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Monday, May 04, 2009
Nazies: The Occult Conspiracy
I don't normally post reviews of my own books, but I felt compelled to set the record straight for those who might be considering purchasing my 'Nazis and the Occult' and who might be put off by Charles Levenson's misleading review as I consider this a very serious and psychological study of a subject which has been sensationalised and mythologised in the past. Mr Levenson may object to the look of the book, but no one could over look the fact that I make it very clear that Hitler and his circle were NOT magicians in the traditional sense but manipulators of the mass mind. I also make it clear that Ravenscroft and his Spear of Destiny yarn is just that - pulp fiction that makes for good copy but is certainly not to be taken as historical fact. To dimiss Hitler and his Henchmen as 'evil' or as pawns of a dark power is to take the easy option - we are all responsible for our actions and evil is man made.
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About Me
80% of Americans get their "News" from a controlled media. Operation Mockingbird has been developed as the fourth branch of government. President Eisenhower tried to warn us about this "spiritual attack" in 1959. Now as a federal whistleblower, I expose Mind Control in America and how it works. I graduated with the "elite" mind programmers at Harvard. Mind Control programs developed by the CIA are now used by Child Services. Children touched by "Child Services" grow into darkness. American youth are alienated, radicalized and disillusioned for good reason. I expose some of our government's most secret and horrific crimes against children. For this, my dear family was stolen, brainwashed and lost in a web of government fraud and corruption. Keeping children ignorant about sex, drugs and usury make them highly vulnerable to Government and Corporate Mind Control. We petition the Supreme Court and Congress to prepare Articles of Treason against our real enemies. For my dear daughter and family, I am always fighting for you!
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