Press Release: Sherwood Ross
Scoop World Independent News
Torture has received the most attention among the many war crimes of the Bush administration. But those who support Bush's pursuit of the "war on terror" have not been impressed by recriminations over torture. Worse than torture are the murders of at least 50 prisoners in Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan, and Guantánamo, but again the hard-hearted are unimpressed when those whom they perceive as terrorists receive illegal extrajudicial capital punishment.
The case for abusing children, however, is more difficult to support. The best kept secret of the Bush's war crimes is that thousands of children have been imprisoned, tortured, and otherwise denied rights under the Geneva Conventions and related international agreements. Yet both Congress and the media have strangely failed to identify the very existence of child prisoners as a war crime. In the Islamic world, however, there is no such silence. Indeed, the prophet Mohammed was the first to counsel warriors not to harm innocent children.
From jailing children together with adults in prisons where they were raped to failing to notify their parents of their arrest, the U.S. committed numerous war crimes against children in Afghanistan and Iraq, a new book on President Bush states.
"American guards videotaped Iraqi male prisoners raping young boys but took no action to stop the offenses (and) children in Abu Ghraib were deliberately frightened by dogs," writes political scientist Michael Haas in his new book, George W. Bush, War Criminal? (Praeger - see below for ordering information), a question he answers in the affirmative.
"In most cases, weeks or even years elapsed before parents were informed of the imprisonment of their children," says Haas, noting that in Afghanistan alone during 2002 "at least 800 boys, aged 10 to 15 were captured", 64 of whom were sent to Guantanamo, Cuba, where some were flung into solitary confinement. Haas notes that Protocol 1 of the 1977 Geneva Convention states "No Party to the conflict shall arrange for the evacuation of children, other than its own nationals, to a foreign country" unless written consent of the parents is obtained.

In a wide-ranging 389-page volume that documents 269 different classes of war crimes perpetrated by the Bush administration, some of them repeated hundreds or thousands of times, Haas systematically exposes the former president's reckless disregard for child welfare.
To begin with, Bush's legal advisors disputed the very definition of "child" as a person under 18 years of age who needs special protection. That's the definition spelled out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The U.S. defined "child" as someone age 16 or younger. The U.S. last year told the UN's Committee on the Rights of the Child(CRC) since 2002 it had detained 2,400 children in Iraq and 100 in Afghanistan although other sources state the latter figure was 800. (Irrespective of the number, it is a war crime to detain any person indefinitely, which was the case here.) Also, as of May, 2008, there were 21 children incarcerated in Guantanamo. The CRC has "upbraided the United States for charging minors with war crimes instead of treating underage persons as victims of war," Haas writes.
Contrary to the CRC's Article 9, which states that a captured child shall be allowed to "maintain personal relations and direct contact with both parents on a regular basis," some children were not allowed to write or telephone home for as long as five years.
And where CRC's Article 13 guarantees "The child shall have the right to freedom to ... seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print," Haas points out "Most children were held incommunicado at Guantanamo until April, 2003" and that one child, Mohammed Jawad "remains in solitary confinement." Jawad received promises of books to study that have not been kept, Haas adds.
Other violations of international covenants pertaining to children include:
The failure to stop mistreatment of children,
The failure to investigate the abuse of children.
The failure to prosecute prison personnel allegedly guilty of such abuse.
The failure to allow parents to visit children.
The failure to allow children to have legal counsel.
The failure to provide children with speedy trials.
The failure to promptly inform children of the crimes against them.
The failure to allow witnesses to testify in behalf of children.
The failure to provide children with social programs.
And although CRC Article 31 requires that children have the right "to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child," Haas writes, "There is no record of recreation for the hundreds of children detained at Bagram or at Abu Ghraib."
The CRC's Article 37 requires that "No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" yet at Abu Ghraib a girl of about 12 was stripped naked and beaten, according to Iraqi journalist Suhaib Badr-Addin al-Baz, who heard her screams. He also witnessed a 15-year-old boy forced to run up and down the prison carrying two heavy cans of water who was beaten whenever he stopped. On yet another occasion, authorities arrested the 16-year-old son of Iraqi General Hamid Zabar and tortured him before presenting him to his father, whom they wanted to confess. These and several hundred other war crimes are detailed in the new book.
Professor Haas is the author or editor of 33 books on government and world politics. He has taught at a number of outstanding schools, including the University of London and Northwestern University. To receive his book, send check in the amount of $32 to Haas at P.O. Box 46127, Los Angeles, CA 90046. Haas may be reached at mikehaas [at]
(Further information and to arrange for interviews with Professor Haas, contact Sherwood Ross at sherwoodr1 [at]
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Most Americans are unaware of the greatest threat to children is Alpha-level brainwashing. Covert brainwashing activities have been ongoing in the U.S. since World War II originating from a Bohemian Grove secret program. Much of the programming is fully "normalized" throughout the culture as "news" and "entertainment," yet the deep programming function of building groupthink conformity provides the Pentagon with broad statistical results in the Nazification of children and adults alike. Over 600 Nazi Mind Control agents were brought to the U.S. to build this Nazification process into American mass media. Today, Nazified politicians and bureaucrats are actively removing children from the most enlightened parents, those parents who understand how Nazi Mind Control works. Clearly, our culture has transformed dramatically since 1950 due primarily to Alpha-level media programming.
Sexual repression at childhood away from parental authority and empowerment is a long-standing Nazi scheme to manipulate and control entire populations with wrongful government manipulation and programming. Hitler's first mission in Germany was to destroy the parental duty of sex education, the most important duty of parenthood. The destruction of the parental duty is key to brainwashing throughout history. The parental duty has protected children from the slave-makers for thousands of years, but today's slave-makers employ highly advanced mesmerist arts like television, music, film and video games. Once the parental duty is lost in a given population, that population turns into slaves easily manipulated by Rockefeller's vast media mind machine. This slavery is so obvious and so easy to prove, that only a retarded coward cannot see the import of this issue. Literally, these devices of superstition and sex magic cannot work in real courts of law, so they have placed our children in Nazi courts! They are now burning effigies of children in celebration of this imposed slavery.

Death cults do not create CAPTA to "protect" children. They are stealing children for child sacrifice rituals, all of which is normalized by a controlled media. Psychological engineering is used to spread broad disinformation, myths and Nazify bureaucrats with emotional programming to destroy sound child development and Nazify children en mass. The Nazification of these children is obvious to anyone who would look.

Hundreds of faulty programming errors occurred on 9/11 proving a massive government conspiracy regarding your Rockefeller-CIA media. This is a media that is conditioning you as a slave and is blind to the real atrocities going on in America. This is a controlled blindness using your own programmed belief system against you:
Dr. David Griffin on the 9/11 Fraud that Mind Control's the U.S. Population.
CPS Corruption Unveiled
Pennsylvania is the worst violator of parent and child rights as it has by far the highest number of child-trafficking organizations. Children are violated by cyborgs, programmed by the "bahavioral sciences" of the elite and not by the Constitution. They now operate Inquisitions employing powerful Nazi Mind Control trauma-based brainwashing methods against women and children, fully inverting their entire belief system for the utter destruction of their families. German children are the most prized by the elite, and Pennsylvania's high German population is the most exploited population for the making of the child mind-slave. We are identifying hundreds of child mind-slaves terrorized, raped and destroyed by these "altruistic" programs coming down from the Bohemian Grove death cult.
Our Constitution was written as a bottom-up contract where the parent retains the real power. The Nazi elite cannot function in such a power system so they will advance Mind Control to reverse our Constitution's power system in order to fully exploit non-elite children. Massive covert programming of top-down power systems have targetted American children since the 1950s, much of it stemming from a top-secret Bohemian Grove Mind Control programming through mass media. The American people have been thoroughly duped about the Republican elite's "moral" movement concerning children. This movement is advanced by pedophiles at the very top of government, which is completely consistent with Mind Control variables regarding the inexplicable Machiavellian manipulator. Until the American public is made fully aware of the inexplicable realm in which these criminals operate, these children will continue to be exploited in the most heinous manner.

One of the first tricks of Nazi Mind Control is to program fathers in the demonic parts of the mind, thus transferring authority from father to the state "Daddy" figures of the military.
To stop eugenicide in America, you must begin with your own children. Our children were deliberately empowered to talk about sex and learn the truth about sex and power, because they are being Nazified and dumbed-down by their own government! Such Nazification becomes obvious by studying the video games, television and movie programming which programs children. Continual repetition of themes which build groupthink conformity in news also provides powerful deep programming. This same government then used this empowerment of the parental duty as an excuse to rape-kit and destroy these children with outrageous lies, force and deception. The bureaucrats literally know nothing about the parental duty. Because the adults were fully programmed by Freudian sex taboos, they fully fall for this basic Nazi sex scam which destroys the parental duty in the entire community.
What is the real reason why Americans now fall for basic Nazi sex tricks? Sophisticated sexual ethics development from real parents would have protected them, but a government which brainwashes its children does not want sophisticated ethics development which protects children. Violation of the parental duty is the root of many social and personal ills. The historically all-important parental duty of childhood empowerment, the only protection from these powerful taboos and a slave-making government, is fully destroyed in nearly the entire culture and good parents are being lynched nearly everywhere. Freud even told our own "elite" how to program these taboos to build this wrongful power system. This is a very ancient slave-making system which still functions at the subconscious level, programmed by "entertainment." This is but one reason why European films are much different than American. None of these horrific facts are allowed in a real court of law. Why?
The Monster Plot of 9/11 has been fully programmed for decades.
This normalization of Nazi Mind Control in America is extremely important to understand, as these bureaucrats want to program your own children with the same taboos and through Tavistock, Freud told our own government how to program these taboos for eugenics and mass delusion. The eugenics movement in America is now destroying millions of families based upon programmed sex taboos. As nature intends for children to first fall in love with their parents in order to learn critical lessons of life, the mass destruction of the parental duty by government rednecks has profound implications.
The spreading of "crowd control" devices, false terror and animal spirits in adults by secret government requires the "depatterning" of the childhood mind away from normal development. The parental alienation process is now programmed into children at very early ages and is widely viewed by the mind-controlled as a good thing. They are so repleat with programmed bogey-man myths that normal child development is impossible. These are basic Nazi sex tricks and we are better than that. But they become very powerful over generations through media programming and groupthink conformity. This is the true source of terror programming which serves secret government slave-making. The secret federal government then spreads powerful subconscious control devices, pornography, violence programming, drugs and usury devices, to achieve broad eugenics results and political programming of "authority." None of which comes from real parents and serves only to destroy real parental authority. Real parental authority must be destroyed early in the child's life. We have very strong evidence to believe that the Bohemian Grove death cult has engineered AIDS and Nazi Mind Control to be used against the American people for eugenics. Such sex and death programming requires learned ignorance about sex at childhood. So protecting your children from these sex taboos and sex predator myths is extremely important.
We are researching the child trafficking methods being used in Bedford, Pennsylvania, home of Hitler's eugenics movement. A documentary and book entitled Destroyed: The Secret War on American Children will feature the stories of many children destroyed by a system that advances a government mythic system based on terror and trauma conditioning that make slaves and Nazifies children. The atrocities done to my own family will be fully documented. Even Mengele, the Nazi "Angel of Death," worked on this slave-making system. You may find this subject ridiculous until you actually study it. Your input into this important work is greatly appreciated. The states are now kidnapping and brainwashing children through scientific fraud, constitutional treason and bureaucratic dysfunction on a massive scale. View some of the children destroyed for a Nazi-inspired system that makes slaves.

Many Americans are so thoroughly brainwashed by mass media programming that the actual facts of their government's "war on terror" comes as a brutal and bizarre revelation. Most are literally too afraid to enter into the truth. But this is the realm of PsyOps for which your current government now operates. One of the darkest revelations of American brainwashing of children comes from European Freudian experts who have worked for decades to "deprogram" Europe from Nazi Mind Control operations. Little do Americans understand that Nazi Mind Control has been "normalized" right here in the U.S..
This Nazification of children in America is now so normalized that few even question it, largely because these atrocities are fully controlled by wrongful, secret government's psychological warfare program. Psychological warfare against the American people is so utterly unconstitutional, that it is fully covert and fully "normalized" as "news" and "entertainment." This powerful emotional programming over-rides the rational mind. The Age of emotional programming known as Mind Control then over-rides the Age of Reason. Nazification requires sexual repression at childhood as the parental duty centers the child's mind for understanding emotional programming from a rational perspective. But we are recording the work of this darkest of places, in an age of darkness, as these most disturbed and Nazified people destroy families like they are primitive savages. Such destruction of the parental duty builds on the taboos and myths for which children are reduced to utter slavery, so Americans have been made deliberately dumbed-down about what sexual repression means.
Europeans are not so naive. Hitler knew that bigotry programming was deeply irrational and emotion based. His assault on reason is well known in Europe as an assault on the parental duty. Sexual repression comes from the slave-making arts and Hitler's eugenicists tried very hard to legitimatize and normalize sexual learned ignorance in children. Ignorant Americans now routinely depict such abused children as "innocent." Nothing is further from the truth! These children are being made "programmable" for powerful subconscious programming via government-themed mass media. They are then programmed for a powerful form of neurosis where the "Illuminati" and the media itself are programmed as top-down "parental" entities and this programming is extremely unnatural and harmful to the individual. This brainwashing of top-down authority successfully reverses the power structure of our Constitution, destroying millions of U.S. families. Parents are no longer respected with basic parental and civil rights, all due to the tyranny of Nazi Mind control brought to the U.S. by over 600 Nazi agents. It only serves wrongful government. Such wrongful programming of children often results in hysteria which is now routinely depicted as "sex abuse" by parents. This is a basic Nazi sex scam.
Recent [O'Brien
and Phillips, TRANCE Formation of America (pp 170-1)] information
may radically change this perception of Bohemian Grove. Not merely
drunkenness, unbounded use of alcohol and drugs with vague homosexual
tones (confirmed by our sources) but reported activities much more
serious - kidnapping, rape, pedophilia, sodomy, ritual murder.
Investigation is blocked under the 1947 National Security Act. (!) And
like the Omaha child abuse case, includes illegal detention of
children and broad use of Mind Control devices on children. Many of these child sex slaves are supplied by Child Services organizations which operate child sex slave mills as in Bedford, Pennsylvania. One purpose of such child abuse is to build Satanic arrogance into the New World Order bureaucrats. This is the arrogance and deception that will be necessary to kill hundreds of millions of victims around the world. If you do not report this child abuse by bureaucrats, you are empowering them for the next holocaust.
Kill the messenger is the first mission of Mind Control and kill they have! PsyOps created this realm where up is down and black is white. By fully dominating your media, secret government programming becomes a powerful church, you are to conform to this powerful groupthink conformity and live your entire life suspended in a trance of totalitarian deception where there is absolutely no clarity at the top of government. The realm of the Machiavellian manipulator is pure theatre. Your leader may present himself as Pope while he is secretly a mobster. The only problem with this scheme is that your subconscious mind is smarter than that. Your subconscious mind knows that you are being slowly enslaved from within. You will feel deep alienation and fear and will not know that the true source is military PsyOps. But now you can know for sure, by studying the real history of Mind Control.
Audio: Media & Mind Control in America
by Steven Jacobson
(5.24MB) 22Min 52 Sec
(4.75MB) 20Min 45 Sec
Zeitgeist: Addendum---The true source of Terrorism and SlaveryAlfred Hitchcock was a product of Tavistock, British Intelligence, and began the entire Horror genre which deeply programs and "depatterns" the mind in regard to psychic terror, sex and knives killing fertility symbols. Most major horror films began with PsyOps Operations which blend sex and death programming for eugenics and Pentagon military conditioning and recruiting. Paramount Studios specializes in sexing-up top-down military programming for children. Horror films like The Exorcist were produced by Air Force PsyOps experts. This programs deep sexual taboos and terror with fertility symbols in juxtaposition with the "parental protectors" who are usually programmed as government agents. Ian Flemming worked with J.Edgar Hoover to program FBI agents as "parental." Most CSI-styled programming now routinely employs horror to program the parental government and demonize the individual citizen.
Americans are conditioned to reject the powers of the mesmerist arts, but how else is terror known to the subconscious mind? "Shell shock" is relatively rare in American troops today due to horror conditioning.
Where governments brainwash their children, the most enlightened of families will be targeted first, just as in Nazi Germany. Subconscious slavery requires the destruction of the historically all-important parental duty. This is where "mental hygiene" is used to fully invert the idea of reality deep inside of children. These cases become critical for exposing a massive brainwashing fraud. This is because the enlightened will represent the highest threat and will in fact be a substantial threat to wrongful government. Therefore, they are subject to the most draconian repression. Where such brainwashing of children is viewed as illegal under the Constitution, such wrongful government will employ deep programming which will be smothered in layers of deception to hide its true source. Foreign subsidiaries of intelligence operations like Tavistock will be paid billions of dollars to brainwash your children into a totalitarian mythic system which desexes them later and later into their development. This Nazification process is heralded as normal and necessary just about everywhere except where elite parents demand the truth. Nazified bureaucrats and local "authorities" in the vast non-elite world will enslave those children whose parents do not conform with this brainwashing. Mass media will both advance brainwashing and omit critical information which will expose it as a massive fraud. This is in fact how our current mass media system, controlled by the Bohemian Grove, actually operates.
Deep programming is the hypnotist's realm and not the realm of honest government. The Atomic Age has advanced the war-logic that honest government is too naive and dangerous, as lesser evils are perceived as necessary to prevent greater evils. Therefore your government warped into an age of Mind Control under a war-logic of totalitarian deception, where all power is covert. The problem is, Mind Control is no lesser evil. It fully inverts our core value system and brings back absolute slavery. It builds a totalitarian mythic system based upon irrational fear and disinformation which becomes the beast. What you hear, see, smell and taste is theatre and theatre is a hammer for the elite mind programmer. Over generations, Nazi Mind Control was secretly pounding away and transforming a good American culture into a Nazi war machine and the evidence is all around you.
All that is required of wrongful government is that it dominates and themes this theatre for its own purposes. Such theatre becomes so seductive over generations, that you will not see the forest for the trees. It becomes an all-consuming mythic system which serves the elite mind programmer. If you grow up in the propaganda factory, you will not see it as propaganda, it simply becomes part of your religion which must inevitably destroy that religion. It is a cancer on your Constitution as well. Those held in ignorance of this wrongful power system become the very marionettes who actively advance it. Your government employs the "Illuminati" to do brainwashing missions for which they themselves are ignorant and this mass mesmerism requires the "programmable child" who is denied the reality principle from real parents. Gay Republicans of Bedford County, Pennsylvania promote the renovations of the historic Bedford Springs Hotel as the true Gay White House and Seat of Barbaric Justice. This historic location is slated to become the home of "Northern Decadence," a festival drawing on the enormous popularity of "Southern Decadence" before the ravages of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Now gays, lesbians, transvestites and transgendered "perverts" will enjoy an ideal location in the North, in Bedford, Pennsylvania.
This scenic, rural Pennsylvania location is home to President Buchanan's summer White House, where he entertained his gay friends in lavish festivals while the United States trembled angrily toward Civil War. As one of his gay lovers was a Southern slave owner, this relationship fueled a largely word-of-mouth conspiracy in the area of Bedford which quickly spread throughout the North. Known for its "medicinal" springs, Bedford Springs Hotel functioned as the private sexual spa for the Supreme Court itself during the 1850s, a unique distinction in the Court's history. It was here where the inhumane and barbaric "Dred Scott" decision was toasted over fine wine and caviar declaring that Blacks were property and not entrusted with Constitutional Rights. The anger over this injustice and destruction of Dred Scott's family led to the Civil War. In extreme irony, Queen Victoria, known for her extreme sexual repression, was the first state figure to telegraph our President while in his gay lair at Bedford Springs. He was reportedly naked at the time.
As a symbol of both racial and sexual discrimination in America, Bedford Springs is an historic location for building awareness of the continued prejudice in America that now destroys nearly 700,000 minority families annually through active government programs. Few Americans are aware of these highly duplicitous programs and how they actually work. After all, the very science that explains the duplicity of these programs are actively repressed through force and massive disinformation. This is not the case in post-Nazi Europe, where these devices of wholesale family destruction have been used before. But a simple analysis of modern American Justice and Child Trafficking services are fully exposed at as we petition the Supreme Court of the United States to investigate just how this illegal and unconstitutional Child Trafficking actually works. This website is critical for anyone trying to understand how full-blown discrimination still functions in America in 2008 as racial and political "depopulation" programs by targeting children. These crimes against children are so heinous that they must be suspended in silence, darkness and complete ignorance, and this fraud against basic human rights has worked since the Civil War.
The "outed" politicians who have been disgraced for bad sexual behavior in Washington are laughing all the way to the bank. For their social programs which target children are now law, and they are enjoying the kickbacks from an illegal Child Trafficking industry that targets your children. This child trafficking is largely financed by programs coming down from the Bohemian Grove death cult. Our website is designed to investigate these illegal practices and petition our government for much needed investigations and reform.
Not only is Bedford historic for Civil War and Supreme Court history, it was home to significant Revolutions in opposition to tyranny including the first known attack on a British garrison in 1765, now Fort Bedford, by Colonial Rebels known as "The Black Boys." The town square hosted bizarre public executions, floggings and draconian punishments for trivial crimes. This masochistic tradition found its full expression in the Indian scalpings of settlers in the area, a horror introduced by the French during the French and Indian War.
Even today, this strangely repressed community actively promotes the Gay White House even as it destroys families in order to socially engineer fatherless children and traffic them for profit. This "peculiar institution" needs to be exposed through federal action. The children of "Liberals" and cultural minorities are targeted through employing the sexually repressed traditions and bigotries of far-right Republicans who manage progressive programs first designed to "help" poor children. Republicans now veto any health initiatives for children and attempt to dumb down our children through oppressive "protection" services. They now routinely employ basic hypnotic brainwashing techniques against mothers and small children first developed in Nazi Germany for the creation of slaves. They do so as top-down cyborgs fully programmed by the "science of demoralization" perfected by the Skull and Bones eugenicists. I propose that cyborgs are not full citizens, but only 3/5 a citizen, for cyborgs are unable to understand the Constitution of the United States.
Now children are routinely taught sexual fears and sexual amplification against their own parents which are exploited through police power and serve to provide the local governments with orphans for profit. View this family engineering and modern institutional sadism where a first-grader and her younger sisters were savagely exploited by an out-of-control Nanny-state agency. We appeal to the Supreme Court, Congress and International Courts for basic human rights and basic parental rights at:
"On April 6, 1848, a slave named Dred Scott and his wife Harriet sued for their freedom in this Courthouse. The Scotts had been taken by their owner to free jurisdictions and then returned to Missouri, a slave state. In 1857, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney of the U.S. Supreme Court (holding session at Bedford Springs Hotel) announced the decision in the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford. He stated that Americans of African ancestry were not eligible to be citizens based on the historical claim that they 'had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.' Taney's opinion also declared that Congress could not prevent the spread of slavery into the Western territories. This decision fueled sectional conflicts which led to the Civil War."
The 911 Mind Control Matrix will expose how Americans are profoundly ignorant of the power elite who rule their lives by covert means. Top lawyers and law firms will now be able to advance RICO and other lawsuits targeting the massive fraud caused by CIA Mind Control. Full exposure of these methods and the corporations that "normalized" them, will result in massive damage awards in real courts. This will require exceptional patriots to fight for our children. The exceptional patriot must now be very sophisticated in understanding the many mechanisms and tricks of Mind Control. Reverse Mind Control will expose how our secret federal government controls, manipulates and conditions all of us to accept wrongful authority, the secret, totalitarian destruction of our republic. If we do not fight this wrongful authority, we are all lost.
All of these efforts at Reverse Mind Control will be vehemently attacked in an attempt to discredit the obvious truth. The important thing to remember is that this truth movement is based upon fact and real science, not propaganda, superstition or CIA mind tricks! Our secret federal government has been highly active in changing our entire psychological community and our culture from a parent-based power structure to a government-based power structure of absolute deception. But all of this manipulation is based upon voodoo, witchcraft and propaganda, not reason or sound science. This most corrupt of administrations is advancing psychological attacks against the American people for which we are meant to believe no one, not even our family or friends. This divide and conquer propaganda will only increase dramatically in the coming months.
Americans must advance truth as our Founding Fathers prescribed based upon reason, fact and not emotion. Record these crimes and demand justice. This government is actively demonizing parents and true patriots through the witchcraft of Mind Control in order to replace them with the New World Order's version of the parent: The Sun King. But this Nazi Mind Control will be thoroughly exposed!
In a post-Orwellian age of absolute deception, nothing is more bizarre than the truth. You are being sexually assaulted by devices your conscious mind cannot detect in order to demoralize and destroy millions of American families. We are finding subliminal seduction effects throughout our "free" media and even during the 911 terror events. Exposing Mind Control in media will be the next frontier for freedom.
The Nazi elite who actually financed and empowered Hitler are now in charge of your secret federal government and its many disinformation campaigns, including the war on "terror." Terror happens to be a prerequisite for all trauma-based Mind Control. They have successfully reversed our Constitution through Mind Control programming. Marionette programming now functions in "child services" organizations, as these marionettes are programmed to place your child in hypnotic suggestion, mine your child's mind for eroticistic exploitation. They will then eroticise your child's memories by turning normal and necessary events which were never traumatic to the child into "sexual" events which then become very traumatic for the child. They will then take your child as a result of their own trauma-making activities and make them mind-slaves for the Pentagon. This is the full power and horror of Nazi Mind Control being applied to millions of American children. You will not believe it, because you were programmed not to believe it. This is the "Sun King" trust programmed into you as the Constitution vanishes before your eyes.
The Republican Nazi elite have advanced "war logic" over our Constitution for generations. What is "war logic?" War logic is basic deception and duplicitous force used and advanced by many CIA "tricks." When the CIA operates a $200-$300 billion dollar/year drug trade around the world, they simultaneously flood powerful drugs into targeted ghettos and minority neighborhoods in America. This trick then requires a "war on drugs" to demonize and destroy countless minority families. This trick serves eugenics. When the government actively destroys the economy of these same locations, it stresses the population and creates crime. A "war on crime" is then employed to imprison massive minority populations and the populations of political non-conformists to this fraud. This war serves eugenics. When the secret federal government stages fake terror attacks on American citizens and builds broad conformity to these lies by keeping all evidence out of real courts and thoroughly manipulating the press, this allows this fraudulent government to kill millions of innocent people around the world, enrich its political supporters, demonize its political opponents and utterly destroy our Constitution. This "war on terror" serves eugenics.
Now the president has absolute powers to round-up all Americans through bogus terror attacks and inoculate them. That literally means a third-generation Nazi can round up your kids and inoculate them with drugs from the same companies that worked with Hitler. The truth is far more interesting than any fiction. Parents have a constitutional right to raise, educate and protect their children in historical truth, sexual truth, build sexual objectivity and sexual values so that their children are not easily manipulated by obvious Nazis and conspirators against our Constitution. Step up to our Constitution or step out!

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this is sad!
ReplyDeleteso frustrating!