By: emptywheel Saturday April 18, 2009 11:57 am
I've put this detail in a series of posts, but it really deserves a full post. According to the May 30, 2005 Bradbury memo, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times in March 2003 and Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times in August 2002. Would such work be construed as Mind Control trauma-based conditioning to make them believe they were the masterminds behind 9/11? It is now reported that the "mastermind" has multiple personalities and is a full-blown nutcase.
On page 37 of the OLC memo, in a passage discussing the differences between SERE techniques and the torture used with detainees, the memo explains:
The CIA used the waterboard "at least 83 times during August 2002" in the interrogation of Zubaydah. IG Report at 90, and 183 times during March 2003 in the interrogation of KSM, see id. at 91.
Disturbing secret memos released yesterday detail the sadistic interrogation methods the Bush administration authorized the CIA to use on detainees. These memos provide shocking confirmation of high-level involvement in the Bush torture program.
It's appalling to see how far our nation strayed from our commitment to human rights. To restore our values we must demand accountability from those responsible.
The last thing America can do now is adopt a “let bygones be bygones” approach to these despicable and indefensible activities.
In America, no one is above the law -- and when crimes have been committed, our legal system demands accountability.
It took five long years for the ACLU to force these memos out into the open. And, no matter how long it takes, we’re going to keep pushing until those responsible for these heinous acts are held accountable.
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