Tuesday, September 16, 2008

9/11 The Myth and the Reality: Dr. David Ray Griffin on RobertsCourt.com

Threat advisory: Elevated - Significant Risk of Truth

Criminal negligence abounds, but a thoroughly mind-controlled population is now blind to the obvious. Alpha-level brainwashing is so powerful, that you will not see the forest for the trees. Nazi Mind Control operates precisely where you least suspect in your own "popular" media. Do you have the rational mind to understand the real Monster Plot of 9/11?

I am not the ordinary parent, nor should you be! At Harvard in the 1980s, I worked on Mind Control and fully exposed powerful subconscious programming in theatre, television and film. Such programming in "layers" of the mind is not understood by the vast majority of Americans. Americans have literally been dumbed-down about such programming and this entire subject has become "too sophisticated" for them. Since the vast majority of this programming has always served the elite and not the individual, information on this programming is deliberately repressed! I was told to keep these facts quiet. But 9/11 changed all of that. The synchronicity of events surrounding the "war on terror" myth is no passive evolution. It has been programmed for decades. Now a full understanding of deep programming is a matter of life or death and perhaps the fate of humanity itself. We now require the exceptional patriot to put aside all wrongful programming and view the obvious: terrorists did not attack us like Superman on 911, Superman attacked us, very literally. To the unconscious mind, this Alpha-level Mind Control programming at childhood is extremely powerful.

As I raised my own children according to these facts, they began to show signs of hysteria coming from their own television programming. I also began to understand the deep programming for which my wife suffered. Being raised sexually repressed, she had been programmed by powerful sexual taboos that would utterly destroy her family over and over again. This is Black Widow Psy-Ops and it's everywhere in America. This is powerful emotional programming which builds a mythic system for the government that demonizes individuals and serves the death-cult elite at the Bohemian Grove. As I attempted to protect my own children according to comprehensive sex education instructed at Harvard, my children were attacked by a duplicitous government more evil than you will want to comprehend. Normal and necessary child sex education routinely given to "elite" children as a matter of "necessity" is now demonized in non-elite communities just as in Nazi Germany and this is no small matter of importance. This education is in direct conflict with the "parental authority" programming coming from mass media. This programming is the Nazification of American children.

I found myself surrounded by a mob fully ignorant of this horrible programming of false parents now routinely force-fed to children. False parents are now sexless, soft and deceptively harmless Tavistock creations of "depatterning" authority. This "depatterning" is setting children up for mesmerist media Mind Control programming. The elite actively protect their own children from it. The non-elite masses now fall for these devices of the elite as the scam of eugenics is never even questioned. The redneck mind has been fully inverted to serve the elite eugenicists at the Bohemian Grove death cult. Most Americans do not even know what eugenics means, let alone that it is actively used against them. Now their entire belief system has been fully manipulated to view elite child empowerment as "raising your children as monkeys" and "horrible." The idiots who kidnapped my children literally could not understand how a Harvard educated father would want to raise his children as elite children. How such a father would actually raise his children in such an environment of total sexual hysteria and imposed ignorance did not even occur to them. They do not even understand how mass media is programming their children away from the real parental authority of real parents and toward the totalitarian wrongful authority of government. They routinely destroy families through a powerful bigotry programming directly linked to Mengele and the Nazi mind controllers who secretly worked for the CIA.

This mythic system of wrongful government which builds bogey-man myths into your children will utterly destroy them!

Now sexual repression cults enforce learned ignorance onto children in all "non-elite" communities and they do so completely outside of any constitutionally recognized system of justice. This is because they are programmed to destroy all non-elite families based upon the degree to which they do not conform to this brainwashing of mass media. These families are destroyed to enforce this false religion by the same lies over and over again and this is a tremendous crime against children. It becomes routine family destruction. These lies violate all the good sciences of child rearing and the most basic of parental rights but serve to make children "programmable" and that is the real mission of these cyborgs of the state. These are actual Nazis setting your children up for Nazi Mind Control, and they can be fully exposed as such in a real court of law.

Try to understand my horror, as it occurred to me that my own wife was fully programmed as a top-down cyborg for the elite. Through government imposed sex-terror, she would become infantile and utterly fall for the Skull and Bones destruction of her most basic constitutional rights. She had been programmed by mass media to fall for a basic Nazi sex scam now used to destroy millions of U.S. families. Her own parents had raised her sexually repressed so that the military triggering mechanisms programmed by mass media for which I studied would now work on her. At Harvard, I lived and worked with these "elite" and knew their agenda as a disgusting coup over our Constitution. Now the terror programming would work on her, fully inverting her own belief system away from her own husband and toward full government manipulation of the Skull and Bones, as wrongful government would utterly destroy my family through basic Freudian sex taboos and many, many violations of the Constitution now being fully "normalized" everywhere.

So protecting your child for the 21st Century as an "elite" child becomes about the worst "crime" imaginable. In a "conservative" area where sexual hysteria and sexual repression of critical information is overwhelmingly enforced by government Nazis who view themselves as above basic parental rights, the educated parent must protect his children with effective sex education. After all, his children are literally surrounded by emotionally-charged cyborgs driven so through draconian state enforcement of sexual repression, a profoundly powerful weapon of warfare. If you do not empower your children with truth, they will grow up to fall for powerful sexual taboos just like my wife. This is a powerful emotional dumbing-down process fully explained to our "elite" by Freud. It is a powerful weapon of psychological warfare which transforms entire cultures over generations.

Now these "elite" openly sacrifice effigies of children over funeral pyres, and Americans have been fully dumbed-down not to understand the real import of this horrific ceremony. But I would become a minority of one, for these top-down cyborgs are literally everywhere and real parents are nowhere. So even educating your children to protect them from such sex predators of the state will be used against you in Kafkaesque false courts. You find yourself literally surrounded by actual Nazis who have perfected the witchcraft of family destruction. Such voodoo only works on a thoroughly dumbed-down culture.

This is the perfect subconscious scheme by the eugenicist elite who spent billions of tax-payer dollars studying subconscious programming. Nazi Mind Control "research" focused the power of the Skull and Bones death cult of eugenicists. They simultaneously advance powerful conformist attitudes that such programming is trivial or does not exist. Nazi Mind Control is now everywhere and the public has been made completely blind to it. State cyborgs now spread powerful emotional contagion which utterly destroys millions of families. They advance the lie that the most enlightened parents who understand Mind Control are "sex predators" and your family is most certainly on their list. These secret programs now provide enormous depopulation results as your children are programmed as top-down cyborgs and "good Republicans" who never question obvious lies. These bureaucrats are programmed as actual Nazis by actual Nazi Mind Control and I can prove it! As military-grade Psy-Ops has been advanced against you, the truth to this powerful programming will appear bizarre or even incomprehensible. They tried to use basic Freudian sex taboos on me as they did on my wife, but I was fully trained in these weapons of warfare and I would not fall for these devices of eugenics.

As Nazi Mind Control makes entire regions of the mind blind to the obvious truth, these mind-controlled bureaucrats now inflict profound trauma onto mothers and children as a fully normalized method of "protecting" them from real fathers. We are finding phallic symbols throughout childhood cartoons specifically designed to build fear and anxiety in relation to real fathers, and this was afflicting my own children. Yet I knew such symbolism was found throughout history and throughout cultures that did not inflict these symbols as weapons of war. I also knew that such powerful weapons of war would not be understood by the vast majority of "non-elite" citizens, because they have been deliberately made ignorant of them.

Now Children and Youth "authorities" routinely destroy families through basic Freudian sex taboos, and Freud told our own "elite" exactly how to do it. They fully document this evil work and destroy millions of families based on a basic Nazi elite scheme of destroying families with 19th Century science as they are simultaneously attacked by 21st Century media programming. But this protection is from what? These families are being destroyed in order to preserve the children for Pentagon mind programming through total absorption into mass media programming. Such programming has been thoroughly controlled by the CIA and Tavistock in order to fulfill secret missions for the Pentagon and the death cult "elite" at the Bohemian Grove. This "Mockingbird media" is anything but trivial. It will draw children into a totalitarian delusion of "parental government." This is now so obvious that only fool cannot see it.

You will be utterly shocked at how "normalized" this programming and abuse now is. You may be unable to view the forest for the trees. Most children touched by Children and Youth "services," eventually adopt the Skull and Bones mantel of death and no one seems smart enough to link the two cults together. Draconian sexual repression at childhood is a form of death to the child, programming that child for militancy and wrongful authority. Today, this Mind Control secretly advanced by your government is profoundly important to understand! They are now using it on the smallest of children. This understanding requires the exceptional patriot and we are gathering high-level military Psy-Ops experts who want to testify that such bizarre activity of government theatre serves a very real and nefarious purpose. The 9/11 events were fully encoded to trigger long-standing deep programming that no terrorist could have known.

We Petition the Supreme Court & Congress to advance Articles of Treason

“... to appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America by U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and other John and Jane Does for planning and carrying out the acts of treason, as defined in Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution, by conspiring to carry out, carrying out and/or causing to be carried out an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation” based upon the Northwoods Terror Deception.

Deep programming of the collective unconscious has been advanced in the U.S. through what is loosely known as "Mind Control." Our own Congress's concern about comic books in the 1950s was no small matter. The government's set-up of television as the perfect hypno-device is also no small matter. That our vast "military industrial complex" has been secretly involved in deep programming of children on a massive scale is now a matter of record and is totally obvious. Alpha-level political programming is now universally passed off as "entertainment" or "news." Therefore, you are literally never told that such programming is really emotional contagion, a basic weapon of war. This emotional contagion is extremely powerful but is designed to do one specific service for the elite: destroy the historically all-important parental duty of sex education in the vast non-elite population, what Freud knew as building the "reality principle," so that these children are easily programmed by mass media, programming them for totalitarian delusion.

This wrongful programming is most obvious at places like Harvard where I worked and studied for 7 years, where the blasts of this powerful weapon are carefully controlled at the source. The CIA has always centered its covert domestic work in collective groups of socio-religious conformist groups. They build powerful peer-pressure conformity which protects near-absolute theming of drama and "news" which support government secret agendas. At Harvard, Mind Control Alpha programming is dominated by a very small Jewish men's club, for which powerful attitude propaganda serves to shape much of Alpha-level media throughout the U.S.. These men are the least likely to be suspected of fascist inclinations by dominating the idea of "commercial viability" of dramatic works. Such ideas of "viability" always serves the secret government agenda.

Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, Francesco Cossiga has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy's most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Isreal's Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies. There are now hundreds of intelligence operatives speaking out about "false flag" terror attacks through Operation Gladio. The American public is so thoroughly mind-controlled by mass media Mockingbird operations, that they are functionally political basket cases.

The themes of Mockingbird media never address the real power system at the Bohemian Grove and the Skull and Bones. These death cults get their power from Hitler's own eugenics operations which now fully operate on the subconscious level. Eugenics is today, everywhere, but no one can see it that way. This blindness is no passive evolution. Massive psychological warfare against the American mind has built intellectual blindness and sadism into the population. These ideas of "art" or "news" which fully detract the mind from obvious eugenics operations are deeply programming the subconscious mind and serve to repress the real art that advances the truth about Nazi Mind Control. Such "art" dominates the entire entertainment and "news" industry with the same murderous themes over and over again. This effect is Nazifying the population while sustaining the illusion of political conflict.

But their dominance over the "left" builds the illusion of political conflict as they are heavily financed through the federal government to do so. This is how Macro-level Mind Control actually works: it builds the illusion of political conflict as the real power system is never exposed. The "elite" can then use either the right or left in this illusory politics to achieve the same results.

Any American can do the research which can begin the deprogramming process. Investigate "CIA" and "W.W. Norton & Company" publisher of the "Official 911 Report." You will find a long list of CIA disinformation publications all serving to distract you from the truth. If you study these publications as disinformation, you will begin to understand what truth these publications are actually hiding. This study becomes a "paranoid science" of Reverse Mind Control which is extremely accurate at explaining this administration's many evil actions.

But decades of deep programming of Americans now fully serves wrongful government and not terrorists. The terrorists are mere actors on a broad stage of illusion, even the real terrorists. All the devices of deception are so thoroughly normalized that you will not see them as such. Through the mesmerist's art of television, war-logic is now used to trump actual courts of law and actual facts. And this is no accident. As Eisenhower warned us in 1959, the devices of Mind Control are now fully normalized as a "spiritual attack" on the American family and you will only understand this by viewing the near total inversion of our culture's value system as a direct result of secret government Mind Control manipulation.

Our nation has gone from a family-centered military to a military-centered family. This is no passive evolution! It required the full normalization of Nazi Mind Control in places you would never suspect.

Most of mass media from the 1950s onward has been secretly encoded for Mind Control purposes, all to serve a very small elite cult. We now know that this elite cult has routinely gathered at the Bohemian Grove to burn effigies of children for decades. To understand the meaning of this ritual, you must step very far back and view the big picture: your Mockingbird media is most certainly not "free." The many "stars" of the "Illuminati" all secretly serve the same programmer though powerful conformist programming, all designed to drive children away from normal development and real "family values." As the historically all-important parental duty is destroyed, children never acquire a hold on reality, being fully indoctrinated into the mass media mythic system which will dominate their entire understanding of "reality." This empowers the elite with full Mind Control manipulation of nearly the entire population.

Such "free" media has been controlled and fully themed by an extra-constitutional elite for decades. This is nothing new. Shakespeare was fully themed to build a mythical stature for royalty. But the deep programming of Shakespeare did not involve powerful Freudian sex taboos and themed violence directed at children. Today such programming of children serves a very nefarious mission. Full understanding of this deep programming will expose the synchronicity of events around 9/11 as serving this extra-constitutional elite and not terrorists. You will naturally not want to venture your mind into this arena, but you must ask yourself: what is the fate of your children if you choose to ignore this subject?

The overwhelming majority of brainwashing involves children being indoctrinated into the mesmerist arts like television. Of all the thousands of movies and television shows which you can recall in America, name one which portrays the U.S. government as truly demonic. I can only suggest Apocalypse Now as coming close to this, not actually doing it. Only Citizen Kane portrays the real power system in this country as "rosebud" is central to understanding that power system. This may sound overly "Freudian" to you, it is not! The real power system is elite vs. non-elite and this power system has been thoroughly repressed by childhood sexual repression and massive programming so as to fully manipulate you away from the true power system. The elite then become invisible to the rational mind, as they become the Machiavellian manipulator.

This fact proves that Hollywood has been fully themed by your government for decades, as any horror writer can easily write a script depicting the many, many real horrors of our own federal government in regards to countless thousands of atrocities. Yet, through powerful peer-pressure mechanisms, depiction of top government figures in a highly negative light is virtually impossible in mass media. Apart from being normalized as "patriotism," these omissions' true purpose is to build a very powerful illusion of "parental government" and "parental media" which sets up the perfect mind-trap of the Machiavellian manipulator.

This is not only not a coincidence, this will prove to a truly rational American jury that such a conspiracy to demonize the non-elite individual through massive Alpha-level programming is, indeed, a major conspiracy against our Constitution. Parents who understand this wrongful programming, either intellectually or emotionally, are destroyed precisely at the time they are most necessary for children. The totality of this demonization process now serves wrongful government on many levels of secret manipulation. The full demonization of the non-elite individual makes the demons at the top of government completely invisible to the rational minds of most Americans. This effectively disenfranchises the vast "non-elite" population because they cannot employ a free press to rally around truth. Because this intellectual blindness empowering an actual coup over our Constitution was intentionally built through omission and censorship, this is Hollywood treason most vile!

This issue is not only the real source of wrongful power for the elite, it is surreal! You will literally not want to believe the truth because your entire belief system may have been programmed for this precise function of disbelief. This is the true realm of Psy-Ops and requires the exceptional patriot to understand. Deep political programming was better understood in the late '40s and early '50s than it is today. Joseph McCarthy's hunt for Communists targeted many Hollywood writers, including the Hollywood Ten, for theming their works for subconscious politics. Several Hollywood professionals, including Ronald Reagan, then head of the Screen Actors Guild, and Walt Disney, testified to HUAC that the threat of Communists in the film industry was a serious one. Actor Adolphe Menjou declared, "I am a witch hunter if the witches are Communists. I am a Red-baiter. I would like to see them all back in Russia."

This is the time Nazi Mind Control was deliberately advanced to "counter" the Soviet threat. But the real power of Disney "magic" over generations is to thoroughly dumb-down our children sexually so that the normal and necessary aspects of parenthood are effectively made "perverse." This perversion of the historically all-important parental duty fully serves the Machiavellian manipulator. Why? Disney themes are all top-down power systems which advance the full destruction of the reality principle in children. This effectively reverses the power system of our Constitution and indoctrinates our children into delusion. Children can be effectively brainwashed not to understand who the Constitution is designed to serve. In fact, they will blunder through most of their lives believing they live in a top-down power system where bureaucrats, media figures and all "stars" are superior to their own parents or their own husbands or wives. Such delusion serves the elite eugenicists with massive family destruction results. We now find the utter corruption of parental authority as the leading cause of wrongful government manipulation on a massive scale.

What is more perverse, pointing out the wrongful programming of Disney, or deliberately retarding child development away from millions of years of parental authority? This "depatterning" of millions of years of programming in children has been a mission of Tavistock and our own CIA for decades. Such retardation of children away from the parental duty sets them up to be subconscious Nazis who are intellectually blind to the elite cult which rules the subconscious minds of millions. Through deeply programmed emotions, sexual repression serves to embed a wrongful power system that fully negates the profound importance of parental sex education. No matter how deeply you believe Ronald Reagan was a "parental figure," this is a delusion of "parental authority" programming. His work for Disney deliberately retarded necessary child development in millions of children in order to serve an elite death cult.

Such education from real parents grounds children into the real power system which support strong families and strong American democratic government. Sophisticated sexual development into reality was a major requirement of our Constitutional system. Through the wrongful indoctrination into the mesmerist arts, children are then set-up to be fully manipulated by a government mythic system. Americans are simultaneously assured that such powerful programming coming from the mesmerist arts is not political, when, in fact, it is the very bedrock of wrongful political programming! It will literally control your childrens' entire belief system and idea of "reality" for the rest of their lives. Our Founding Fathers knew mesmerists to be very dangerous, you should also!

This form of sexual repression is indeed "magical" for the slave-maker! It produces a mass of children who are easily programmed as top-down cyborgs for a government mythic system that utterly represses them. As government maintains secret controls over the press, it fully controls "reality." The destruction of the reality principle in children serves a delusional development not unlike a powerful drug. The seduction of Disney is toward the mesmerist arts and away from real parents and now adults are so thoroughly programmed to "protect" children for mesmerist manipulation, that they are nearly all top-down cyborgs who are an abomination to our Constitution. Our Constitution was built under a real parent framework of power, now mesmerists are taking this most basic and necessary power system away from children so that they are fully manipulated into the delusional world of mesmerist politics. In such a domain of illusion, these children will be utterly destroyed.

Parental sex education is the most demonized activity in places like Bedford County, precisely because it empowers children with reality. As this population is now nearly completely blind to their functioning as cyborgs for the elite, they are setting their children up for the idiot programming of television as they routinely destroy real parents. Children become so programmed at the subconscious level as to believe idiot bureaucrats are superior to real parents. Television becomes more real than the human body and basic human needs like affection, education and truth. This fully serves eugenicists at the top of the power pyramid who are indistinguishable from Hitler himself. Disney provided the full "normalization" of this mythic system. Disney provides absolutely no real-world constitutional programming whatsoever, it only serves wrongful top-down government and has done so for generations.

Top-down power systems always reserve the right to destroy families and make slaves. This is why the delusional programming of Disney is so dangerous.

Even as top KGB and State Department officials come out and tell you that such long-term Mind Control manipulation was in fact very real, you will naturally not want to believe them. A real jury of real American patriots will not be so easily deceived!

This population is now so thoroughly dumbed-down by mesmerist media that they view sex Inquisitions over parents as "constitutional," even if such education is profoundly important for the child and the parent is not even in the state! The full return of Inquisitions proves Nazi Mind Control. This fully exposes the death of that Constitution! A real jury will be utterly outraged. Today, the reality principle of parents over bureaucrats is so rare, that even lawyers can't see the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. They certainly are fully unaware of the historically all-important parental duty. But our Founding Fathers set up the jury system precisely for this eventuality! Such ludicrous destruction of real parents is now commonplace as the elite mind programmers are laughing all the way to the bank. A jury of patriotic Americans will not let them get away with it! Mesmerism, like sexual hysteria, cannot be sustained in a real democracy run by real patriots! Delusion must be defeated by reason or we are all lost.

Many in Europe understand this, most Americans do not. American adults are now fully programmed to "protect" children from real parents in ways that many Europeans find alarming and ludicrous! Sexual repression at childhood builds and compounds irrational fear and the very bogey-man myths which are programmed by wrongful government into children, later fully manipulated by wrongful government to destroy their own families through sex magic tricks. This is because the "magic" of Hitler was fully exposed in Europe as resulting from basic childhood sexual repression and his powers of "mesmerism" over them. Femi-Nazis in America now routinely use this very same mesmerism to destroy millions of American families. Sexual repression literally dumbs children down for fascism, and the Pentagon has known this for decades. Such "magic" in America has simply been re-packaged to serve the same wrongful programmer. This is the real reason why there has always been an affinity between fascism and the Catholic Church, both power systems employ sexual repression at childhood to achieve near absolute power through the "mesmerist's art." Contrary to being anti-religious, this fact will eventually prove that our federal government is establishing its own religion through mesmerist theatre and this is gravely dangerous to religious people everywhere.

The fact that Building 7's total collapse is intellectually invisible to the minds of the vast majority of Americans proves the power of mesmerism over our Constitution.

There is a direct link to the American Catholic Church's abuse of children and our own current government's abuse of children: both are linked to imposed sexual ignorance at childhood. The full immersion of children into television hypnosis programs them for wrongful authority. Their trance is precisely the same as found in cult members, as all of their themes of glory are top-down themes of power, subconsciously serving the elite cult power system. This cult-authority is highly problematic, as it can be wrongfully manipulated through deep programming of themes and emotions that build fantasy over fact and even entire mythic systems, serving the many devices of a wrongful programmer. Children can be protected through effective sex education, as they will learn in a normal manner that the Prince is really a total phony. At the subconscious level, these wrongful themes become powerful archetypes, as children dream big dreams fully deluded away from the real power system. Americans have fully normalized this delusion, not knowing its true origin and mission. Through mind-numbing repetition, the deep programming of various minor cults will ultimately serve the elite cult as a profound delusion is fully established that such cults are more "real" and "truthful" than fact itself. This is the exact phenomenon we found on 9/11.

As Aaron Brown was carefully put in place on the very day of 9/11 as our collective "parental figure," we were never told that his Walter Cronkite connection led straight to the Bohemian Grove and the CIA. This is but one of hundreds of "coincidences" occurring on 9/11. This entire process of CIA deception begins by retarding children's sexual understanding away from normal sexual development that build the reality principle so as to fully indoctrinate them into the mythical "reality" of television cults. Due to powerful Psy-Ops redefining the very definition of parenthood, extremely damaging sexual repression is now fully normalized by powerful emotional programming. This perversion of the parental duty is now nearly totalitarian in America.

This wrongful programming of "innocence" sets children up for totalitarian demoralization that will last their entire lives. Fully unaware of the Constitution's power system, they blunder to the beckon call of various mesmerists who would utterly deceive them with top-down authority, the most prominent of which is the Pentagon. More and more of these children are being made fatherless through powerful Nazi Mind Control devices being used against them and their parents. As my own wife's entire belief system was inverted by a visit to the Children and Youth sex cult, none of these top-down cyborgs even question this powerful brainwashing. None of them are even remotely aware of the all-important parental duty of sex education. We are finding the traditional parental duty being turned on its head, as programmed fears about the parental duty now destroy millions of families in total ignorance. No one is even aware of what brainwashing really is. Children not raised by real fathers exchange one cult for another, all secretly serving the elite cult and not real families. This is brainwashing. This alienation process is deliberate by our government!

Our Founding Fathers knew this demoralization as slavery. Our Founding Fathers were not easily fooled by mesmerists because they were fully aware of the parental duty. The family unit has existed for millions of years as a naked unit. Therefore, nature's ways of empowering children required early and effective parental sex education in an environment conducive for the normalization of sexuality and communication about sexuality, especially for those children who were in danger by the slave-makers. This duty also builds intelligence into children as they study real facts and are not drawn into the carnival of deception run by mesmerists. Timely sex education is the Freudian "reality principle" at work and it comes directly from nature. Good science has known this fact for over 100 years!

Today, this dynamic has changed very little. The slave-makers and mesmerists today simply employ the television, and television has been deliberately advanced as a powerful mesmerist, hypno-device of secret government deep programming. It was developed at the perfect flicker rate to deliberately induce an hypnotic effect onto children. Television literally takes sophisticated child development away from our children simply to serve an elite cult dedicated to eugenics and endless war. This parental duty of sex education builds the reality principle in children so that wrongful authority does not work mesmerist tricks on them, fully manipulating them and dumbing them down. This is very fundamental, as children are educated to real power systems within their own minds, they are grounded in reality and not so easily manipulated by mesmerist tricks. The elite at Harvard and elsewhere deliberately raise their children with such protection. This is particularly true with those parents who work in Psy-Ops. This parental protection is highly evident in aboriginal families around the world and its main purpose is to ground children into the reality principle which protects them from wrongful authority. Children universally view such parental protection as a positive sexuality. In the post-Orwellian age, this most basic of truths has been nearly universally wiped out in order to serve political theatre.

Sexual repression evolved from the slave-making arts and not from religion. But over generations, such knowledge can be deliberately lost and repressed by wrongful government. Now the elite enjoy a near totalitarian reversal of the parental duty, as the majority of non-elite have been programmed to place the parental duty into the "demonic" regions of their minds. We now know that the all-important parental duty has been removed from our own Biblical texts in order to serve wrongful mesmerist religion. This fact is especially true for wrongful government programming of children in the post-Orwellian age. By destroying the normal and necessary development of positive sexuality, millions of children view this destruction as a death, thus building deep, subconscious alienation.

Normal child sex education was fully exposed by Freud as profoundly necessary for healthy and sophisticated child development which grounds children's minds into reality. Yet Americans have been so profoundly dumbed-down about sexual repression that they now live in near totalitarian delusion that such profoundly important education is "perverse." Children are now required to be "innocent" of the very facts of life that would protect them from very powerful Pentagon programming that literally targets them in their cribs. Americans are utterly blind to this horrific programming of the death-cult elite, even as the symbols of such a death cult are all around them. We must wake Americans up before they are fully seduced by the mesmerist's witchcraft of absolute deception!

Bureaucrats are now fully conditioned by powerful emotional programming to demonize the parental duty in targeted populations, spreading powerful emotional contagion in the process. They become blind marionettes to elite eugenicists and Mind Control programmers. They are profoundly idiotic about this programming and will utterly destroy the most enlightened American families. They even advance Nazi Mind Control methods of profound hysteria against mothers and children, fully manipulating them in the precise same manner as Mengele manipulated children in Nazi death camps. By wrongly demonizing the parental duty of sex education, this powerful emotional brainwashing is now fully "normalized" in America as a basic witchcraft device used to traffic in children. This is now routine brainwashing everywhere but in "elite" families. Today, only the elite are protected from the Nazi sex police, so only they can raise intelligent and well-adjusted children. We know this powerful weapon of war is now advanced throughout much of America's "non-elite" population and this is an horrific crime against children! It is never done to "elite" children.

You would have to be the most dumbed-down parent in history to ignore this subject!

There is literally no other subject more important in the U.S. today because mesmerist media is attacking our children nearly from birth! They lied to all of us, over and over again about 9/11, and as "parental" figures, we fall for these lies. All of this mesmerism serves the Bohemian Grove death cult and not real Americans. These mesmerists fully control the very sources of power through a top-down power system that obviously serves only them in perpetual power. You will fully understand that near total dominance of all Alpha-level media is attainable through attitude propaganda on what "themes" are "commercially viable" and which are not. This is pure fascism advanced by those who are least recognized as fascists. This is how macro-level Mind Control operates. Yet we are all fully programmed to ignore, laugh at or trivialize this issue! This is the power of Psy-Ops which fully explains our secret government's bizarre regard for secrecy and the occult. What they have been doing through Alpha-level Mind Control is so profoundly evil, that you will not believe it.

By building the delusion of "parental government," the Machiavellian manipulator is born of fire invisible to your own rational mind. Television, movies and music has built this mythic system! Why else would the CIA be deeply involved in movies like The Exorcist and hard rock music? As you are traumatized by any terror, you instinctively reach for a phone to dial 911 and not your real parents. 911 is deeply programmed into your subconscious mind as a "parental government" triggering device. Through trauma, government effectively supplants your parents via a powerful mythic system of "parental government." Without viewing this system as either right or wrong, you will begin to understand how it can be misused by those who value only "statistical results," much as the Pentagon programmer is conditioned to work. Such a mass-imposed mythic system now destroys millions of families and this was its true purpose. This is a targetted destruction and political culling operation. By stealing children away from real parents, the death cult becomes all-powerful on the subconscious level where real power resides. By inverting real psychology which is required of strong families throughout history, the Orwellian state selectively destroys targetted populations and builds powerful emotional contagion which fully represses these populations. That is one reason why our Founding Fathers required real courts, real juries and the true context to broad family destruction. The true context to broad family destruction is so horrible, that it is deliberately kept out of real courts of law.

Nazi Mind Control has been fully employed in America by eugenicists who now routinely use the "parental government" myth to destroy millions of families. This programming based on terror was originally designed to build the ideal soldier who was protected from "shell shock" on the battlefield, but such mass programming has gotten completely out of control and now applies to children and families. Full subconscious terror manipulation now serves wrongful government eugenics operations in what Nazi hunters are calling "The Monarch Worm." All trauma-based manipulation by government is now possible because of massive Alpha-level media programming that has gone on for decades.

You may be totally unaware of the real mission of this artificially imposed instinct to dial 911. This imposed instinct effectively makes many, many government atrocities invisible to your rational mind and this was the true mission of Mind Control. This "invisible" phenomenon is "obvious" on 9/11, if you can truly employ your rational mind. The television was telling us one thing on 9/11, those on the ground were telling us something completely different. The 911 triggering mechanism was fully programmed and imbedded into the "sacred" region of your mind, making critical thinking regarding your own government nearly impossible. Every time "911" is mentioned, your subconscious mind goes to the "parental government" region of subconscious, thus fully protecting a Pentagon scam. The problem with most Americans is that their own rational mind now resides on a fully loaded emotional mind that has been thoroughly programmed by mass media "parental authority." So as real Nazis are subconsciously empowered as "parental," they destroy millions of American families and spread powerful emotional contagion which fully represses the parental duty of real parents. You will view this mass destruction as "normal" and "necessary," even as they fully invert nature's own laws to destroy millions of families, you will not be able to see the truth.

The real mission of this mental invisibility is to transfer authority from real parents to your "parental government" and to do so through near-totalitarian subconscious dominance of pro-government themes, what now function as collective archetypes. Through a CSI-styled dynamic, the coupling of graphic horror images with the demonic individual through blistering repetition builds the authority of government which serves the terrorist mythic system. Those many "parental" news personalities fully program you every night on the nightly news for a very false assurance that all is well, all is in your "parents" loving hands. In fact, all is not well and all is an illusion! You will discover this fact only by viewing the real facts yourself. This programming of totalitarian deception is so powerful, that it made false-flag 9/11 attacks statistically acceptable to our own government. You will literally trust your own media more than the actual facts that occurred that day. This is the power of mesmerism. This is emotional authority programming which is fully unconscious on a mass level, but it now serves the Machiavellian manipulator.

Now, your government is fully empowered to yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre and get away with it. Why? "Fire" is fully programmed at the subconscious level only to serve government. Your government is fully encoded as "parental" and now manages the theatre. You literally cannot ask if such fire is real or promulgated. This is the power of theatre. But this is not constitutionally protected speech! Nor does your government belong in the theatre business. The fact that Superman posed as Clark Kent, a journalist, is now no small detail. This wrongful programming requires two major frauds against the American people: extremely harmful sexual repression at childhood and full dominance and manipulation of all Alpha-level media. Both have been made totally "normalized" in America through powerful political conformist subconscious propaganda. The gatekeepers of this peer-pressure fraud all gather at the Bohemian Grove to sacrifice effigies of children to the god Mo-Loch. Truth has literally been sacrificed at the alter of political power through the illusion of political conflict. Enormous dis-information and attitude propaganda has been advanced to protect this fraud of the elite. But millions of Americans are now aware of this fraud on the subconscious level. Through patriotic vigilance and education, they can be fully deprogrammed.

What may appear utterly amazing to you, sophisticated sexual ethics needs to be indoctrinated in early childhood by real parents, just as Freud and others fully cured many forms of neurosis resulting from Victorian era sexual repression. But neurosis imposed by mass media programming is now universally ignored and is routinely blamed on parents as an indicator of "sex abuse." This is why early sex education is so profoundly important in today's environment of total sexual repression and ignorance. This is a non-judgmental process of empowerment where children are never traumatized by sexual conduct. Freud proved that sexual ethics was a normal and necessary part of early childhood and now television and wrongful government takes this away from them. What these mesmerists today do not want you to know, is that Victorian sexual repression has made a full comeback for the purpose of mass media programming.

By keeping your children sexually ignorant for prolonged periods, the wrongful programmers are programming them for wrongful political manipulation. Sophisticated sexual development is literally replaced by media programming and this is fully "normalized" in targeted groups. This is why the elite have built a tremendous emotional fog around this entire subject. They don't want you to know that sexual repression at childhood is the very foundation of their wrongful authority. That is why they burn effigies of children at the Bohemian Grove. This is also why those at the Bohemian Grove may appear so "parental" to you. Thus, Disney is de-sexing your children so that later programming can sexually manipulate them into this wrongful power system. These are powerful mesmerists who manipulate sexually repressed children with theatre, sex, drugs and usury and nothing more! Their power is all based on a basic Nazi scam of childhood sexual repression and the destruction of real parents.

View actual footage: The Top Republican Establishment Sacrifice Children through Rituals at the Bohemian Grove

To fully understand the function of such cults, one must fully understand subconscious programming and its profound impact on the human mind. It is necessary to fully understand how all fire can now serve wrongful government.

"Theatre is a hammer."---Bertolt Brecht

We are all led to believe that popular culture evolves with society. Yet we now know that the opposite is the truth: popular culture builds society's collective unconscious, fully shaping society itself. Your secret federal government has been fully aware of this for decades. Tavistock and the CIA have been programming you for the demonic terrorist myth and "parental government" for generations. Alfred Hitchcock was specifically employed by Tavistock and the CIA to develop powerful deep programming of Freudian sexual symbolism in close proximity to violence for effective "crowd control" terror programming.

As pro-parent programming was quite common in the 1950s, today it is non-existent. Pro-family programming has been replaced by psychic violence, both real and promulgated, which builds the "need" for more and more bureaucratic parents. These bureaucrats are fully programmed as marionettes serving the elite cult's agenda of eugenics and wrongful authority. As television depicts parents as idiots over and over again, this deeply programs parents in the "demonic" region of your mind so you accept the "need" for a British nanny state. This is no passive "cultural transformation." This is highly active cultural engineering which makes the agenda and bigotries of a very small elite obvious to anyone who would look. Bureaucrats soon take on these bigotries. As psychic violence is powerful emotional contagion at the subconscious level, it serves to break up countless families for eugenics population control. The subconscious understanding of power is then fully enforced to support the top-down death cult power system. Their agenda is endless war and population control through eugenics, using the non-elite to die and pay for it.

As the study of comic books in Congress seems "peculiar" to us, it most certainly is not peculiar to top psychologists. The fact that the federal government has been silent on deep programming is very disturbing indeed. They will certainly not be silent about those who would expose this massive fraud, they will label them as "terrorists." Deep programming of violence has been fully advanced to alienate real parents and falsely empower bureaucrats through a totalitarian mythic system which is fueled by terror. All deep programmers know that violence begets violence, and a government silent on this issue is a very dangerous government indeed. Pandering to the public through pornography, drugs and usury also serves "emotional heat" under families which serve the eugenics elite death cult. Destruction of the traditional family is their goal and they must do so through highly duplicitous programming. This wrongful programming was simultaneously the mission of "behavioral science." Secret bureaucrats are the real programmers and they have all gathered at the Bohemian Grove death cult for decades!

You will soon find out, that sexual repression is not tolerated at the Bohemian Grove. This most powerful weapon of war is never applied to the elite.

As your popular culture evolves toward more and more demoralization, violence, drugs and sex, your secret federal government is shaping your entire culture for its own purposes using these same control devices as Tavistock "crowd control" devices. These are powerfully programmed as coming only from demonic "individuals." Through sexual repression and mass media, they are fully shaping society for Pavlov's bells. These many "demons" now function as actors on the government's broad stage of illusion as the true demon remains behind the curtain. Wrongful bureaucrats are now fully empowered to ring these bells and take full advantage of the "controlled chaos" which results. This wrongful programming has been very active in secretly shaping your entire culture in a very totalitarian manner in order to build a parental government mythic system. They now use these devices for full government manipulation, including in active eugenics operations and other false wars. They are literally driving the population into deeper and deeper delusion, all the while maintaining absolute power as mythical "parents." This scam has served eugenics so thoroughly, that entire minority groups are fully repressed from having real parents.

All these devices of demoralization destroy families and build the elite cult invisible to the rational mind, and one can only attribute this to "witchcraft," as the actual science that fully explains subconscious programming is fully repressed. By violating our Psychological Industrial Complex, the CIA actively did this. Those Freudians who denazified Europe were literally driven out of America or even killed. This wrongful authority over good science was then used against you through very powerful conformist control devices, most of which function at the subconscious level. To achieve this coup over your mind, the secret federal government first orchestrated a coup over your media as exposed by the Church Commission. This coup "just so happened" to be presided over by three generations of the Bush family, working through the CIA. Such is fully documented and obvious. So obvious, in fact, that you will fully understand how the "singularity" of absolute Mind Control is just around the corner. Your children will willingly walk right into it.

The mythic system of "parental government" is so very seductive that you accept this delusion as "patriotism." But this is still delusion and is in direct conflict with real parents and will create a nation of cyborgs--those who view our Constitution as a top-down power system. These top-down cyborgs will willfully enter into the "singularity" of absolute deception, as government builds the technology to do so and takes over your subconscious mind. Once the subconscious mind is conquered, you are a total slave. Theatre and reality will hold no distinction as we are collectively herded toward the ultimate "singularity" of a totalitarian delusion. By the mesmerist's magic, the population fully gazes at the "stars" and becomes fully unaware that their Constitution's power system is at their feet. Real parents become in direct conflict with the many cults which secretly serve the elite cult of "parental government." Only the intelligent parent will see that such seduction of his children will result in their utter demise.

Many top technology experts and neuro-scientists estimate that the "singularity" of mind and machine may well be only 20 years away. Your secret federal government is fully positioning itself for this eventuality. No government on earth would allow "freedom" in such a realm of universal information. So all seduction into this realm will be mythical. Fully exposing the 9/11 scam may be our last chance to get our Constitution's power system back on solid ground. Literally, the very mind of America is being herded into a profound and ultimate delusion.

Building this mass delusion was the sole purpose of Mind Control for decades. Freud proved that universal neurosis was not only possible, but was fully historic. The drive toward universal neurosis fully explains our culture today and this neurosis requires programming and sexual repression at childhood. The many duplicitous devices of mesmerists destroy strong families and real patriots, and that is their true purpose. Yet such devices are fully sexed-up as good things. This massive peer-pressure fraud of subconscious programming has been on-going for decades so it is now fully normalized and fully historic. Like the Catholic Church, this programming requires near-draconian sexual repression at childhood. It requires the coupling of the "sacred" with the "demonic" in a mythic system which fully manipulates childhood sexuality. Freud proved that terror programming will build an unpleasure principle, which is a form of intellectual blindness. A multiplicity of permanent records in the subconscious mind of the child fully serves to dominate associations with terror to the demonic individual, making government terror invisible to the mind. Childhood sexuality being made fully taboo for parents is then secretly encoded for wrongful government manipulation. Parents who live in the fond delusion that children are not sexual are profoundly negligent, as their child's sexuality is being used against them.

By inverting the parental duty and giving it to the state through powerful conformist propaganda and emotional contagion, the government then sets up children to be programmed on a massive scale. This mythic system is then developed through mind-numbing repetition in mass media, as sexually repressed children fully fall for it. Such a mythic system has been carefully crafted in film and television to present the recurring themes of parental government in a titanic struggle with the "demonic" individual, building powerful subconscious terror programming. But very few people will know where such demonization of the individual will eventually lead. Through this totalitarian mythic system, wrongful government always reserves the right to apply this demonic curse to absolutely anyone. This curse now applies to good parents and good patriots everywhere, not just to "terrorists." We are literally never programmed to see who the real demons really are. This intellectual blindness builds a demonic, invisible government and is the whole point of Nazi Mind Control. Government is then empowered to become the real demon invisible to your rational mind, as your emotional mind is fully loaded to fall for this scam.

In order for this media programming to work effectively, children are held in sexual ignorance for prolonged periods which hinders their mental abilities to distinguish fact from fiction. Freud called this the retardation of children away from the reality principle which protects them from real world dangers. These children then "fall in love" with a variety of mesmerist manipulators who program them for wrongful authority. This imposed sexual ignorance sets children up for emotional programming into powerful mythic systems. Such sexually repressed cyborgs who gaze at the stars will never question the "elite cult" at the very top of their government, because they will live their entire lives in profound delusion that such a cult is "parental." Even "political conflict" will be a myth, as the true power system is never exposed. After all, the many themes of seduction empowering your "parental government" will literally be fully ingrained into your subconscious mind and such programming is everywhere in your popular media, if you would only look. You literally cannot ask if the fire is real or promulgated. In the realm of totalitarian political theatre, it doesn't really matter. Thus, the 9/11 fraud will keep happening to drive us all as cattle.

You may then ask, what if "real" terrorists attack us? Such a possibility is extremely high given the atrocities now committed everywhere in the name of our country, and is, indeed, hoped for by our wrongful programmers. They are expecting the engine of terrorism to run forever through the normalization of "war logic" being applied to virtually all crimes. Our Founding Fathers knew this war logic to be treasonous, as the normalization of many CIA wars is fundamentally unconstitutional. These were unconstitutional wars to begin with. We require real courts to see this obvious treason.

But such a delusion of "parental authority" in government requires the destruction of millions of real parents. Real parents both intellectually and emotionally do not want to raise deluded children. Those parents who know the most about this wrongful programming become "enemies of the state," and their children are stolen and threatened by a near totalitarian ignorance of wrongful authority advanced by this powerful, 21st Century force of unconscious propaganda. Keeping children programmable is now a powerful subconscious force programmed into many, many false parents. Massive parental alienation of the most enlightened parents will become fully normalized. The sacred duty of parents to protect their children through effective sex education will utterly disappear, as these children become top-down cyborgs following the commands of false gods in the stars. They literally have no idea that such delusion will utterly destroy them. We now must demand justice for our children by educating and establishing the exceptional patriots who fully understand this Mind Control coup over our Constitution. Such education can now easily occur in a real court of law.

In April of 1987 Dr. C. Everett Koop, the Surgeon General of the United States, said that AIDS is a growing menace to the nation's children and reiterated his call for early sex education as part of the general effort to halt its spread. The failure of many parents to instill an objective understanding of basic sexuality in their children is a critical issue for our national government. But what if keeping children ignorant about sex is a secret and ongoing mission by our national government? What if parents are routinely criminalized for it in secret, underground courts all paid for by federal funds? What if this is a well-documented deal involving millions of families and other nations where "population control" and "welfare reform" are the euphemisms used by polite people in government to talk about illegal child trafficking? Trafficking that requires, above all, learned ignorance about sex imposed harshly by bureaucrats? As adults, we must collectively "learn" that children are not sexual, even though they are absolutely sexual by nature. But we are meant to "unlearn" this obvious truth so that our children can become politically indoctrinated. This means that any sex education that depicts children as sexual is not a health care issue, it's a crime. A necessary sacrifice of truth at the alter of absolute power. This is Republicanism 101. Or, have the Democrats adopted this insanity as well?

If we pretend that children are not sexual, we can easily destroy their families, traffic in them and reshape our world. We can even use child sexuality against their non-Republican parents. This can become the source of tremendous political power. The only thing this plan requires are millions of conditioned idiots. This conditioning is very much on-going.

"We are very sorry to keep you ignorant, but your innocence was very special to us. Now we don't like you any more."

The run-away rates of American teenagers in the most "conservative," mind-controlled communities stands at about 50% (these are only the children brave enough to escape their sexually repressed parents). Very few of these children will finish college unless they are first seduced by the Pentagon. The vast majority of these children will live their entire lives without seeing the relationship between family dysfunction and political power.

We now know that Walter Cronkite was a long-standing member of the Bohemian Grove sex and death cult. Yet, throughout the 50's, 60's and into the 70's, he was our collective "parent" who very effectively told us the lies that fully protected wrongful secret government atrocities. These lies included the Gulf of Tonkin "attacks," the Kennedy Assassination and many, many, propaganda stories all resulting in millions of deaths and a full repression of open and free democracy as directed by our Constitution. Because such government atrocities are never allowed in our media, most American now simply cannot believe them possible. This is a major crime against our Constitution.

Such "parental" star power now bypasses our own Congress, allowing wars to be launched by pure theatre alone. In fact, most or all popular media in this period is fully documented as being infiltrated by our secret federal government in order to advance lies and build powerful mythic systems. Such lies are now fully historic as a basic "parental government" scam which is ongoing throughout our mass media today. These many "parents" all serve the same mission as a North Korean dictator: building a personality cult of totalitarian deception, and they require the destruction of the most enlightened parents. They are all controlled assets of a singular, extra-constitutional programmer and they are criminally negligent. It's time to call a spade a spade.

Understand that what was really happening at ground zero on 9/11 would not have fooled our Founding Fathers. They were never programmed by Hollywood! Nor could they have anticipated the power of subconscious programming which has built the "parental government" power pyramid, reversing our Constitution. Such a pyramid emblem is now the logo of our secret government "Sun King" power system. They would have seen the events on that day as a federal fraud most decisively treasonous. It is profoundly irrational not to investigate our own government very acutely and with full authority, as the very negation of this investigation proves conspiracy against the full backdrop of reality and history. History proves these devices of political theatre have occurred over and over again. The destruction of this reality required the destruction of millions of children. If you cannot wake up to this fact, you are among the most retarded and dumbed-down population in earth's history. Presidents sitting with children for a prolonged period in order to build the illusion as a "parental figure," then declare war in the National Cathedral as a "religious figure" would have enraged our Founding Fathers! But the profound power of media theatre has over-charged the reality principle and fully served almost all Americans as "the facts of 911." This is a profound delusion which began in your childhood.

Many top U.S. corporations were employed to advance this vast mythic system of wrongful government. They employed very powerful subconscious mind programming for which good science can fully explain as a powerful seduction away from real parents. They are criminally negligent, as millions of U.S. children and families are destroyed for a mythic system which only serves a very small elite in perpetual power. A legal precedent in this area is now profoundly important for American children. Top professionals will testify that how our own government deprogrammed Nazi Germany is now necessary in America and is more critical than ever. Our children are being secretly indoctrinated into a very evil power system, the very same power system that our Founding Fathers opposed. The Kinder laden program and other early sex education programs in post-war Germany and Austria are now necessary for American children. It is now critical that our children be educated in a timely fashion about real power systems so as to protect them from false or mythical power systems and educated parents now understand this fact. Direct parallels with Nazi Germany are now obvious. Most Alpha-level Mind Control requires sexual repression at childhood so that our children can be wrongfully programmed "to gaze at the stars" and this is a tremendous crime. This effect of sexual repression fully serves the wrongful programmer and is not "innocence." It's time to wake up!

View the YouTube video: History of Eugenics and the plan for World Domination

The elite cannot possibly accomplish this parental and constitutional coup legally, due to obvious rational arguments, so they will require powerful cultural shaping methods employed through Mind Control over generations to manipulate the irrational subconscious mind. Enter Tavistock. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against their parents and the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. This process will favor war, violence and bureaucrats over parents. Ultimately, the "Sun King" power system will then be put in place where wrongful authority will function as a psychologically blinding authority, allowed to carry out all atrocities fully invisibly. In this regard, the Committee commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as the "Aquarian Conspiracy".---Targets of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300 By Dr. John Coleman.

Our secret federal government has long been involved in building and controlling the many cults that fully attract and manipulate our children. These cults are all controlled by the corporations under the elite cult's control and all serve the precise same function as North Korea's "personality cult" and the exceptional patriot will begin to understand why. Such cults are fully themed and programmed as top-down power systems to serve the elite cult in perpetual power and reverse the Constitution's power system. This conspiracy is now easy to prove! It is so obvious that you will not see the forest for the trees. Such a grand deception can be reversed in a real court of law!

An American jury of true patriots can now be fully deprogrammed to understand the "parental government" brainwashing and how it has destroyed millions of real children and real parents. This deprogramming process will fully expose 9/11 as a federal treason of the highest order.

Understand that those who truly understand subconscious programming live in a world very different from most, it's called reality and it is a constitutional requirement! But an intelligent American jury can now be so enlightened to all the devices of Mind Control that they also can enter into this precious realm of truth. This jury will soon become furious at their government by examining their own programmed emotions! Please also understand that the 911 Truth Movement comprises millions of Americans, many of the best and brightest patriots in the land. We have been called crazy and our families have been attacked. If we are crazy, we demand proof based on real science and not emotion-based propaganda.

Join the Duquesne University Truth Symposium on the 1960s Assassinations

My Family's Bedford, Pennsylvania Case: The Nazification of American Children is no myth.

View the definition of Kleptocracy: the government that steals everything, steals children first.

Psy-Ops experts are telling us there are over 1,000 covert operations now controlling U.S. media.

Stop the Big Media Mind Control Machine

"Those who question the ways and means of government mythic systems are the true patriots." --Robert Lukehart

By promoting RobertsCourt.com, we are promoting the awareness of the Mind Control programming which has made the 9/11 fraud possible and ongoing. Now Hollywood effects are fully accepted as "real." This is because your subconscious mind has been fully programmed to accept this myth. This mythic system then over-rides your rational mind. This is profoundly important for parents to understand. Your subconscious mind represents 99% of your mind and this mind is not rational! As such, your entire belief system has been targeted and manipulated by an extra-constitutional elite for decades. As secret government works toward absolute singularity, the "Sun King" mythic system will utterly destroy the Constitution of the United States. Such Treason must be fully exposed using the correct terminology to explain a very primitive, subconscious power structure now being imposed on the American people. As these criminals of totalitarian deception attempt to fully Nazify my own children, I am demanding justice!

Please help us promote awareness of the psychology and constitutional violations behind the Nazification of American children.

Mind Control: The Perverted "Science" Now Ruling America.

911: The Real Matrix of Totalitarian Mind Control

The Bush Family Link to Nazi Eugenics, Mind Control

The "Black Widow" Programming that now Destroys millions of U.S. families

Tavistock: British Invasion "Depatterns" the American Family

Attend the War Crimes convention against George Bush.

What it will take to save millions of U.S. Children from Eugenics, CPS Fraud

MKULTRA Mind Control now used against Americans

Truth Rising: 50,000 Deaths from 911?

Truth Patriots: 9/11 Truth Internet Community

We now have top experts to explain how and why these massive buildings were "pulled" for full Mind Control effect on 911

My Family's Bedford, Pennsylvania Case: The Nazification of American Children

With so much evidence to suggest corruption, would our Founding Fathers be so intellectually blind not to question this building's collapse? The truth is, the intellectual blindness of 9/11 has been fully programmed into the American collective unconscious as a "Hollywood effect" which is now "real." This was deliberate subconscious programming employed for decades. Such omissions by Mockingbird media which is fully managed by the Bush's for generations, is criminal negligence of the highest order. This wrongful programming is profoundly important to understand, as the government's mythic system is a totalitarian deception. The super fortified command center for elite secret government, Building 7 is invisible to the rational minds of millions of Americans. Why? It was too enigmatic or problematic for "The Official 911 Report." Is this the "sun spot" which will fully expose our "Sun King" government of massive fraud? A jury of real American patriots will not fall for this deception! How did small fires far below the roof manage to collapse the roof building just before the entire building fell precisely as a controlled demolition? Thousands of small details are adding up to the truth about 9/11. But to the fully mind-controlled, even the obvious is fully deniable. Such is the power of Nazi Mind Control now used against the American people. We must find the fortitude, resolve and patriotism to fully expose this truth!

The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was less than a third of the size of Building seven, yet it withstood much greater destruction and never collapsed. In fact, no steel-structured building has ever collapsed due to fire before or after 9/11. You may be unable to view the obvious fact that Building Seven was imploded on 9/11 because you suffer from very powerful Mind Control.

Essentially, the construction of WTC 7 utilized traditional steel frame skeleton (uniformly spaced column and beam construction) which was later re-enforced as a bunker with $15 million renovations. It did not have the questionable bar joists and trusses used in the construction of the WTC 1 and 2 Towers. WTC 7 was not a "tube" building like the WTC Towers. It was a rectangular shape and was less than half the height of WTC 1 and 2.

Dr. Sunder stated for NIST that WTC 7 met all New York City codes. Yet, WTC 7 is the first steel high-rise building of traditional construction in the United States -- and the world, to completely collapse as a result of fire and these were small fires. According to the briefing given by Dr. Shyam Sunder on August 21, 2008, the collapse of WTC 7 was due to fire that was ignited by debris from another WTC building which was then fed by office paper and furnishings -- NOT the diesel fuel tank stored in the building by Giuliani and his Administration against the strong advice of the FDNY, NOT a plane, and apparently, as stated by Dr. Sunder, "there were no flaws with the construction of the building".

No flaws? How then did hundreds of key steel joints fail simultaneously, precisely as a controlled demolition requiring weeks of preparation? Not to mention hundreds of eye-witnesses stating that they were instructed to leave the area as the building had been imploded.

We don't know how the rest of the country is feeling about this news, but we are very scared! These findings suggest that ANY EXISTING building is prone to a progressive collapse if a fire should start and the sprinkler system fails for whatever reason -- regardless of how it starts! This is a distinct possibility, especially in earthquake prone areas where the water supplies can easily fail and the availability of firefighters is scarce or stretched very thin. If we had a "free" media, the fact that this country has thousands of buildings like Building 7 poised for sudden and inexplicable collapse would be a major news story!

The ultimate purpose of advocating for the $16 million to have NIST study this event was to determine how to make buildings safer in the future. But no improvements over this design is even suggested. If we are now to believe that any skyscraper is subject to total collapse from small fires, why isn't NIST emphasizing this impact on EXISTING buildings? The actual quality of spray-on fireproofing is a well-known problem throughout the country. NIST's report indicates that a complete burnout, without sprinkler system or fire department intervention, could lead to the complete collapse of ANY high-rise. NIST needs to rewrite its "new" recommendation B (5.12) and provide guidance for EXISTING buildings.

NIST should put the most important conclusion in plain English and announce it to the entire country: SMALL FIRES IN HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS CAN LEAD TO THEIR TOTAL COLLAPSE even as this has never before or since happened in history before 9/11. NIST also needs to be more aggressive with the code writing groups regarding this critical fact, communicating with them through a high-profile meeting that includes the Director of NIST and the leaders of these code groups. As for NIST, can anyone say Orwell on steroids?

Understanding Mind Control

The Nazification of American children requires a powerful Mind Control which is invisible to the rational mind. It is nonetheless everywhere in American culture, advanced illegally by our own government. We are all programmed to party and laugh at this truth, even as Nero laughed as Rome burned. It's time to wake up! Children are attacked by very sophisticated subliminal Alpha-level Mind Control devices very early in their development. This wrongful programming is fully documented as coming from the power elite who now advance false wars and steal our nation's wealth. Responsible parents will protect their children from such schemes with effective supervision and effective education. But the ignorance of this programming is now enforced by state bureaucrats in a draconian fashion to keep our children "programmable" for powerful Pentagon Mind Control. As fully programmed marionettes, they will call such preservation "innocence," as they actively Nazify these children for full sex-fear programming and destroy their families by the millions. These are profoundly evil and dumbed-down state cyborgs. We must sue those individuals, corporations and bureaucrats who are destroying the most fundamental parental duty of protecting our children from active fascist programming. Learn the truth!


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  2. Anonymous8:16 AM

    These are all cheap and been helpful for me.
    1)Cover thru nose to hypothalamus access with metal shoe horn and decorate with copper ground wire. Best held on with rubber band that fits you.
    2)V2K is hampered while wearing a cap by using copper mesh wrapped in tin foil. This should cover both TMJ areas and back of skull to restrict cerebellum entry. This should reach just above trap muscles.*
    3) Place an aluminum cookie sheet on top of couch or chair behind your head to hamper cerebellum entry. Also perps hate rocking chairs.
    4)If driving, place a CD holder for car visors on all visors with reflective side of CD's out and holder flipped toward sky. This hampers reading of forehead(PET scan)and blinds perps.
    5)Cover forehead or back of skull with a strip of t-shirt that has 3 in. diameter buttons decorated in copper ground wire and magnets then wrapped in tin foil. Can be covered with strip of silk.
    6)Add a surge protector to tv and cable box plug-ins for easy turn off when not in use. This should reduce ELF wave transmissions.
    7)To eliminate ions in area burn a candles or run an ionizer.
    8)Car heat deflector is useful to put behind car seat and head to hamper cerebellum entry.
    9)A case of aluminum can soft drinks is a good shield for wherever.
    10)Wearing gloves and not moving hands messes up their tactile ques and breaks down part of this hynosis.
    11) When attacked clapse hands behind your head covering cerebellum and bend elbows to cover TMJ areas and lean forward and look down. Practice this because they will try to block memory. Tilting head on a forty-five degree angle throws off forehead scan. Refuse the mark!
    *Bronze mesh is cheaper and 90% copper.
    May the Lord Jesus Christ shield and protect us all.
    "Because you have kept my order to be patient, I will also keep you safe from the time of trouble which is coming upon the whole world, to test all the people on the earth." Rev. 3:10 (TEV)

  3. Anonymous1:34 PM

    The brainwashing started in America in 1928, with Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud. Google: PROPAGANDA by Edward Bernays and read on-line.
    It was sooooooooooooooooooooo good that Joseph Goebbels used it in his Nazi Broadcasts.

    Propaganda (1928)

    by Edward Bernays

    [The] American business community was also very impressed with the propaganda effort. They had a problem at that time. The country was becoming formally more democratic. A lot more people were able to vote and that sort of thing. The country was becoming wealthier and more people could participate and a lot of new immigrants were coming in, and so on.
    So what do you do? It's going to be harder to run things as a private club. Therefore, obviously, you have to control what people think. There had been public relation specialists but there was never a public relations industry. There was a guy hired to make Rockefeller's image look prettier and that sort of thing. But this huge public relations industry, which is a U.S. invention and a monstrous industry, came out of the first World War. The leading figures were people in the Creel Commission. In fact, the main one, Edward Bernays, comes right out of the Creel Commission. He has a book that came out right afterwards called Propaganda. The term "propaganda," incidentally, did not have negative connotations in those days. It was during the second World War that the term became taboo because it was connected with Germany, and all those bad things. But in this period, the term propaganda just meant information or something like that. So he wrote a book called Propaganda around 1925, and it starts off by saying he is applying the lessons of the first World War. The propaganda system of the first World War and this commission that he was part of showed, he says, it is possible to "regiment the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments their bodies." These new techniques of regimentation of minds, he said, had to be used by the intelligent minorities in order to make sure that the slobs stay on the right course. We can do it now because we have these new techniques.
    This is the main manual of the public relations industry. Bernays is kind of the guru. He was an authentic Roosevelt/Kennedy liberal. He also engineered the public relations effort behind the U.S.-backed coup which overthrew the democratic government of Guatemala.
    His major coup, the one that really propelled him into fame in the late 1920s, was getting women to smoke. Women didn't smoke in those days and he ran huge campaigns for Chesterfield. You know all the techniques—models and movie stars with cigarettes coming out of their mouths and that kind of thing. He got enormous praise for that. So he became a leading figure of the industry, and his book was the real manual.

    —Noam Chomsky

    (From Chomsky's "What Makes Mainstream Media
    Mainstream": a talk at Z Media Institute, June 1997)
