This intellectual blindness will utterly destroy the Constitution!
But this brainwashing has become so "normalized" that Americans are now blind to its real purpose. The mesmerist arts like television were deliberately set up as hypno-devices to serve secret government agendas. This was a federal government that fully understood the extreme power of subconscious programming and has been silent on this subject ever since the 1950s. As your children are indoctrinated into television, they soon learn to "trust" their television mesmerists as "parental" figures. This was deliberately planned very early in television development. Over generations, this programming becomes very powerful and fully normalized. Television is also used to build entire mythic systems built on terror, information and attitude manipulation.
When such power of the mesmerists arts are secretly themed and controlled from the top down, how your television mesmerists theme and deliver information, omit information, builds a powerful mythic system. But the secret government wrongfully uses these mesmerist arts against your children as a "population" and not as individuals with rights. You must use your rational mind for an extended period just to understand the true context to this mass brainwashing.
As the 9/11 events were very "successful" for the secret government, we expect even more bizarre events in the future which will be fully manipulated by theatre and not by facts. Have you ever seen sex organs on an alien? Maybe these "aliens" have always been the creation of the eugenics movement? By "depatterning" your child's mind in regard to sexuality, the eugenicists achieve broad, long-term population control results. Contrary to this imposed ignorance about sex being "moral" or "innocence," such imposed ignorance is demoralizing children on a massive scale. Elite programmers are literally building alienation and sexual dysfunction into the population starting in very early childhood. But the elite deliberately protect their own children from this programming.It may seem utterly amazing to you, but your children are being de-sexed further and further into their childhood and being programmed for some very strange future event. This "event" may be a government-manipulated alien visitation or other profound "event" which will secretly serve eugenics. This is the "science" most dear to the death-cult elite and has unified them since the 1920s. Eugenics is the religion of the elite and is found in highly duplicitous programs throughout the U.S. government and the U.N.. Most of these death-cult programs are advanced as philanthropic, "altruistic" programs like vaccinations. Such vaccinations of children have been found to contain female hormones necessary to carry a pregnancy to term. Once the girl's body develops an immunity to her own hormones, future pregnancies become very problematic. The truth to this "altruism" is far stranger than any fiction!
Programs like Kinder laden used to de-nazify Germany are critically necessary for America today, as our children are indeed being Nazified. By providing the children of Nazis normal sexual development, our own government stopped the Nazification process in Germany and Austria. As I was instructed at Harvard on the success of this program in Europe, I was also told that such programs are deliberately made taboo in the U.S.. Taboo is powerful emotional programming which comes from wrongful authority. Taboos are rarely good for the individual but serve the authority. That is why good parents instinctively want to protect their children from the taboos that will destroy them. To understand the true power system of any culture, study its taboos. Children can be protected from wrongful taboos only if our Constitution is protected. This is because Americans live in one of the most mind-controlled cultures in the world and much of this mind-controlling originated at Harvard though MKULTRA CIA programs.
As the media is advanced as a powerful drug, its seduction is near totalitarian, building an entire mythic system. "Authorities" now routinely destroy those parents who protect their own children from media programming with the parental duty. Americans are now too idiotic to know what the parental duty actually means. You will not find much on this highly successful Kinder laden child development program in the U.S. because such programs, like traditional religion and the traditional parental duty, will challenge the government's indoctrination of children into this mythic system. The CIA has actively manipulated and repressed the information about sexual repression from the top down. There is nothing more taboo in America than the fact that your children are held in wrongful sexual repression so that they are brainwashed by their own government.
This "King's method" of raising children used to de-nazify Europe from massive slave-making operations of the Nazis is nonetheless used by the elite with their own children because this is normal development which protects children from neurosis and wrongful authority programming. Children empowered by the King's methods of education rarely become grunts for the Pentagon, so this entire child-empowerment education is fully repressed in much of America. This repression of critical information is deliberately advanced by the Pentagon. Many in the federal government are nonetheless instructed to raise their children in this manner. The "elite" at Harvard do the same. Top Freudian experts have been fully repressed from giving you this profoundly critical information and you are even programmed to laugh at this information as the CIA's "behaviorist science" is advanced to cover the real science.
Mind-controllers have always required sexually repressed children for their wrongful indoctrination methods, so they actively advance a "science" and massive attitude propaganda through mass media which destroys the parental duty. This is an ancient Psyops scam perfected by the Chinese thousands of years ago. The real science of psychology, anthropology and military PSYOPS proves the traditional parental duty of sex education is profoundly critical for children as it builds the reality principle in them. It is so critical in fact, that a government silent on this issue is a government brainwashing its own people. Sexual repression at childhood is a key requirement of Nazi Mind Control, so they have normalized it. Today, children cannot hug in the schoolyard. Parents live in fear that their own children might experience normal sexual development in a non-traumatic manner known throughout history. Bureaucrats, police and teachers have morphed into sexual repression Nazis, fully ignorant of the true results of sexual repression--it builds a more sadistic, bigoted and war-mongering society which totally conforms to Nazis in power.
Sexual repression away from real parental empowerment and sophisticated ego development builds near universal neurosis. But today, this neurosis is even more threatening than ever. The seduction of your children into a totalitarian delusion is literally just years away. Americans are literally dumbed-down about the importance of the parental duty of sex education coming from real parents because their children are being programmed by government. This sexual repression thoroughly destroys the reality principle in millions of children deliberately. This destruction of the reality principle in children will set them up for totalitarian manipulation by wrongful government. The key to sophisticated ethics development in children and protecting them from Nazi Mind Control is parental sex education. The wrongful authority programming coming from mass media has significant consequences:
As the social evolutionists transform society, few will blame this transformation on mass media and fewer still will blame their own government. These methods of building wrongful authority over parents builds actual slavery and massive alienation into the population, dumbing children down for wrongful government manipulation. Therefore, those who trivialize, laugh-off or otherwise dismiss sexual repression as a non-issue are delusional and dangerous to our children. Children are today indoctrinated into the mesmerist arts like television which is fully controlled and themed by the secret federal government. This indoctrination of children into the government's mythic system is extremely damaging to these children.
The Bohemian Grove is a massive conspiracy against rights of a near totalitarian coup over our Constitution.
"Theatre is a hammer."---Bertolt Brecht
We are all led to believe that popular culture evolves with society. Yet we now know that the opposite is the truth: popular culture builds society's collective unconscious, fully shaping society itself. Control of popular culture becomes a powerful tool for social evolutionists. Like a hammer, theatre shapes and builds history itself through the careful manipulation of emotional contagion, a basic weapon of war. Your secret federal government has been fully aware of this for decades. Tavistock and the CIA have been programming you for the demonic terrorist myth and "parental government" for generations. Alfred Hitchcock was specifically employed by Tavistock and the CIA to develop powerful deep programming of Freudian sexual symbolism in close proximity to violence for effective "crowd control" terror programming. Americans are thoroughly conditioned to believe this was all just "entertainment." Not so for the subconscious mind! The subconscious mind does not discriminate between reality and entertainment. The subconscious mind fully controls your attitudes and this control can be programmed on a massive scale.
The Pentagon has known this power of Alpha-level programming for decades. As you rarely experience horrific violence in real life, films are developed to program you for horrific violence. When actual violence occurs, the programmed violence then surfaces along with the pro-government themes associated with it. This is deep programming of propaganda, though your conscious mind will never see it as such. Today, such deep programming serves many other secret government agendas. This programming is today fully normalized as entertainment or news, though it originated as programming to protect soldiers from shellshock. You therefore must question all of this programming by studying the real facts for yourself. You must demand the real facts be presented in a real court of law with the full awareness of this massive "parental authority" fraud.
This deep programming fully serves eugenics and is designed to alienate real parents through promulgated psychic violence. It is so powerful over generations that it has built the "war on terror" mythic system out of pure theatre alone. The demonization of the individual through television is so pervasive that massive child trafficking operations now go on nearly everywhere in non-elite America with absolutely no regard for the Constitution of the United States. People are fully conditioned to fall for a basic Nazi sex scam which falsely places mind-controlled bureaucrats over parents. These bureaucrats are profoundly stupid, reckless and dangerous! They are a major threat to your children, as they actively spread the emotional contagion which produces millions of "programmable" children for the Pentagon.
When entire populations are raised in sexual repression, the use of sex and prostitutes in politics, even child sex slaves, becomes a powerful weapon of loyalty, blackmail and subconscious emotional contagion. The overwhelming majority of these child sex slaves are utterly destroyed, but those brave few who testify are fully ignored in an horrific blindness of the American people.
View the video top officials don't want you to see: Pedophile Ring at the Top of Government.
Child Sex Slaves and the Bush White House.
Child trafficking in Pennsylvania is of greater consequence for the greater numbers of child trafficking agencies. With a total of 206 Pennsylvania has far more child trafficking agencies than any other state. California, which is almost three times the size of Pennsylvania has 73 agencies less and Illinois which is very comparable in size to Pennsylvania has about half as many licensed agencies. This makes Pennsylvania ripe for massive child trafficking fraud and ground zero for this black market in child sex slaves. Pennsylvania's high population German-blooded children appeals to those Nazis who prefer German-blooded sex slaves. Hundreds of these slaves have come forward to testify.
Children withheld from the historically all-important parental duty by real fathers are 5 times more likely to become emotional and physical slaves. Children manipulated by "Child Services" are far more likely to become prostitutes, drug addicts and Pentagon grunts than children raised by real fathers. This is not merely a coincidence. But your media is fully controlled not to give you these facts of life. A Mockingbird media will never tell you the truth, it is literally shaping your entire belief system away from the truth! Since you never hear about the parental duty through your media, you now know virtually nothing about the most profoundly important empowerment tool for children. Today, the state enforces sexual ignorance in targeted children with draconian force and powerful brainwashing propaganda simply to supply the Pentagon with "programmable" children for their many false wars. These are wars advanced through Mind Control manipulation.
So the "programmable" child becomes a major Pentagon "asset" and is conditioned as such through powerful emotional programming. They do so by the total destruction of the Constitution. They have fully themed popular media to build basic Nazi taboo-building PSYOPS into our children in order to destroy traditional religion and traditional families. By making the traditional parental duty taboo, these children become total mind-slaves to mass media which is now programming them for the "singularity" of total Mind Control. They will willingly walk into this singularity of mind and machine as they are seduced to do so by "parental" government.
This destruction of the individual requires massive brainwashing into the government's own mythic system. This wrongful programming produces a massive amount of conflict in real parents, producing massive divorce and parental alienation. Much of this conflict is centered on imposed government ignorance in regard to childhood sexuality--fully demonizing normal and necessary childhood empowerment into the real power system of human sexuality. Programmed sex taboos now destroy millions of families as the true context to these witchcraft devices are never exposed in real courts. This provides broad eugenics statistical results, as these thoroughly demoralized children will not want families of their own. We now have the ability to deprogram these marionette Nazis on the witness stand. We must prosecute those who advance grossly unconstitutional Inquisitions against families as Nazi war criminals, as their link to Nazi eugenics programs are now undeniable. The government's mythic system builds a wide divide between the secret "elite" and the vast mind-controlled non-elite. This violation of equal protection of children is now so broad and easy to prove, that only mind-controlled idiots will ignore this most important issue. Investigate Site R for active child abuse.
Secret governments and secret agendas breed absolute corruption. There is a direct link to crimes against children: child mind-control slaves. When we expose the child sex slaves made by our secret federal government, we also expose the massive Alpha-level programming of child slaves which is an abomination to our Constitution. The radical transformation of our entire culture since the 1947 "National Security Act" was no passive evolution, it was thoroughly engineered. This engineering goes to the very heart of evil itself. This is the very cause of justice our Founding Fathers demanded of us!
Do you actually believe that state cyborgs who steal your children through force understand how the elite raise their own children? The elite deliberately raise their own children with sexual awareness and truth which builds the reality principle in these children and builds a sophisticated ego development in them. But such "sophistication" is deliberately repressed in non-elite populations and parents who educate their children as elite children are now placed on state scarlet-letter databases designed to utterly humiliate and destroy them. It utterly destroys the most important empowerment tool for children: the parental duty. If you find this activity constitutional, congratulations, you are a fully programmed cyborg for the elite! This is literally a death-cult elite, dedicated to endless war and total slavery. Protecting your children from active Mind Control and the real threats of the 21st Century will not be understood by state cyborgs, nor will they even believe you. Their entire reality has been deliberately inverted by the elite "sciences" of bigots in order to carry-out secret eugenics operations. These bigots are actually programmed to hate real parents. They will use sexual amplification and Hyper Abuse Hysteria as profoundly powerful Mind Control devices, spreading the emotional contagion which destroys millions of children.
Actual Nazis spread powerful emotional contagion which fully represses the parental duty for millions of children and this is basic Nazi Black Widow PSYOPS. When they employ these devices on parents who were raised sexually repressed, they actually work. This is the cycle of a basic Nazi sex scam which utterly destroys an entire population, turning this population into conforming sheep and slaves. Sheep and slaves do not question things like 9/11, nor can they understand the real power structure of their Constitution. They have been transformed into top-down cyborgs who fully conform to what the "popular" media is telling them. Little do they know that what is advanced as "popular" is really controlled and themed by a very evil, secret government at the Bohemian Grove. The few 2,000 members of the Bohemian Grove fully control and theme a massive Mind Control machine involving powerful top-down control methods and mass media. Normal and necessary parental authority has been demonized in non-elites due to powerful bigotry programming which comes directly from these sexed-up and "parental" Nazis. "To destroy your enemy, destroy the authority of his parent." This destruction of the parental duty has utterly destroyed the reality principle in these children.
When your children are drawn into these Nazi inquisitions, you will know that these are Nazi eugenics operations and are thoroughly programmed as such. But no one will believe you! After all, the historically all-important parental duty has been utterly lost in the entire population and is now only found at Illuminati centers like Harvard. H.G. Wells provided the elite eugenicists a blueprint for totalitarian society destruction in his short novel Country of the Blind. He proposed that over generations the parental duty of sex education can be thoroughly demonized and lost in entire cultures, providing enormous population control results. This is precisely what Eisenhower found in post-Nazi Germany. You will then understand that all of the demonization of the individual on shows like Jerry Springer, CSI and countless other propaganda programming really serves a very evil government agenda: massive destruction of the population through low-intensity conflict, one family at a time, one "demonic" individual at a time. But these "demons" are programmed demons and they now apply to the most enlightened parents, those parents who know the most about Mind Control and are most like our Founding Fathers! You will never hear the truth about subconscious slavery from a Mind Control machine that actually advances it. You must demand this truth in a real court of law! When they demonize the individual over and over and over again, they are making slaves through powerful subconscious programming which fully serves wrongful government.
Yet these Nazis are mere marionettes for the elite who have programmed them. This horror will stun you for a considerable period of time before you understand that any parent who conforms to Nazi atrocities is no better than the Nazis themselves. We are advancing the Constitutional Parent to utterly crush these Nazis with the Constitution of the United States. We now have over 20,000 parent emails and will be distributing publications on Mengele's Mind Control methods now being used on millions of U.S. families. Only by standing up for your constitutional rights and the right to life for your children will these top-down programmed bigots understand the real power system of our Constitution. The power of our Constitution will crush them like snails.
Do you think the Internet comes from the military and that it is absolutely loaded with pornography is just a coincidence? Pornography is but one element of Mind Control which serves eugenics. Playboy has advanced CIA Mockingbird agendas since its inception. Sexual programming is all sourced at early PSYOPS operations. It successfully destroys the parental duty through subconscious programming which demonizes traditional childhood sex education and empowerment into the reality principle by real parents. The continual demonization of the individual on "news" programming of psychic violence regarding child sex cases always serves this wrongful government programming. The truth of the historically all-important parental duty is obliterated through powerful negative psychic conditioning through Mockingbird media. Destruction of the reality principle in children sets them up for full media manipulation into the government's own mythic system. Raising children sexually repressed sets them up for this family destruction through subconscious terror. The state then easily manipulates them with Freudian sex taboos and other 19th Century witchcraft devices of ignorance.
This is a Nazi government which attacked us on 9/11. All responsible parents must study this issue with the highest urgency! Your secret federal government has literally brought back Victorian sexual repression, promulgated psychic violence in media, false-flag terror attacks and sexual hysteria in order to build a wrongful government mythic system in the U.S.. This secret government is a eugenics operation bent on world domination. The sexuality of your children is being used against them in profoundly evil ways.
Celebrating Slavery in Bedford, Pennsylvania.
Parents are the most powerful force in America because they can build truth into the next generation, and it's time we honor parents and not secret government. This massive conspiracy employs mass media attitude manipulation which serves eugenics. Families are literally cooked alive by psychological warfare as they are simultaneously denying their children critical education to counter this horrific warfare. The elite are not denying their children this critical education! The full reversal of our Constitution places idiot bureaucrats over parents for obvious eugenics and Americans are conditioned to accept this fraud. These Americans are not patriots!
The "behaviorist science" of Dr. Phil will never explain to you the true power of subconscious programming. This is its true purpose as advanced through enormous "truth" spending at HYPe (Harvard, Yale, Princeton) programming centers. You must understand the power of subconcious programming by using your rational mind and by studying the science of Freud, used exclusively by Tavistock. As American soldiers in WWI suffered an extremely high rate of "shell shock," upwards of 40% of soldiers never programmed by mass media suffered debilitating paralysis on the battlefield. The military advanced and fully normalized the "action hero" movies and video games which now deeply program most American children. Today, even as many soldiers will suffer long-term post-traumatic stress after serving in the military, very few of them were unable to fight through very horrible scenes on the battlefield. This is the power of subconscious programming as advanced and fully normalized by those at the Bohemian Grove.
My family's case will prove the massive fraud of brainwashing done to millions of American children. The Nazification of these children is everywhere in their popular media and this programming goes far beyond just preparing them to be soldiers. This programming is specifically designed to build bigotry in regard to the parental duty, fully destroying sophisticated ethics and ego development in children on a massive scale. This conspiracy against rights now destroys the most important duty of any parent to protect children from Mind Control and the real threats of the 21st Century. Top psychologists know that the parental duty is the only protection children have from massive Alpha-level mesmerist media attacking them from all directions, much of this media coming directly from powerful eugenicists. This brainwashing serves an elite cult at the Bohemian Grove in perpetual power through powerful subconscious programming. As they indoctrinate your children into a "parental" mythic system of media and government, they become all-powerful. This programming is so "normalized" that you may not easily understand this issue. This blog is your gateway for understanding this massive crime against children and truth. Such a conspiracy of the elite will require a responsible judge to initiate treason charges against our true enemies. Step up to our Constitution or step out.
Understanding the deep programming of Americans over generations.

The 9/11 Mind Control Matrix.
Why We Fight: The latest films on the 9/11 Cover-up.
Fire Fighters and Top Scientists stand up to the 9/11 Fraud.
View some of the Patriots who Question the 9/11 "Official" Myth.
The Threats, Attacks and many "Suicides" of 911 Truth Seekers Continue.
CIA link to massive Drug Network for universal Mind Control.
Take action! Tell Obama that we will not "Normalize" the 9/11 Scam!
- Send this information to your congresspeople and journalists, demanding attention
- Help New York citizens and 9/11 family members, beginning Thursday, Oct. 28th, by signing an online petition in support of their formal complaint to be filed with New York Attorney General. Petition at www.justicefor911.org
- Stay informed here at www.911truth.org and get active in local groups.
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