Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
November 3, 2010
On the same day that he swept to victory in the Kentucky Senate race, Rand Paul immediately contradicted doubters who warned that he would compromise and begin to support neo-con political policies by promising to challenge the GOP establishment while also working to cut the bloated US defense budget.
During an election day interview with CNN, Paul said that he would work to change “the whole government” because “both Democrats and Republicans have shown themselves to be untrustworthy,” calling for a constitutional amendment to balance the budget and a sunset of “all regulations” passed by unelected bureaucrats unless they are approved by Congress.
Contradicting criticism that Paul would seek to prolong and expand US military operations abroad and that he was just another “neo-con,” the Senator to be promised to look at not just cutting the domestic budget, but also cutting waste in the military budget, which has ballooned under Obama as he continues the Bush-era occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, while launching new drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen.
“I do believe national defense is the most important thing the federal government does, but I do think there is waste in the military budget, and I will be one of those who will reach across the aisle to the Democrats and say ‘we will tackle waste throughout the length and breadth of the budget,” said Paul.
As we repeatedly highlighted, Paul’s neo-con rhetoric on Israel, Afghanistan and other geopolitical issues was just him playing politics in order to secure victory over Democrat Jack Conway. As soon as Paul knew he was in the clear and destined to be victorious, he immediately made it clear that expanding unconstitutional wars would not characterize his tenure as Senator.
When the host attempted to question Paul’s commitment to his values by pointing out that he embraced the support of establishment Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell, Paul said that he would challenge the GOP on a day to day basis.
Statists who helped to contrive smear after smear in an effort to derail Paul’s campaign were noticeably crestfallen when he was confirmed as the winner in Kentucky. MSNBC talking heads, including Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, ludicrously claimed that Paul’s commitment to a balanced budget would cause a “worldwide depression,” lead to global anarchy and the collapse of governments around the planet.
Given Paul’s commitment to offering an alternative to the devastation wrought by decades of Democrat and Republican deal-making, it’s vital that Rand Paul forms a caucus of like-minded lawmakers who will pursue a plethora of neglected issues that are imperative if America is to be saved from total economic and political collapse.
Chief amongst them, ending NAFTA and GATT, reducing the trade deficit, pushing through massive tax cuts, ending Obamacare, reversals of gun control laws, securing the border, and a workable plan for stabilizing the dollar.
Indeed, during an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Paul already indicated that he will start a Tea Party caucus. We as observers need to make sure that it includes the right people and embraces the right issues. This needs to be more than a Tea Party caucus, it needs to be a save the Republic caucus. We cannot afford to have a Newt Gingrich lead the whole thing down the rabbit hole as happened in 1994.
We firmly believe that Paul’s political capital needs to be spent by building a powerful alliance of limited government proponents, which of course would be headed up by Rand himself along with his father, Congressman Ron Paul.
Now that the Tea Party has got its foot in the door of Washington, its most successful leaders need to make it clear that the anti-big government movement will not be compromised by the establishment GOP, and will not be hijacked by Republican insiders.
Rand Paul’s promise that we will take on the establishment GOP and cut military spending is the first salvo in a war of political attrition that will define whether the Tea Party movement is infiltrated and deflated, or whether it goes on to become a truly dominant force for driving peace and prosperity in America.
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