If this sounds radical to you, you are simply not awake. 5,000 children stolen and abused in one Pennsylvania county. Remember, this is a truth movement and truth can be proven in a court of law.
Because of my education at Harvard, I was exposed to the truth about American brainwashing. Children are held in sexual learned ignorance for an unhealthy period of time so that they are indoctrinated into the fictional reality of television, later to be used as their core political reality. Educated parents will raise their children with comprehensive sex education and media restrictions so that they do not acquire a form of neurosis that our government requires: such neurosis of belief in television mesmerists as "parental" gave us 9/11, a false-flag operation which relied on brainwashing through a few key elements of theatre. Those parents who do not know this must be awakened to the truth about American brainwashing. Much of it is sex-based at childhood, where the child's reality principle is not allowed to develop normally through parental sex education and media restriction. These evils have been normalized by a brainwashing government which illegally themes and controls our media through Operation Mockingbird.

5,000 Children Stolen and Abused in One Pennsylvania County.
“On the altar of God, I swear eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson
Pennsylvania children are being raised as sheeple to the slaughter. Sexual repression and institutional abuse is being forced onto these children by the thousands as good parents are being actively demonized. Children are being programmed by the demonic media of the Bohemian Grove death cult and not by good parents.
The deliberate retardation of sexual knowledge in children is throwing their minds out of balance. Destroying the parental duty is the taletell sign of brainwashing. The best gift a parent can give to his child is appropriate sex education at the correct time in the child's development. Those who brainwash children attempt to retard this critical development which is really retarding critical thinking. Critical thinking in children begins with understanding the body and how it works. This is why brainwashers build an aura of "innocence" around sexual ignorance, as the child is lured into the sex-control culture of pure banality which is all around them.
We are working with Harvard University to track the abuse of these sexually repressed children.
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