Gay Republicans of Bedford County, Pennsylvania promote the renovations of the historic Bedford Springs Hotel as the true Gay White House and Seat of Barbaric Justice. Warning: Parents must educate, examine and enlighten their children against these sex predators. Please distribute - and share with your children - beware these sexual predators, esp. in neighborhoods that the Republican deviants reside in. After using Children and Youth to steal children through fraud, they are sending these children to military camps and farms, drugging them and creating thousands of false orphans, mind-controlled killers and sex mules. Since when are mind-controlled bureaucrats superior to parents? These Nazis are seeing dramatic results in population control and political power through broad destruction of the parental duty.
The Republican Nazi elite have advanced "war logic" over our Constitution for generations. What is "war logic?" War logic is basic deception and duplicitous force used and advanced by many CIA "tricks." When the CIA operates a $200-$300 billion dollar/year drug trade around the world, they simultaneously flood powerful drugs into targeted ghettos and minority neighborhoods in America. This trick then requires a "war on drugs" to demonize and destroy countless minority families. This trick serves eugenics. When the government actively destroys the economy of these same locations, it stresses the population and creates crime. A "war on crime" is then employed to imprison massive minority populations and the populations of political non-conformists to this fraud. This war serves eugenics. When the secret federal government stages fake terror attacks on American citizens and builds broad conformity to these lies by keeping all evidence out of real courts and thoroughly manipulating the press, this allows this fraudulent government to kill millions of innocent people around the world, enrich its political supporters, demonize its political opponents and utterly destroy our Constitution. This "war on terror" serves eugenics.
The following Republicans have been raised sexually repressed for brainwashing purposes. They are extremely dangerous to children because they never achieved sophisticated sexual ethics development from real parents and never knew about the parental duty of sex education:
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