Tuesday, April 14, 2009

COG: Continuity of Government Martial Law Imposed on 9/11 Still in Effect

The National Program Office (NPO) is an office of the United States Government which was established to ensure continuity of government (C.O.G.) in the event of a national disaster. The NPO was established by a secret executive order signed by President Ronald Reagan during the Cold War in preparation for a nuclear war, presumably with the Soviet Union. In addition to supplanting the executive branch, the NPO has the power to dissolve Congress. The problem with COG is that it can easily mutate into a self-fulfilling prophecy: to sustain government due to a major disaster might easily become a reason to do such a major disaster in the first place. This is especially true for a government which has already done things like 9/11 false-flag attacks.

The Federal Reserve established Mount Pony under the NPO where billions of dollars in currency was stored in a hardened bunker. The cash was to be used to restart the economy east of the Mississippi River in case of a nuclear war. The facility also housed the central switching center for the Federal Reserve's Fedwire system until 1988 when all money was removed, switching was decentralized, and the site deactivated as a NPO facility.

President Bill Clinton attempted to dismantle the NPO during his tenure in the White House. Those efforts proved incomplete when the NPO was briefly activated by President George W. Bush on 9-11-01 in response to the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, DC.

[edit] Survivable communications systems
The NPO was organized in the mid-1980's under a retired Army lieutenant general, and funded in an initial amount of $2.7 billion in so-called black money. The NPO set up offices in the Crystal City area just outside the Pentagon and recruited communications specialists and retired military officers to do staff work.

Most of the money was used to design and build relocatable communications vans that would be activated if there was a threat of nuclear war. The rationale for relocatable vans was that the National Military Command Center (NMCC) at the Pentagon and the Alternate National Military Command Center (ANMCC) located in the Raven Rock Mountain Complex were already targeted by the Soviet Union and therefore would not survive a nuclear strike. The same criticism could not be leveled at the Boeing E-4 aircraft that made up the airborne National Emergency Action Command Posts (NEACP), but the plan for relocatable communications vans went forward nevertheless.

The government agency that was the strongest advocate for relocatable vans was the Defense Communications Agency (DCA), since renamed the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), which stood to gain huge increases in its appropriations for the communications equipment, including exotic meteor burst communication links.

The NPO plan was classified Top Secret, codeword Pegasus. It was also referred to as Project 908. The only oversight was by a Project Pegasus committee chaired by then-Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush. The committee included The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (or his deputy), FBI Director William H. Webster, Attorney General Edwin Meese III and other top cabinet officials. The action officer for the project was Marine lieutenant colonel Oliver North, who then worked at the National Security Council under retired Marine lieutenant colonel Robert McFarlane.

President Bill Clinton canceled Project Pegasus and declassified it. The relocatable communications vans that had already been built were put under the command of the 11th Signal Brigade (United States) at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.

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