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submitted by Joe on mon, 06/15/2009 - 10:22pm.
NANOTHERMITE “What in the World is High-tech Explosive Material Doing in the Dust Clouds Generated on 9/11/2001?” presented by Steven Jones, Ph.D., Physics Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University , April 30th, 2009, Sacramento , California .
This is the “Loaded Gun of 9/11.” Carefully researched and brilliantly presented. After 18 months of intensive scientific collaboration, this peer reviewed journal article is announced by Steven in this DVD.
The beauty of the photos and the depth of understanding is breathtaking. The implications of this new peer reviewed paper are profound.
Nanothermite, a highly engineered energetic nanocomposite, was conceived around 1990, and by 2000 had been weaponized, and manufactured in large quantities in top secret military laboratories. This nano form of thermite does not just burn extremely hot, it is explosive!
Steven also updates us on various facets of the quest to repudiate the “official conspiracy theory” about 9/11, and describes current efforts to create a legitimate investigation with real subpoena power.
A two DVD set, with introductory material and Steven’s complete talk on one disc with Q&A and a tightly edited one hour on the second DVD.
Disc 1: NT 1:53:00 complete talk, thoroughly chaptered for research
Disc 2: NT-1 58:00 one hour edited for public access version
NTQ&A 47:00 question and answer session
$20 set
Thanks - will check it out.